php Pimcore-Model-Object类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Pimcore-Model-Object 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
public function subscribeAction()
     $newsletter = new Newsletter("person");
     // replace "crm" with the class name you have used for your class above (mailing list)
     $params = $this->getAllParams();
     $this->view->success = false;
     if ($newsletter->checkParams($params)) {
         try {
             $params["parentId"] = 1;
             // default folder (home) where we want to save our subscribers
             $newsletterFolder = Model\Object::getByPath("/crm/newsletter");
             if ($newsletterFolder) {
                 $params["parentId"] = $newsletterFolder->getId();
             $user = $newsletter->subscribe($params);
             // user and email document
             // parameters available in the email: gender, firstname, lastname, email, token, object
             // ==> see mailing framework
             $newsletter->sendConfirmationMail($user, Model\Document::getByPath("/en/advanced-examples/newsletter/confirmation-email"), ["additional" => "parameters"]);
             // do some other stuff with the new user
             $user->setDateRegister(new \DateTime());
             $this->view->success = true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
  * Loads a list of entries for the specicifies parameters, returns an array of Search\Backend\Data
  * @return array
 public function load()
     $entries = array();
     $data = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM search_backend_data" . $this->getCondition() . $this->getGroupBy() . $this->getOrder() . $this->getOffsetLimit(), $this->model->getConditionVariables());
     foreach ($data as $entryData) {
         if ($entryData['maintype'] == 'document') {
             $element = Document::getById($entryData['id']);
         } else {
             if ($entryData['maintype'] == 'asset') {
                 $element = Asset::getById($entryData['id']);
             } else {
                 if ($entryData['maintype'] == 'object') {
                     $element = Object::getById($entryData['id']);
                 } else {
                     \Logger::err("unknown maintype ");
         if ($element) {
             $entry = new Search\Backend\Data();
             $entry->setId(new Search\Backend\Data\Id($element));
             $entry->setPublished($entryData['published'] === 0 ? false : true);
             $entries[] = $entry;
     return $entries;

作者:ascertai    项目:NGsho   
 * Set auth_PayerID - PayerID
 * @return string
 public function getAuth_PayerID()
     $data = $this->auth_PayerID;
     if (\Pimcore\Model\Object::doGetInheritedValues($this->getObject()) && $this->getDefinition()->getFieldDefinition("auth_PayerID")->isEmpty($data)) {
         return $this->getValueFromParent("auth_PayerID");
     return $data;

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
 * Set size - Size
 * @return string
 public function getSize()
     $data = $this->size;
     if (\Pimcore\Model\Object::doGetInheritedValues($this->getObject()) && $this->getDefinition()->getFieldDefinition("size")->isEmpty($data)) {
         return $this->getValueFromParent("size");
     return $data;

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
 * Set identificationShortId - IdentificationShortId
 * @return string
 public function getIdentificationShortId()
     $data = $this->identificationShortId;
     if (\Pimcore\Model\Object::doGetInheritedValues($this->getObject()) && $this->getDefinition()->getFieldDefinition("identificationShortId")->isEmpty($data)) {
         return $this->getValueFromParent("identificationShortId");
     return $data;

作者:Gerhard1    项目:pimcor   
  * Loads a list of objects for the specicifies parameters, returns an array of Object\AbstractObject elements
  * @return array
 public function load()
     $objects = array();
     $objectsData = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT o_id,o_type FROM objects" . $this->getCondition() . $this->getGroupBy() . $this->getOrder() . $this->getOffsetLimit(), $this->model->getConditionVariables());
     foreach ($objectsData as $objectData) {
         if ($object = Object::getById($objectData["o_id"])) {
             $objects[] = $object;
     return $objects;

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
  * Loads a list of objects for the specicifies parameters, returns an array of Object\AbstractObject elements
  * @return array
 public function load()
     // load id's
     $list = $this->loadIdList();
     $objects = array();
     foreach ($list as $o_id) {
         if ($object = Object::getById($o_id)) {
             $objects[] = $object;
     return $objects;

