public function __construct($offerClass, $offerItemClass, $parentFolderPath)
$this->offerClass = $offerClass;
$this->offerItemClass = $offerItemClass;
$this->parentFolderPath = strftime($parentFolderPath, time());
public function copyAction()
$success = false;
$message = "";
$sourceId = intval($this->getParam("sourceId"));
$source = Object::getById($sourceId);
$session = Tool\Session::get("pimcore_copy");
$targetId = intval($this->getParam("targetId"));
if ($this->getParam("targetParentId")) {
$sourceParent = Object::getById($this->getParam("sourceParentId"));
// this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists
if ($session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"]) {
$targetParent = Object::getById($session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"]);
} else {
$targetParent = Object::getById($this->getParam("targetParentId"));
$targetPath = preg_replace("@^" . $sourceParent->getFullPath() . "@", $targetParent . "/", $source->getPath());
$target = Object::getByPath($targetPath);
} else {
$target = Object::getById($targetId);
if ($target->isAllowed("create")) {
$source = Object::getById($sourceId);
if ($source != null) {
try {
if ($this->getParam("type") == "child") {
$newObject = $this->_objectService->copyAsChild($target, $source);
$session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["idMapping"][(int) $source->getId()] = (int) $newObject->getId();
// this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists
if ($this->getParam("saveParentId")) {
$session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"] = $newObject->getId();
} else {
if ($this->getParam("type") == "replace") {
$this->_objectService->copyContents($target, $source);
$success = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$success = false;
$message = $e->getMessage() . " in object " . $source->getFullPath() . " [id: " . $source->getId() . "]";
} else {
\Logger::error("could not execute copy/paste, source object with id [ {$sourceId} ] not found");
$this->_helper->json(array("success" => false, "message" => "source object not found"));
} else {
\Logger::error("could not execute copy/paste because of missing permissions on target [ " . $targetId . " ]");
$this->_helper->json(array("error" => false, "message" => "missing_permission"));
$this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success, "message" => $message));
* Prepare a Cart
* @return CoreShopCart
* @throws \Exception
public static function prepare()
$cartsFolder = Service::createFolderByPath("/coreshop/carts/" . date("Y/m/d"));
$cart = CoreShopCart::create();
if (Tool::getUser() instanceof CoreShopUser) {
return $cart;
* Create a new Payment
* @param Payment $provider
* @param $amount
* @return Object\CoreShopPayment
* @throws \Exception
public function createPayment(Payment $provider, $amount)
$payment = new Object\CoreShopPayment();
$payment->setParent(Object\Service::createFolderByPath($this->getFullPath() . "/payments/"));
return $payment;
* @param $id
* @return mixed|null|CustomLayout
* @throws \Exception
public static function getById($id)
if ($id === null) {
throw new \Exception("CustomLayout id is null");
$cacheKey = "customlayout_" . $id;
try {
$customLayout = \Zend_Registry::get($cacheKey);
if (!$customLayout) {
throw new \Exception("Custom Layout in registry is null");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
try {
$customLayout = new self();
\Zend_Registry::set($cacheKey, $customLayout);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return null;
return $customLayout;
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function getValueForFieldName($key)
if (isset($this->{$key})) {
return $this->{$key};
} elseif ($this->getClass()->getFieldDefinition($key) instanceof Model\Object\ClassDefinition\Data\CalculatedValue) {
$value = new Model\Object\Data\CalculatedValue($key);
$value = Service::getCalculatedFieldValue($this, $value);
return $value;
return false;
* @return void
public function findAction()
$user = $this->getUser();
$query = $this->getParam("query");
if ($query == "*") {
$query = "";
$query = str_replace("%", "*", $query);
$types = explode(",", $this->getParam("type"));
$subtypes = explode(",", $this->getParam("subtype"));
$classnames = explode(",", $this->getParam("class"));
