public function test_CheckIfMethodComment_DoesNotContainHideAnnotation()
$annotation = '@not found here';
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->addObserver('API.DocumentationGenerator.@hello', function (&$hide) {
$hide = true;
$this->assertEquals(Proxy::getInstance()->shouldHideAPIMethod($annotation), false);
public function listAllAPI()
$view = new View("@API/listAllAPI");
$ApiDocumentation = new DocumentationGenerator();
$view->countLoadedAPI = Proxy::getInstance()->getCountRegisteredClasses();
$view->list_api_methods_with_links = $ApiDocumentation->getAllInterfaceString();
return $view->render();
* @internal
protected function loadDataTableFromAPI()
if (!is_null($this->dataTable)) {
// data table is already there
// this happens when setDataTable has been used
return $this->dataTable;
// we build the request (URL) to call the API
$request = $this->buildApiRequestArray();
$module = $this->requestConfig->getApiModuleToRequest();
$method = $this->requestConfig->getApiMethodToRequest();
$class = ApiRequest::getClassNameAPI($module);
$dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($class, $method, $request);
$response = new ResponseBuilder($format = 'original', $request);
$this->dataTable = $response->getResponse($dataTable, $module, $method);
* Dispatches the API request to the appropriate API method and returns the result
* after post-processing.
* Post-processing includes:
* - flattening if **flat** is 0
* - running generic filters unless **disable_generic_filters** is set to 1
* - URL decoding label column values
* - running queued filters unless **disable_queued_filters** is set to 1
* - removing columns based on the values of the **hideColumns** and **showColumns** query parameters
* - filtering rows if the **label** query parameter is set
* - converting the result to the appropriate format (ie, XML, JSON, etc.)
* If `'original'` is supplied for the output format, the result is returned as a PHP
* object.
* @throws PluginDeactivatedException if the module plugin is not activated.
* @throws Exception if the requested API method cannot be called, if required parameters for the
* API method are missing or if the API method throws an exception and the **format**
* query parameter is **original**.
* @return DataTable|Map|string The data resulting from the API call.
public function process()
// read the format requested for the output data
$outputFormat = strtolower(Common::getRequestVar('format', 'xml', 'string', $this->request));
// create the response
$response = new ResponseBuilder($outputFormat, $this->request);
$corsHandler = new CORSHandler();
try {
// read parameters
$moduleMethod = Common::getRequestVar('method', null, 'string', $this->request);
list($module, $method) = $this->extractModuleAndMethod($moduleMethod);
$module = $this->renameModule($module);
if (!\Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated($module)) {
throw new PluginDeactivatedException($module);
$apiClassName = $this->getClassNameAPI($module);
// call the method
$returnedValue = Proxy::getInstance()->call($apiClassName, $method, $this->request);
$toReturn = $response->getResponse($returnedValue, $module, $method);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
return $toReturn;
public function test_generateReport_CatchesIndividualReportProcessExceptions_WithoutFailingToGenerateWholeReport()
$realProxy = new Proxy();
$mockProxy = $this->getMock('Piwik\\API\\Proxy', array('call'));
$mockProxy->expects($this->any())->method('call')->willReturnCallback(function ($className, $methodName, $parametersRequest) use($realProxy) {
switch ($className) {
case '\\Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\API':
$result = new DataTable();
$result->addRowFromSimpleArray(array('label' => 'visits label', 'nb_visits' => 1));
return $result;
case '\\Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\API':
throw new \Exception("error");
case '\\Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\API':
$result = new DataTable();
$result->addRowFromSimpleArray(array('label' => 'referrers label', 'nb_visits' => 1));
return $result;
case '\\Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\API':
return $realProxy->call($className, $methodName, $parametersRequest);
throw new \Exception("Unexpected method {$className}::{$methodName}.");
$idReport = APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->addReport(1, '', Schedule::PERIOD_DAY, 0, ScheduledReports::EMAIL_TYPE, ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT, array('VisitsSummary_get', 'UserCountry_getCountry', 'Referrers_getWebsites'), array(ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_PARAMETER => ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_TABLES_ONLY));
$result = APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->generateReport($idReport, Date::factory('now')->toString(), $language = false, $outputType = APIScheduledReports::OUTPUT_RETURN);
$this->assertContains('id="VisitsSummary_get"', $result);
$this->assertContains('id="Referrers_getWebsites"', $result);
$this->assertNotContains('id="UserCountry_getCountry"', $result);
* Renders a report depending on the configured ViewDataTable see {@link configureView()} and
* {@link getDefaultTypeViewDataTable()}. If you want to customize the render process or just render any custom view
* you can overwrite this method.