作者:Gerhard1    项目:pimcor   
  * Loads a list of objects for the specified parameters, returns an array of Object\AbstractObject elements
  * @return array 
 public function load()
     $objects = array();
     try {
         $field = $this->getTableName() . ".o_id";
         $sql = "SELECT " . $this->getSelectPart($field, $field) . " AS o_id,o_type FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "`" . $this->getJoins() . $this->getCondition() . $this->getGroupBy() . $this->getOrder() . $this->getOffsetLimit();
         $objectsData = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, $this->model->getConditionVariables());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->exceptionHandler($e);
     foreach ($objectsData as $objectData) {
         if ($object = Object::getById($objectData["o_id"])) {
             $objects[] = Object::getById($objectData["o_id"]);
     return $objects;

作者:cannoner    项目:pimcor   
public function batchAction()
     $success = true;
     try {
         $object = Object::getById($this->getParam("job"));
         if ($object) {
             $className = $object->getClassName();
             $class = Object\ClassDefinition::getByName($className);
             $value = $this->getParam("value");
             if ($this->getParam("valueType") == "object") {
                 $value = \Zend_Json::decode($value);
             $name = $this->getParam("name");
             $parts = explode("~", $name);
             if (substr($name, 0, 1) == "~") {
                 $type = $parts[1];
                 $field = $parts[2];
                 $keyid = $parts[3];
                 $getter = "get" . ucfirst($field);
                 $setter = "set" . ucfirst($field);
                 $keyValuePairs = $object->{$getter}();
                 if (!$keyValuePairs) {
                     $keyValuePairs = new Object\Data\KeyValue();
                 $keyValuePairs->setPropertyWithId($keyid, $value, true);
             } else {
                 if (count($parts) > 1) {
                     // check for bricks
                     $brickType = $parts[0];
                     $brickKey = $parts[1];
                     $brickField = Object\Service::getFieldForBrickType($object->getClass(), $brickType);
                     $fieldGetter = "get" . ucfirst($brickField);
                     $brickGetter = "get" . ucfirst($brickType);
                     $valueSetter = "set" . ucfirst($brickKey);
                     $brick = $object->{$fieldGetter}()->{$brickGetter}();
                     if (empty($brick)) {
                         $classname = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Object\\Objectbrick\\Data\\" . ucfirst($brickType);
                         $brickSetter = "set" . ucfirst($brickType);
                         $brick = new $classname($object);
                     $brickClass = Object\Objectbrick\Definition::getByKey($brickType);
                     $field = $brickClass->getFieldDefinition($brickKey);
                     $brick->{$valueSetter}($field->getDataFromEditmode($value, $object));
                 } else {
                     // everything else
                     $field = $class->getFieldDefinition($name);
                     if ($field) {
                         $object->setValue($name, $field->getDataFromEditmode($value, $object));
                     } else {
                         // check if it is a localized field
                         if ($this->getParam("language")) {
                             $localizedField = $class->getFieldDefinition("localizedfields");
                             if ($localizedField) {
                                 $field = $localizedField->getFieldDefinition($name);
                                 if ($field) {
                                     $object->{"set" . $name}($value, $this->getParam("language"));
                         // seems to be a system field, this is actually only possible for the "published" field yet
                         if ($name == "published") {
                             if ($value == "false" || empty($value)) {
                             } else {
             try {
                 // don't check for mandatory fields here
                 $success = true;
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->_helper->json(array("success" => false, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
         } else {
             \Logger::debug("ObjectController::batchAction => There is no object left to update.");
             $this->_helper->json(array("success" => false, "message" => "ObjectController::batchAction => There is no object left to update."));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->_helper->json(array("success" => false, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
     $this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success));

作者:emanuel-londo    项目:pimcor   
  * @param  Object\Concrete $object
  * @param  array $toDelete
  * @param  array $toAdd
  * @param  string $ownerFieldName
  * @return void
 protected function processRemoteOwnerRelations($object, $toDelete, $toAdd, $ownerFieldName)
     $getter = "get" . ucfirst($ownerFieldName);
     $setter = "set" . ucfirst($ownerFieldName);
     foreach ($toDelete as $id) {
         $owner = Object::getById($id);
         //TODO: lock ?!
         if (method_exists($owner, $getter)) {
             $currentData = $owner->{$getter}();
             if (is_array($currentData)) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentData); $i++) {
                     if ($currentData[$i]->getId() == $object->getId()) {
                         \Logger::debug("Saved object id [ " . $owner->getId() . " ] by remote modification through [" . $object->getId() . "], Action: deleted [ " . $object->getId() . " ] from [ {$ownerFieldName}]");
     foreach ($toAdd as $id) {
         $owner = Object::getById($id);
         //TODO: lock ?!
         if (method_exists($owner, $getter)) {
             $currentData = $owner->{$getter}();
             $currentData[] = $object;
             \Logger::debug("Saved object id [ " . $owner->getId() . " ] by remote modification through [" . $object->getId() . "], Action: added [ " . $object->getId() . " ] to [ {$ownerFieldName} ]");