if ($this->getParam("type") == "object" && is_array($classnames) && empty($classnames[0])) {
$subtypes = array("object", "variant", "folder");
$offset = intval($this->getParam("start"));
$limit = intval($this->getParam("limit"));
$offset = $offset ? $offset : 0;
$limit = $limit ? $limit : 50;
$searcherList = new Data\Listing();
$conditionParts = array();
$db = \Pimcore\Db::get();
//exclude forbidden assets
if (in_array("asset", $types)) {
if (!$user->isAllowed("assets")) {
$forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'asset' ";
} else {
$forbiddenAssetPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("asset", $user);
if (count($forbiddenAssetPaths) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenAssetPaths); $i++) {
$forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'asset' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] . "%") . ")";
$forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenAssetPaths);
//exclude forbidden documents
if (in_array("document", $types)) {
if (!$user->isAllowed("documents")) {
$forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'document' ";
} else {
$forbiddenDocumentPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("document", $user);
if (count($forbiddenDocumentPaths) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenDocumentPaths); $i++) {
$forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'document' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] . "%") . ")";
$forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenDocumentPaths);
//exclude forbidden objects
if (in_array("object", $types)) {
if (!$user->isAllowed("objects")) {
$forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'object' ";
} else {
$forbiddenObjectPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("object", $user);
if (count($forbiddenObjectPaths) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenObjectPaths); $i++) {
$forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'object' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] . "%") . ")";
$forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenObjectPaths);
if ($forbiddenConditions) {
$conditionParts[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $forbiddenConditions) . ")";
if (!empty($query)) {
$queryCondition = "( MATCH (`data`,`properties`) AGAINST (" . $db->quote($query) . " IN BOOLEAN MODE) )";
// the following should be done with an exact-search now "ID", because the Element-ID is now in the fulltext index
// if the query is numeric the user might want to search by id
//if(is_numeric($query)) {
//$queryCondition = "(" . $queryCondition . " OR id = " . $db->quote($query) ." )";
$conditionParts[] = $queryCondition;
//For objects - handling of bricks
$fields = array();
$bricks = array();
if ($this->getParam("fields")) {
$fields = $this->getParam("fields");
foreach ($fields as $f) {
$parts = explode("~", $f);
if (substr($f, 0, 1) == "~") {
// $type = $parts[1];
// $field = $parts[2];
// $keyid = $parts[3];
// key value, ignore for now
} else {
if (count($parts) > 1) {
$bricks[$parts[0]] = $parts[0];
// filtering for objects
if ($this->getParam("filter") && $this->getParam("class")) {
$class = Object\ClassDefinition::getByName($this->getParam("class"));
* @return void
public function findAction()
$user = $this->getUser();
$query = $this->getParam("query");
if ($query == "*") {
$query = "";
$query = str_replace("%", "*", $query);
$query = preg_replace("@([^ ])\\-@", "\$1 ", $query);
$types = explode(",", $this->getParam("type"));
$subtypes = explode(",", $this->getParam("subtype"));
$classnames = explode(",", $this->getParam("class"));
if ($this->getParam("type") == "object" && is_array($classnames) && empty($classnames[0])) {
$subtypes = ["object", "variant", "folder"];
$offset = intval($this->getParam("start"));
$limit = intval($this->getParam("limit"));
$offset = $offset ? $offset : 0;
$limit = $limit ? $limit : 50;
$searcherList = new Data\Listing();
$conditionParts = [];
$db = \Pimcore\Db::get();
//exclude forbidden assets
if (in_array("asset", $types)) {
if (!$user->isAllowed("assets")) {
$forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'asset' ";
} else {
$forbiddenAssetPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("asset", $user);