* @return string
* @throws \Exception In case the given API action does not exist yet.
* @api
public function render()
$viewDataTable = Common::getRequestVar('viewDataTable', false, 'string');
$fixed = Common::getRequestVar('forceView', 0, 'int');
$module = $this->getModule();
$action = $this->getAction();
$apiProxy = Proxy::getInstance();
if (!$apiProxy->isExistingApiAction($module, $action)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid action name '{$module}' for '{$action}' plugin.");
$apiAction = $apiProxy->buildApiActionName($module, $action);
$view = ViewDataTableFactory::build($viewDataTable, $apiAction, $module . '.' . $action, $fixed);
return $view->render();
* Convenience method that creates and renders a ViewDataTable for a API method.
* @param string $apiAction The name of the API action (eg, `'getResolution'`).
* @param bool $controllerAction The name of the Controller action name that is rendering the report. Defaults
* to the `$apiAction`.
* @param bool $fetch If `true`, the rendered string is returned, if `false` it is `echo`'d.
* @throws \Exception if `$pluginName` is not an existing plugin or if `$apiAction` is not an
* existing method of the plugin's API.
* @return string|void See `$fetch`.
* @api
protected function renderReport($apiAction, $controllerAction = false)
$pluginName = $this->pluginName;
/** @var Proxy $apiProxy */
$apiProxy = Proxy::getInstance();
if (!$apiProxy->isExistingApiAction($pluginName, $apiAction)) {
throw new \Exception("Invalid action name '{$apiAction}' for '{$pluginName}' plugin.");
$apiAction = $apiProxy->buildApiActionName($pluginName, $apiAction);
if ($controllerAction !== false) {
$controllerAction = $pluginName . '.' . $controllerAction;
$view = ViewDataTableFactory::build(null, $apiAction, $controllerAction);
$rendered = $view->render();
return $rendered;
private function getAllApiMethods()
$result = array();
foreach (Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info) {
$moduleName = Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
foreach ($info as $methodName => $infoMethod) {
if ($this->shouldSkipApiMethod($moduleName, $methodName)) {
$result[] = array($class, $moduleName, $methodName);
return $result;
* Get a combined report of the *.get API methods.
public function get($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $columns = false)
$columns = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($columns);
// build columns map for faster checks later on
$columnsMap = array();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$columnsMap[$column] = true;
// find out which columns belong to which plugin
$columnsByPlugin = array();
$meta = \Piwik\Plugins\API\API::getInstance()->getReportMetadata($idSite, $period, $date);
foreach ($meta as $reportMeta) {
// scan all *.get reports
if ($reportMeta['action'] == 'get' && !isset($reportMeta['parameters']) && $reportMeta['module'] != 'API' && !empty($reportMeta['metrics'])) {
$plugin = $reportMeta['module'];
$allMetrics = array_merge($reportMeta['metrics'], @$reportMeta['processedMetrics'] ?: array());
foreach ($allMetrics as $column => $columnTranslation) {
// a metric from this report has been requested
if (isset($columnsMap[$column]) || empty($columnsMap)) {
$columnsByPlugin[$plugin][] = $column;
$mergedDataTable = false;
$params = compact('idSite', 'period', 'date', 'segment', 'idGoal');
foreach ($columnsByPlugin as $plugin => $columns) {
// load the data
$className = Request::getClassNameAPI($plugin);
$params['columns'] = implode(',', $columns);
$dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($className, 'get', $params);
$dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) {
// merge reports
if ($mergedDataTable === false) {
$mergedDataTable = $dataTable;
} else {
$merger = new MergeDataTables();
$merger->mergeDataTables($mergedDataTable, $dataTable);
if (!empty($columnsMap) && !empty($mergedDataTable)) {
$mergedDataTable->queueFilter('ColumnDelete', array(false, array_keys($columnsMap)));
return $mergedDataTable;
* Get a combined report of the *.get API methods.