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
  * @param $currentParentId
  * @param string $fields
  * @return array
 protected function buildTree($currentParentId, $fields = "", $parentIdGroups = null)
     if (!$parentIdGroups) {
         $object = Object::getById($currentParentId);
         $result = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT b.o_id AS id {$fields}, b.o_type AS type, b.o_parentId AS parentId, CONCAT(o_path,o_key) as fullpath FROM objects b LEFT JOIN " . $this->storetable . " a ON b.o_id = a." . $this->idField . " WHERE o_path LIKE ? GROUP BY b.o_id ORDER BY LENGTH(o_path) ASC", $object->getFullPath() . "/%");
         $objects = array();
         // group the results together based on the parent id's
         $parentIdGroups = [];
         foreach ($result as $r) {
             if (!isset($parentIdGroups[$r["parentId"]])) {
                 $parentIdGroups[$r["parentId"]] = [];
             $parentIdGroups[$r["parentId"]][] = $r;
     if (isset($parentIdGroups[$currentParentId])) {
         foreach ($parentIdGroups[$currentParentId] as $r) {
             $o = new \stdClass();
             $o->id = $r['id'];
             $o->values = $r;
             $o->type = $r["type"];
             $o->childs = $this->buildTree($r['id'], $fields, $parentIdGroups);
             $objects[] = $o;
     return $objects;

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
/** end point for object related data.
  * - get object by id
  *      GET http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/object/id/1281?apikey=[API-KEY]
  *      returns json-encoded object data.
  * - delete object by id
  *      DELETE http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/object/id/1281?apikey=[API-KEY]
  *      returns json encoded success value
  * - create object
  *      PUT or POST http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/object?apikey=[API-KEY]
  *      body: json-encoded object data in the same format as returned by get object by id
  *              but with missing id field or id set to 0
  *      returns json encoded object id
  * - update object
  *      PUT or POST http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/object?apikey=[API-KEY]
  *      body: same as for create object but with object id
  *      returns json encoded success value
  * @throws \Exception
 public function objectAction()
     $id = $this->getParam("id");
     $success = false;
     try {
         if ($this->isGet()) {
             if ($id) {
                 $profile = $this->getParam("profiling");
                 if ($profile) {
                     $startTs = microtime(true);
                 $object = Object::getById($id);
                 if (!$object) {
                     $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => false, "msg" => "Object does not exist", "code" => self::ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST));
                 if ($profile) {
                     $timeConsumedGet = round(microtime(true) - $startTs, 3) * 1000;
                     $startTs = microtime(true);
                 $this->checkPermission($object, "get");
                 if ($profile) {
                     $timeConsumedPerm = round(microtime(true) - $startTs, 3) * 1000;
                     $startTs = microtime(true);
                 if ($object instanceof Object\Folder) {
                     $object = $this->service->getObjectFolderById($id);
                 } else {
                     $object = $this->service->getObjectConcreteById($id);
                 if ($profile) {
                     $timeConsumedGetWebservice = round(microtime(true) - $startTs, 3) * 1000;
                 if ($profile) {
                     $profiling = array();
                     $profiling["get"] = $timeConsumedGet;
                     $profiling["perm"] = $timeConsumedPerm;
                     $profiling["ws"] = $timeConsumedGetWebservice;
                     $profiling["init"] = $this->timeConsumedInit;
                     $result = array("success" => true, "profiling" => $profiling, "data" => $object);
                 } else {
                     $result = array("success" => true, "data" => $object);
         } else {
             if ($this->isDelete()) {
                 $object = Object::getById($id);
                 if ($object) {
                     $this->checkPermission($object, "delete");
                 $success = $this->service->deleteObject($id);
                 $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => $success));
             } else {
                 if ($this->isPost() || $this->isPut()) {
                     $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
                     $data = \Zend_Json::decode($data);
                     $type = $data["type"];
                     $id = null;
                     if ($data["id"]) {
                         $obj = Object::getById($data["id"]);
                         if ($obj) {
                             $this->checkPermission($obj, "update");
                         $isUpdate = true;
                         if ($type == "folder") {
                             $wsData = self::fillWebserviceData("\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Object\\Folder\\In", $data);
                             $success = $this->service->updateObjectFolder($wsData);
                         } else {
                             $wsData = self::fillWebserviceData("\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Object\\Concrete\\In", $data);
                             $success = $this->service->updateObjectConcrete($wsData);
                     } else {
                         if ($type == "folder") {
                             $class = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Object\\Folder\\In";
                             $method = "createObjectFolder";
                         } else {
                             $class = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Object\\Concrete\\In";
                             $method = "createObjectConcrete";