if (count($forbiddenAssetPaths) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenAssetPaths); $i++) {
$forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'asset' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] . "%") . ")";
$forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenAssetPaths);
//exclude forbidden documents
if (in_array("document", $types)) {
if (!$user->isAllowed("documents")) {
$forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'document' ";
} else {
$forbiddenDocumentPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("document", $user);
if (count($forbiddenDocumentPaths) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenDocumentPaths); $i++) {
$forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'document' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] . "%") . ")";
$forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenDocumentPaths);
//exclude forbidden objects
if (in_array("object", $types)) {
if (!$user->isAllowed("objects")) {
$forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'object' ";
} else {
$forbiddenObjectPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("object", $user);
if (count($forbiddenObjectPaths) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenObjectPaths); $i++) {
$forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'object' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] . "%") . ")";
$forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenObjectPaths);
if ($forbiddenConditions) {
$conditionParts[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $forbiddenConditions) . ")";
if (!empty($query)) {
$queryCondition = "( MATCH (`data`,`properties`) AGAINST (" . $db->quote($query) . " IN BOOLEAN MODE) )";
// the following should be done with an exact-search now "ID", because the Element-ID is now in the fulltext index
// if the query is numeric the user might want to search by id
//if(is_numeric($query)) {
//$queryCondition = "(" . $queryCondition . " OR id = " . $db->quote($query) ." )";
$conditionParts[] = $queryCondition;
//For objects - handling of bricks
$fields = [];
$bricks = [];
if ($this->getParam("fields")) {
$fields = $this->getParam("fields");
foreach ($fields as $f) {
$parts = explode("~", $f);
if (substr($f, 0, 1) == "~") {
// $type = $parts[1];
// $field = $parts[2];
// $keyid = $parts[3];
// key value, ignore for now
} elseif (count($parts) > 1) {
$bricks[$parts[0]] = $parts[0];
// filtering for objects
if ($this->getParam("filter") && $this->getParam("class")) {
$class = Object\ClassDefinition::getByName($this->getParam("class"));
// add Localized Fields filtering
* @param $id
* @throws \Exception
public function getObjectConcreteById($id)
try {
$object = Object::getById($id);
if ($object instanceof Object\Concrete) {
// load all data (eg. lazy loaded fields like multihref, object, ...)
$apiObject = Webservice\Data\Mapper::map($object, "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Object\\Concrete\\Out", "out");
return $apiObject;
throw new \Exception("Object with given ID (" . $id . ") does not exist.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
* @see Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataForEditmode
* @param array $data
* @param null|Model\Object\AbstractObject $object
* @return array
public function getDataForEditmode($data, $object = null)
$return = array();
$visibleFieldsArray = explode(",", $this->getVisibleFields());
$gridFields = (array) $visibleFieldsArray;
// add data
if (is_array($data) && count($data) > 0) {
foreach ($data as $metaObject) {
$object = $metaObject->getObject();
if ($object instanceof Object\Concrete) {
$columnData = Object\Service::gridObjectData($object, $gridFields);
foreach ($this->getColumns() as $c) {
$getter = "get" . ucfirst($c['key']);
$columnData[$c['key']] = $metaObject->{$getter}();
$return[] = $columnData;
return $return;
* @return mixed
public function getValueFromParent($key)
$parent = Object\Service::hasInheritableParentObject($this->getObject());
if (!empty($parent)) {
$containerGetter = "get" . ucfirst($this->fieldname);
$brickGetter = "get" . ucfirst($this->getType());
$getter = "get" . ucfirst($key);
if ($parent->{$containerGetter}()->{$brickGetter}()) {
return $parent->{$containerGetter}()->{$brickGetter}()->{$getter}();
return null;