public function get($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $columns = false)
$columns = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($columns);
// build columns map for faster checks later on
$columnsMap = array();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$columnsMap[$column] = true;
// find out which columns belong to which plugin
$columnsByPlugin = array();
$meta = \Piwik\Plugins\API\API::getInstance()->getReportMetadata($idSite, $period, $date);
foreach ($meta as $reportMeta) {
// scan all *.get reports
if ($reportMeta['action'] == 'get' && !isset($reportMeta['parameters']) && $reportMeta['module'] != 'API' && !empty($reportMeta['metrics'])) {
$plugin = $reportMeta['module'];
foreach ($reportMeta['metrics'] as $column => $columnTranslation) {
// a metric from this report has been requested
if (isset($columnsMap[$column]) || empty($columnsMap)) {
$columnsByPlugin[$plugin][] = $column;
$mergedDataTable = false;
$params = compact('idSite', 'period', 'date', 'segment', 'idGoal');
foreach ($columnsByPlugin as $plugin => $columns) {
// load the data
$className = Request::getClassNameAPI($plugin);
$params['columns'] = implode(',', $columns);
$dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($className, 'get', $params);
// make sure the table has all columns
$array = $dataTable instanceof DataTable\Map ? $dataTable->getDataTables() : array($dataTable);
foreach ($array as $table) {
// we don't support idSites=all&date=DATE1,DATE2
if ($table instanceof DataTable) {
$firstRow = $table->getFirstRow();
if (!$firstRow) {
$firstRow = new Row();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
if ($firstRow->getColumn($column) === false) {
$firstRow->setColumn($column, 0);
// merge reports
if ($mergedDataTable === false) {
$mergedDataTable = $dataTable;
} else {
$this->mergeDataTables($mergedDataTable, $dataTable);
return $mergedDataTable;
public function tearDown()
// reset that value after the test
* Dispatches the API request to the appropriate API method and returns the result
* after post-processing.
* Post-processing includes:
* - flattening if **flat** is 0
* - running generic filters unless **disable_generic_filters** is set to 1
* - URL decoding label column values
* - running queued filters unless **disable_queued_filters** is set to 1
* - removing columns based on the values of the **hideColumns** and **showColumns** query parameters
* - filtering rows if the **label** query parameter is set
* - converting the result to the appropriate format (ie, XML, JSON, etc.)
* If `'original'` is supplied for the output format, the result is returned as a PHP
* object.
* @throws PluginDeactivatedException if the module plugin is not activated.
* @throws Exception if the requested API method cannot be called, if required parameters for the
* API method are missing or if the API method throws an exception and the **format**
* query parameter is **original**.
* @return DataTable|Map|string The data resulting from the API call.
public function process()
// read the format requested for the output data
$outputFormat = strtolower(Common::getRequestVar('format', 'xml', 'string', $this->request));
// create the response
$response = new ResponseBuilder($outputFormat, $this->request);
$corsHandler = new CORSHandler();
$tokenAuth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', '', 'string', $this->request);
$shouldReloadAuth = false;
try {
// read parameters
$moduleMethod = Common::getRequestVar('method', null, 'string', $this->request);
list($module, $method) = $this->extractModuleAndMethod($moduleMethod);
list($module, $method) = self::getRenamedModuleAndAction($module, $method);
$apiClassName = self::getClassNameAPI($module);
if ($shouldReloadAuth = self::shouldReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($this->request)) {
$access = Access::getInstance();
$tokenAuthToRestore = $access->getTokenAuth();
$hadSuperUserAccess = $access->hasSuperUserAccess();
// call the method
$returnedValue = Proxy::getInstance()->call($apiClassName, $method, $this->request);
$toReturn = $response->getResponse($returnedValue, $module, $method);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
if ($shouldReloadAuth) {
$this->restoreAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenAuthToRestore, $hadSuperUserAccess);
return $toReturn;
public function tearDown()
* Given a list of default parameters to set, returns the URLs of APIs to call
* If any API was specified in $this->apiNotToCall we ensure only these are tested.