作者:rolandstol    项目:pimcor   
 public function restore()
     $raw = file_get_contents($this->getStoreageFile());
     $element = Serialize::unserialize($raw);
     // check for element with the same name
     if ($element instanceof Document) {
         $indentElement = Document::getByPath($element->getFullpath());
         if ($indentElement) {
             $element->setKey($element->getKey() . "_restore");
     } else {
         if ($element instanceof Asset) {
             $indentElement = Asset::getByPath($element->getFullpath());
             if ($indentElement) {
                 $element->setFilename($element->getFilename() . "_restore");
         } else {
             if ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) {
                 $indentElement = Object::getByPath($element->getFullpath());
                 if ($indentElement) {
                     $element->setKey($element->getKey() . "_restore");

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
public function getVariantsAction()
     // get list of variants
     if ($this->getParam("language")) {
         $this->setLanguage($this->getParam("language"), true);
     if ($this->getParam("xaction") == "update") {
         $data = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data"));
         // save
         $object = Object::getById($data["id"]);
         if ($object->isAllowed("publish")) {
             $objectData = [];
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 $parts = explode("~", $key);
                 if (substr($key, 0, 1) == "~") {
                     $type = $parts[1];
                     $field = $parts[2];
                     $keyid = $parts[3];
                     $getter = "get" . ucfirst($field);
                     $setter = "set" . ucfirst($field);
                     $keyValuePairs = $object->{$getter}();
                     if (!$keyValuePairs) {
                         $keyValuePairs = new Object\Data\KeyValue();
                     $keyValuePairs->setPropertyWithId($keyid, $value, true);
                 } elseif (count($parts) > 1) {
                     $brickType = $parts[0];
                     $brickKey = $parts[1];
                     $brickField = Object\Service::getFieldForBrickType($object->getClass(), $brickType);
                     $fieldGetter = "get" . ucfirst($brickField);
                     $brickGetter = "get" . ucfirst($brickType);
                     $valueSetter = "set" . ucfirst($brickKey);
                     $brick = $object->{$fieldGetter}()->{$brickGetter}();
                     if (empty($brick)) {
                         $classname = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Object\\Objectbrick\\Data\\" . ucfirst($brickType);
                         $brickSetter = "set" . ucfirst($brickType);
                         $brick = new $classname($object);
                 } else {
                     $objectData[$key] = $value;
             try {
                 $this->_helper->json(["data" => Object\Service::gridObjectData($object, $this->getParam("fields")), "success" => true]);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->_helper->json(["success" => false, "message" => $e->getMessage()]);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Permission denied");
     } else {
         $parentObject = Object\Concrete::getById($this->getParam("objectId"));
         if (empty($parentObject)) {
             throw new \Exception("No Object found with id " . $this->getParam("objectId"));
         if ($parentObject->isAllowed("view")) {
             $class = $parentObject->getClass();
             $className = $parentObject->getClass()->getName();
             $start = 0;
             $limit = 15;
             $orderKey = "o_id";
             $order = "ASC";
             $fields = [];
             $bricks = [];
             if ($this->getParam("fields")) {
                 $fields = $this->getParam("fields");
                 foreach ($fields as $f) {
                     $parts = explode("~", $f);
                     if (count($parts) > 1) {
                         $bricks[$parts[0]] = $parts[0];
             if ($this->getParam("limit")) {
                 $limit = $this->getParam("limit");
             if ($this->getParam("start")) {
                 $start = $this->getParam("start");
             $orderKey = "o_id";
             $order = "ASC";
             $colMappings = ["filename" => "o_key", "fullpath" => ["o_path", "o_key"], "id" => "o_id", "published" => "o_published", "modificationDate" => "o_modificationDate", "creationDate" => "o_creationDate"];
             $sortingSettings = \Pimcore\Admin\Helper\QueryParams::extractSortingSettings($this->getAllParams());
             if ($sortingSettings['orderKey'] && $sortingSettings['order']) {
                 $orderKey = $sortingSettings['orderKey'];
                 if (array_key_exists($orderKey, $colMappings)) {
                     $orderKey = $colMappings[$orderKey];
                 $order = $sortingSettings['order'];
             if ($this->getParam("dir")) {
                 $order = $this->getParam("dir");