public function objectbrickListAction()
$list = new Object\Objectbrick\Definition\Listing();
$list = $list->load();
if ($this->hasParam("class_id") && $this->hasParam("field_name")) {
$filteredList = [];
$classId = $this->getParam("class_id");
$fieldname = $this->getParam("field_name");
foreach ($list as $type) {
/** @var $type Object\Objectbrick\Definition */
$clsDefs = $type->getClassDefinitions();
if (!empty($clsDefs)) {
foreach ($clsDefs as $cd) {
if ($cd["classname"] == $classId && $cd["fieldname"] == $fieldname) {
$filteredList[] = $type;
$layout = $type->getLayoutDefinitions();
$list = $filteredList;
$returnValueContainer = new Model\Tool\Admin\EventDataContainer($list);
\Pimcore::getEventManager()->trigger("admin.class.objectbrickList.preSendData", $this, ["returnValueContainer" => $returnValueContainer, "objectId" => $this->getParam('object_id')]);
$this->_helper->json(["objectbricks" => $list]);
* @see Object_Class_Data::getDataForEditmode
* @param float $data
* @return float
public function getDataForEditmode($data, $object = null)
if ($data instanceof Model\Object\Data\CalculatedValue) {
$data = Model\Object\Service::getCalculatedFieldValueForEditMode($object, $data);
return $data;
* Fired before information is sent back to the admin UI about an element
* @param \Zend_EventManager_Event $e
* @throws \Exception
public static function adminElementGetPreSendData($e)
$element = self::extractElementFromEvent($e);
$returnValueContainer = $e->getParam('returnValueContainer');
$data = $returnValueContainer->getData();
//create a new namespace for WorkflowManagement
//set some defaults
$data['workflowManagement'] = ['hasWorkflowManagement' => false];
if (Workflow\Manager::elementCanAction($element)) {
$data['workflowManagement']['hasWorkflowManagement'] = true;
//see if we can change the layout
$currentUser = Admin::getCurrentUser();
$manager = Workflow\Manager\Factory::getManager($element, $currentUser);
$data['workflowManagement']['workflowName'] = $manager->getWorkflow()->getName();
//get the state and status
$state = $manager->getElementState();
$data['workflowManagement']['state'] = $manager->getWorkflow()->getStateConfig($state);
$status = $manager->getElementStatus();
$data['workflowManagement']['status'] = $manager->getWorkflow()->getStatusConfig($status);
if ($element instanceof ConcreteObject) {
$workflowLayoutId = $manager->getObjectLayout();
//check for !is_null here as we might want to specify 0 in the workflow config
if (!is_null($workflowLayoutId)) {
//load the new layout into the object container
$validLayouts = Object\Service::getValidLayouts($element);
//check that the layout id is valid before trying to load
if (!empty($validLayouts)) {
//todo check user permissions again
if ($validLayouts && $validLayouts[$workflowLayoutId]) {
$customLayout = ClassDefinition\CustomLayout::getById($workflowLayoutId);
$customLayoutDefinition = $customLayout->getLayoutDefinitions();
Object\Service::enrichLayoutDefinition($customLayoutDefinition, $e->getParam('object'));
$data["layout"] = $customLayoutDefinition;
* @param $shopConfigurations Object\OnlineShopConfiguration
public function import($shopConfigurations)
if ($shopConfigurations && !is_array($shopConfigurations)) {
$shopConfigurations = array($shopConfigurations);
$pageSize = 20;
$page = 0;
/** @var $shopConfiguration Object\OnlineShopConfiguration */
foreach ($shopConfigurations as $shopConfiguration) {
$importDirectory = $shopConfiguration->getTrustedShopReviewsimportDirectory();
$startTime = time();
if ($this->logToConsole) {
echo "Importing reviews for " . $shopConfiguration->getFullPath() . " ...\n";
/** @var $startDate Pimcore\Date */
$startDate = $shopConfiguration->getLastSync();
while (true) {
if ($this->logToConsole) {
echo "Page=" . $page . "\n";
$uri = "https://%s:%s@api.trustedshops.com/rest/restricted/v2/shops/%s/reviews.json?page=" . $page . "&size=" . $pageSize;
if ($startDate) {
$uri .= "&startDate=" . date('Y-m-d', $startDate->getTimestamp() - 3600 * 24 * 30);
//get ratins from last 30 days - for some reasons trusted shop sometimes dont show all ratings imediately
$uri = sprintf($uri, $shopConfiguration->getTrustedShopUser(), $shopConfiguration->getTrustedShopPassword(), $shopConfiguration->getTrustedShopKey());
if ($this->logToConsole) {
echo $uri . "\n";