* If any API is set as excluded (see list below) then it will be ignored.
* @param array $parametersToSet Parameters to set in api call
* @param array $formats Array of 'format' to fetch from API
* @param array $periods Array of 'period' to query API
* @param bool $supertableApi
* @param bool $setDateLastN If set to true, the 'date' parameter will be rewritten to query instead a range of dates, rather than one period only.
* @param bool|string $language 2 letter language code, defaults to default piwik language
* @param bool|string $fileExtension
* @throws Exception
* @return array of API URLs query strings
protected function generateUrlsApi($parametersToSet, $formats, $periods, $supertableApi = false, $setDateLastN = false, $language = false, $fileExtension = false)
// Get the URLs to query against the API for all functions starting with get*
$skipped = $requestUrls = array();
$apiMetadata = new DocumentationGenerator();
foreach (Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info) {
$moduleName = Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
foreach ($info as $methodName => $infoMethod) {
$apiId = $moduleName . '.' . $methodName;
// If Api to test were set, we only test these
if (!empty($this->apiToCall) && in_array($moduleName, $this->apiToCall) === false && in_array($apiId, $this->apiToCall) === false) {
$skipped[] = $apiId;
} elseif (strpos($methodName, 'get') !== 0 && $methodName != 'generateReport' || in_array($moduleName, $this->apiNotToCall) === true || in_array($apiId, $this->apiNotToCall) === true || $methodName == 'getLogoUrl' || $methodName == 'getSVGLogoUrl' || $methodName == 'hasSVGLogo' || $methodName == 'getHeaderLogoUrl') {
// Excluded modules from test
$skipped[] = $apiId;
foreach ($periods as $period) {
$parametersToSet['period'] = $period;
// If date must be a date range, we process this date range by adding 6 periods to it
if ($setDateLastN) {
if (!isset($parametersToSet['dateRewriteBackup'])) {
$parametersToSet['dateRewriteBackup'] = $parametersToSet['date'];
$lastCount = (int) $setDateLastN;
if ($setDateLastN === true) {
$lastCount = 6;
$firstDate = $parametersToSet['dateRewriteBackup'];
$secondDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$lastCount} " . $period . "s", strtotime($firstDate)));
$parametersToSet['date'] = $firstDate . ',' . $secondDate;
// Set response language
if ($language !== false) {
$parametersToSet['language'] = $language;
// set idSubtable if subtable API is set
if ($supertableApi !== false) {
$request = new Request(array('module' => 'API', 'method' => $supertableApi, 'idSite' => $parametersToSet['idSite'], 'period' => $parametersToSet['period'], 'date' => $parametersToSet['date'], 'format' => 'php', 'serialize' => 0));
// find first row w/ subtable
$content = $request->process();
foreach ($content as $row) {
if (isset($row['idsubdatatable'])) {
$parametersToSet['idSubtable'] = $row['idsubdatatable'];
// if no subtable found, throw
if (!isset($parametersToSet['idSubtable'])) {
throw new Exception("Cannot find subtable to load for {$apiId} in {$supertableApi}.");
// Generate for each specified format
foreach ($formats as $format) {
$parametersToSet['format'] = $format;
$parametersToSet['hideIdSubDatable'] = 1;
$parametersToSet['serialize'] = 1;
$exampleUrl = $apiMetadata->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
if ($exampleUrl === false) {
$skipped[] = $apiId;
// Remove the first ? in the query string
$exampleUrl = substr($exampleUrl, 1);
$apiRequestId = $apiId;
if (strpos($exampleUrl, 'period=') !== false) {
$apiRequestId .= '_' . $period;
$apiRequestId .= '.' . $format;
if ($fileExtension) {
$apiRequestId .= '.' . $fileExtension;
$requestUrls[$apiRequestId] = $exampleUrl;
return $requestUrls;
* Convenience method that creates and renders a ViewDataTable for a API method.
* @param string|\Piwik\Plugin\Report $apiAction The name of the API action (eg, `'getResolution'`) or
* an instance of an report.
* @param bool $controllerAction The name of the Controller action name that is rendering the report. Defaults
* to the `$apiAction`.