作者:ptaferne    项目:pimcor   
 public static function execute()
     $list = new Listing();
     $list->setCondition("active = 1 AND date < ?", time());
     $tasks = $list->load();
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         try {
             if ($task->getCtype() == "document") {
                 $document = Document::getById($task->getCid());
                 if ($document instanceof Document) {
                     if ($task->getAction() == "publish-version" && $task->getVersion()) {
                         try {
                             $version = Version::getById($task->getVersion());
                             $document = $version->getData();
                             if ($document instanceof Document) {
                             } else {
                                 \Logger::err("Schedule\\Task\\Executor: Could not restore document from version data.");
                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
                             \Logger::err("Schedule\\Task\\Executor: Version [ " . $task->getVersion() . " ] does not exist.");
                     } else {
                         if ($task->getAction() == "publish") {
                         } else {
                             if ($task->getAction() == "unpublish") {
                             } else {
                                 if ($task->getAction() == "delete") {
             } else {
                 if ($task->getCtype() == "asset") {
                     $asset = Asset::getById($task->getCid());
                     if ($asset instanceof Asset) {
                         if ($task->getAction() == "publish-version" && $task->getVersion()) {
                             try {
                                 $version = Version::getById($task->getVersion());
                                 $asset = $version->getData();
                                 if ($asset instanceof Asset) {
                                 } else {
                                     \Logger::err("Schedule\\Task\\Executor: Could not restore asset from version data.");
                             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                 \Logger::err("Schedule\\Task\\Executor: Version [ " . $task->getVersion() . " ] does not exist.");
                         } else {
                             if ($task->getAction() == "delete") {
                 } else {
                     if ($task->getCtype() == "object") {
                         $object = Object::getById($task->getCid());
                         if ($object instanceof Object) {
                             if ($task->getAction() == "publish-version" && $task->getVersion()) {
                                 try {
                                     $version = Version::getById($task->getVersion());
                                     $object = $version->getData();
                                     if ($object instanceof Object\AbstractObject) {
                                     } else {
                                         \Logger::err("Schedule\\Task\\Executor: Could not restore object from version data.");
                                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                     \Logger::err("Schedule\\Task\\Executor: Version [ " . $task->getVersion() . " ] does not exist.");
                             } else {
                                 if ($task->getAction() == "publish") {
                                 } else {
                                     if ($task->getAction() == "unpublish") {
                                     } else {
                                         if ($task->getAction() == "delete") {

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
public function objectFormAction()
     $success = false;
     // getting parameters is very easy ... just call $this->getParam("yorParamKey"); regardless if's POST or GET
     if ($this->getParam("firstname") && $this->getParam("lastname") && $this->getParam("email") && $this->getParam("terms")) {
         $success = true;
         // for this example the class "person" and "inquiry" is used
         // first we create a person, then we create an inquiry object and link them together
         // check for an existing person with this name
         $person = Object\Person::getByEmail($this->getParam("email"), 1);
         if (!$person) {
             // if there isn't an existing, ... create one
             $filename = \Pimcore\File::getValidFilename($this->getParam("email"));
             // first we need to create a new object, and fill some system-related information
             $person = new Object\Person();
             // we store all objects in /crm
             // the filename of the object
             // yep, it should be published :)
             // of course this needs some validation here in production...
             $person->setDateRegister(new \DateTime());
         // now we create the inquiry object and link the person in it
         $inquiryFilename = \Pimcore\File::getValidFilename(date("Y-m-d") . "~" . $person->getEmail());
         $inquiry = new Object\Inquiry();
         // we store all objects in /inquiries
         // the filename of the object
         // yep, it should be published :)
         // now we fill in the data
         $inquiry->setDate(new \DateTime());
         $inquiry->setTerms((bool) $this->getParam("terms"));
     } elseif ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $this->view->error = true;
     // do some validation & assign the parameters to the view
     foreach (["firstname", "lastname", "email", "message", "terms"] as $key) {
         if ($this->getParam($key)) {
             $this->view->{$key} = htmlentities(strip_tags($this->getParam($key)));
     // assign the status to the view
     $this->view->success = $success;