$result = $this->client->request();
if ($result->getStatus() != 200) {
$this->logger->error("Status code " . $result->getStatus(), null, null, self::COMPONENT);
throw new \Exception("Status Code: " . $result->getStatus());
$body = $result->getBody();
$data = json_decode($body);
if (!$data) {
$this->logger->error("Could not decode data " . $body, null, null, self::COMPONENT);
throw new \Exception("Could not decode data");
$response = $data->response;
$data = $response->data;
$shop = $data->shop;
if ($shop->tsId != $shopConfiguration->getTrustedShopKey()) {
$this->logger->error("Tsid mismatch", null, null, self::COMPONENT);
throw new \Exception("Tsid mismatch");
$reviews = $shop->reviews;
foreach ((array) $reviews as $review) {
$uid = $review->UID;
$comment = $review->comment;
$criterias = $review->criteria;
$consumerEmail = $review->consumerEmail;
$mark = $review->mark;
$markDescription = $review->markDescription;
$orderReference = $review->orderReference;
$changeDate = $review->changeDate;
$creationDate = $review->creationDate;
$confirmationDate = $review->confirmationDate;
$changeDate = $changeDate ? strtotime($changeDate) : 0;
$creationDate = $creationDate ? strtotime($creationDate) : 0;
$confirmationDate = $confirmationDate ? strtotime($confirmationDate) : 0;
$fc = new Object\Fieldcollection();
foreach ($criterias as $criteria) {
$mark = $criteria->mark;
$criteriaMarkDescription = $criteria->markDescription;
$type = $criteria->type;
$item = new Object\Fieldcollection\Data\TrustedShopCriteria();
$reviewObject = $this->getReview($shopConfiguration, $uid, $consumerEmail, $creationDate);
$reviewObject->setReviewConfirmationDate(new Pimcore\Date($confirmationDate));
$reviewObject->setReviewCreationDate(new Pimcore\Date($creationDate));
$reviewObject->setReviewChangeDate(new Pimcore\Date($changeDate));
if (!$creationDate) {
$path = '/unknown';
} else {
$path = '/' . date('Y/m/d', $creationDate);
$path = $importDirectory . $path;
if ($this->logToConsole) {
echo "Saved review " . $reviewObject->getId() . " " . $reviewObject->getFullPath() . "\n";
public function paymentAction()
$this->view->provider = Plugin::getPaymentProviders($this->cart);
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$paymentProvider = reset($this->getParam("payment_provider", array()));
foreach ($this->view->provider as $provider) {
if ($provider->getIdentifier() == ${$paymentProvider}) {
$paymentProvider = $provider;
if (!$provider instanceof Payment) {
$this->view->error = "oh shit, not found";
} else {
$this->session->order['paymentProvider'] = $provider;
$order = new CoreShopOrder();
$order->setParent(Service::createFolderByPath('/coreshop/orders/' . date('Y/m/d')));
$order->setOrderDate(new \Zend_Date());
if ($this->session->order['shippingProvider'] instanceof Shipping) {
} else {
$this->session->orderId = $order->getId();
$this->_helper->viewRenderer($provider->processPayment($order, $this->view->url(array("action" => "paymentreturn"), "coreshop_checkout")), null, true);
* @param $keyId
* @param $groupId
* @param string $language
* @param bool|false $ignoreFallbackLanguage
* @return null
public function getLocalizedKeyValue($groupId, $keyId, $language = "default", $ignoreFallbackLanguage = false, $ignoreDefaultLanguage = false)
$oid = $this->object->getId();
$keyConfig = Model\Object\Classificationstore\DefinitionCache::get($keyId);
if ($keyConfig->getType() == "calculatedValue") {
$data = new Model\Object\Data\CalculatedValue($this->getFieldname());
$childDef = Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($keyConfig);
$data->setContextualData("classificationstore", $this->getFieldname(), null, $language, $groupId, $keyId, $childDef);
$data = Model\Object\Service::getCalculatedFieldValueForEditMode($this->getObject(), $data);
return $data;
$fieldDefinition = Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($keyConfig);
$language = $this->getLanguage($language);
$data = null;
if (array_key_exists($groupId, $this->items) && array_key_exists($keyId, $this->items[$groupId]) && array_key_exists($language, $this->items[$groupId][$keyId])) {
$data = $this->items[$groupId][$keyId][$language];
// check for fallback value
if ($fieldDefinition->isEmpty($data) && !$ignoreFallbackLanguage && self::doGetFallbackValues()) {