* @param bool $fetch If `true`, the rendered string is returned, if `false` it is `echo`'d.
* @throws \Exception if `$pluginName` is not an existing plugin or if `$apiAction` is not an
* existing method of the plugin's API.
* @return string|void See `$fetch`.
* @api
protected function renderReport($apiAction, $controllerAction = false)
if (empty($controllerAction) && is_string($apiAction)) {
$report = Report::factory($this->pluginName, $apiAction);
if (!empty($report)) {
$apiAction = $report;
if ($apiAction instanceof Report) {
return $apiAction->render();
$pluginName = $this->pluginName;
/** @var Proxy $apiProxy */
$apiProxy = Proxy::getInstance();
if (!$apiProxy->isExistingApiAction($pluginName, $apiAction)) {
throw new \Exception("Invalid action name '{$apiAction}' for '{$pluginName}' plugin.");
$apiAction = $apiProxy->buildApiActionName($pluginName, $apiAction);
if ($controllerAction !== false) {
$controllerAction = $pluginName . '.' . $controllerAction;
$view = ViewDataTableFactory::build(null, $apiAction, $controllerAction);
$rendered = $view->render();
return $rendered;
public function test_fetchSubtable_ShouldUseCorrectApiUrl()
PluginManager::getInstance()->loadPlugins(array('API', 'Referrers'));
$proxyMock = $this->getMock('stdClass', array('call', '__construct'));
$proxyMock->expects($this->once())->method('call')->with('\\Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\API', 'getSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', array('idSubtable' => 23, 'idSite' => 1, 'date' => '2012-01-02', 'format' => 'original', 'module' => 'API', 'method' => 'Referrers.getSearchEnginesFromKeywordId'))->willReturn("result");
$report = new \Piwik\Plugins\Referrers\Reports\GetKeywords();
$result = $report->fetchSubtable(23, array('idSite' => 1, 'date' => '2012-01-02'));
$this->assertEquals("result", $result);
public function tearDown()
* Renders a report depending on the configured ViewDataTable see {@link configureView()} and
* {@link getDefaultTypeViewDataTable()}. If you want to customize the render process or just render any custom view
* you can overwrite this method.
* @return string
* @throws \Exception In case the given API action does not exist yet.
* @api
public function render()
$apiProxy = Proxy::getInstance();
if (!$apiProxy->isExistingApiAction($this->module, $this->action)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid action name '{$this->action}' for '{$this->module}' plugin.");
$apiAction = $apiProxy->buildApiActionName($this->module, $this->action);
$view = ViewDataTableFactory::build(null, $apiAction, $this->module . '.' . $this->action);
$rendered = $view->render();
return $rendered;
* Returns the methods $class.$name parameters (and default value if provided) as a string.
* @param string $class The class name
* @param string $name The method name
* @return string For example "(idSite, period, date = 'today')"
public function getParametersString($class, $name)
$aParameters = Proxy::getInstance()->getParametersList($class, $name);
$asParameters = array();
foreach ($aParameters as $nameVariable => $defaultValue) {
// Do not show API parameters starting with _
// They are supposed to be used only in internal API calls
if (strpos($nameVariable, '_') === 0) {
$str = $nameVariable;
if (!$defaultValue instanceof NoDefaultValue) {
if (is_array($defaultValue)) {
$str .= " = 'Array'";
} else {
$str .= " = '{$defaultValue}'";
$asParameters[] = $str;
$sParameters = implode(", ", $asParameters);
return "({$sParameters})";
protected function callApiAndReturnDataTable($apiModule, $method, $request)
$class = Request::getClassNameAPI($apiModule);
$request = $this->manipulateSubtableRequest($request);
$request['serialize'] = 0;
$request['expanded'] = 0;
// don't want to run recursive filters on the subtables as they are loaded,
// otherwise the result will be empty in places (or everywhere). instead we
// run it on the flattened table.
$dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($class, $method, $request);
$response = new ResponseBuilder($format = 'original', $request);
$dataTable = $response->getResponse($dataTable);
if (Common::getRequestVar('disable_queued_filters', 0, 'int', $request) == 0) {
if (method_exists($dataTable, 'applyQueuedFilters')) {
return $dataTable;