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
  * @static
  * @param  string $type
  * @param  int $id
  * @return ElementInterface
 public static function getElementById($type, $id)
     $element = null;
     if ($type == "asset") {
         $element = Asset::getById($id);
     } else {
         if ($type == "object") {
             $element = Object::getById($id);
         } else {
             if ($type == "document") {
                 $element = Document::getById($id);
     return $element;

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
  * @param Document\Webservice\Data\Document\Element $wsElement
  * @param null $idMapper
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getFromWebserviceImport($wsElement, $idMapper = null)
     $data = $wsElement->value;
     if ($data->id !== null) {
         $this->type = $data->type;
         $this->subtype = $data->subtype;
         if (is_numeric($this->id)) {
             if ($idMapper) {
                 $id = $idMapper->getMappedId($this->type, $this->id);
             if ($this->type == "asset") {
                 $this->o = Asset::getById($id);
                 if (!$this->o instanceof Asset) {
                     if ($idMapper && $idMapper->ignoreMappingFailures()) {
                         $idMapper->recordMappingFailure($this->getDocumentId(), $this->type, $this->id);
                     } else {
                         throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - referenced asset with id [ " . $this->id . " ] is unknown");
             } else {
                 if ($this->type == "document") {
                     $this->o = Document::getById($id);
                     if (!$this->o instanceof Document) {
                         if ($idMapper && $idMapper->ignoreMappingFailures()) {
                             $idMapper->recordMappingFailure($this->getDocumentId(), $this->type, $this->id);
                         } else {
                             throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - referenced document with id [ " . $this->id . " ] is unknown");
                 } else {
                     if ($this->type == "object") {
                         $this->o = Object::getById($id);
                         if (!$this->o instanceof Object\AbstractObject) {
                             if ($idMapper && $idMapper->ignoreMappingFailures()) {
                                 $idMapper->recordMappingFailure($this->getDocumentId(), $this->type, $this->id);
                             } else {
                                 throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - referenced object with id [ " . $this->id . " ] is unknown");
                     } else {
                         throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - type is not valid");
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - id is not valid");

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
public function typePathAction()
     $id = $this->getParam("id");
     $type = $this->getParam("type");
     $data = [];
     if ($type == "asset") {
         $element = Asset::getById($id);
     } elseif ($type == "document") {
         $element = Document::getById($id);
         $data["index"] = $element->getIndex();
     } else {
         $element = Object::getById($id);
     $typePath = Element\Service::getTypePath($element);
     $data["success"] = true;
     $data["idPath"] = Element\Service::getIdPath($element);
     $data["typePath"] = $typePath;
     $data["fullpath"] = $element->getRealFullPath();

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param null $object
  * @param null $idMapper
  * @return array|mixed
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getFromWebserviceImport($value, $object = null, $idMapper = null)
     $objects = array();
     if (empty($value)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
                 $item = (array) $item;
                 $id = $item['id'];
                 if ($idMapper) {
                     $id = $idMapper->getMappedId("object", $id);
                 $dest = null;
                 if ($id) {
                     $dest = Object::getById($id);
                 if ($dest instanceof Object\AbstractObject) {
                     $className = Tool::getModelClassMapping('\\Pimcore\\Model\\Object\\Data\\ObjectMetadata');
                     $metaObject = new $className($this->getName(), $this->getColumnKeys(), $dest);
                     foreach ($this->getColumns() as $c) {
                         $setter = "set" . ucfirst($c['key']);
                     $objects[] = $metaObject;
                 } else {
                     if (!$idMapper || !$idMapper->ignoreMappingFailures()) {
                         throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - references unknown object with id [ " . $item['id'] . " ]");
                     } else {
                         $idMapper->recordMappingFailure("object", $object->getId(), "object", $item['id']);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("cannot get values from web service import - invalid data");
     return $objects;