$data = $this->getFallbackValue($groupId, $keyId, $language, $fieldDefinition);
if ($fieldDefinition->isEmpty($data) && !$ignoreDefaultLanguage && $language != "default") {
$data = $this->items[$groupId][$keyId]["default"];
// check for inherited value
$doGetInheritedValues = AbstractObject::doGetInheritedValues();
if ($fieldDefinition->isEmpty($data) && $doGetInheritedValues) {
$object = $this->getObject();
$class = $object->getClass();
$allowInherit = $class->getAllowInherit();
if ($allowInherit) {
if ($object->getParent() instanceof AbstractObject) {
$parent = $object->getParent();
while ($parent && $parent->getType() == "folder") {
$parent = $parent->getParent();
if ($parent && ($parent->getType() == "object" || $parent->getType() == "variant")) {
if ($parent->getClassId() == $object->getClassId()) {
$method = "getLocalizedfields";
if (method_exists($parent, $method)) {
$getter = "get" . ucfirst($this->fieldname);
$classificationStore = $parent->{$getter}();
if ($classificationStore instanceof Classificationstore) {
if ($classificationStore->object->getId() != $this->object->getId()) {
$data = $classificationStore->getLocalizedKeyValue($groupId, $keyId, $language, false);
if ($fieldDefinition && method_exists($fieldDefinition, "preGetData")) {
$data = $fieldDefinition->preGetData($this, array("data" => $data, "language" => $language, "name" => $groupId . "-" . $keyId));
return $data;
public function replaceAssignmentsAction()
$success = false;
$message = "";
$element = Element\Service::getElementById($this->getParam("type"), $this->getParam("id"));
$sourceEl = Element\Service::getElementById($this->getParam("sourceType"), $this->getParam("sourceId"));
$targetEl = Element\Service::getElementById($this->getParam("targetType"), $this->getParam("targetId"));
if ($element && $sourceEl && $targetEl && $this->getParam("sourceType") == $this->getParam("targetType") && $sourceEl->getType() == $targetEl->getType()) {
$rewriteConfig = [$this->getParam("sourceType") => [$sourceEl->getId() => $targetEl->getId()]];
if ($element instanceof Document) {
$element = Document\Service::rewriteIds($element, $rewriteConfig);
} elseif ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) {
$element = Object\Service::rewriteIds($element, $rewriteConfig);
} elseif ($element instanceof Asset) {
$element = Asset\Service::rewriteIds($element, $rewriteConfig);
$success = true;
} else {
$message = "source-type and target-type do not match";
$this->_helper->json(["success" => $success, "message" => $message]);
public function correctPath()
// set path
if ($this->getId() != 1) {
// not for the root node
if ($this->getParentId() == $this->getId()) {
throw new \Exception("ParentID and ID is identical, an element can't be the parent of itself.");
$parent = AbstractObject::getById($this->getParentId());
if ($parent) {
// use the parent's path from the database here (getCurrentFullPath), to ensure the path really exists and does not rely on the path
// that is currently in the parent object (in memory), because this might have changed but wasn't not saved
$this->setPath(str_replace("//", "/", $parent->getCurrentFullPath() . "/"));
} else {
// parent document doesn't exist anymore, set the parent to to root
if (strlen($this->getKey()) < 1) {
$this->setKey("---no-valid-key---" . $this->getId());
throw new \Exception("Document requires key, generated key automatically");
} else {
if ($this->getId() == 1) {
// some data in root node should always be the same
if (Service::pathExists($this->getFullPath())) {
$duplicate = AbstractObject::getByPath($this->getFullPath());
if ($duplicate instanceof self and $duplicate->getId() != $this->getId()) {
throw new \Exception("Duplicate full path [ " . $this->getFullPath() . " ] - cannot save object");
if (strlen($this->getFullPath()) > 765) {
throw new \Exception("Full path is limited to 765 characters, reduce the length of your parent's path");
* returns a unique key for an element
* @param $element
* @return string
public static function getUniqueKey($element)
if ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) {
return Object\Service::getUniqueKey($element);
} elseif ($element instanceof Document) {
return Document\Service::getUniqueKey($element);
} elseif ($element instanceof Asset) {
return Asset\Service::getUniqueKey($element);