php Pimcore-File类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Pimcore-File 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:jansarmi    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $name
  * @return mixed
 public static function locateConfigFile($name)
     if (!isset(self::$configFileCache[$name])) {
         $file = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/" . $name;
         // check for environment configuration
         $env = getenv("PIMCORE_ENVIRONMENT");
         if ($env) {
             $fileExt = File::getFileExtension($name);
             $pureName = str_replace("." . $fileExt, "", $name);
             foreach ($pathsToCheck as $path) {
                 $tmpFile = $path . "/" . $pureName . "." . $env . "." . $fileExt;
                 if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
                     $file = $tmpFile;
         foreach ($pathsToCheck as $path) {
             $tmpFile = $path . "/" . $name;
             if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
                 $file = $tmpFile;
         self::$configFileCache[$name] = $file;
     return self::$configFileCache[$name];

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
  * @param null $options
  * @return bool|void
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \Zend_Http_Client_Exception
 public function send($options = null)
     $sourceFile = $this->getSourceFile();
     $destinationFile = $this->getDestinationFile();
     if (!$sourceFile) {
         throw new \Exception("No sourceFile provided.");
     if (!$destinationFile) {
         throw new \Exception("No destinationFile provided.");
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if ($options['overwrite'] == false && file_exists($destinationFile)) {
             throw new \Exception("Destination file : '" . $destinationFile . "' already exists.");
     if (!$this->getHttpClient()) {
         $httpClient = \Pimcore\Tool::getHttpClient(null, ['timeout' => 3600 * 60]);
     } else {
         $httpClient = $this->getHttpClient();
     $response = $httpClient->request();
     if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
         $data = $response->getBody();
         $result = File::put($destinationFile, $data);
         if ($result === false) {
             throw new \Exception("Couldn't write destination file:" . $destinationFile);
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("Couldn't download file:" . $sourceFile);
     return true;

作者:dachcom-digita    项目:pimcore-toolbo   
public function installConfigFile()
     if (!is_file($this->configFile)) {
         $settings = array("accordion" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "type", "title" => "Type", "values" => ["panel-default" => "Default", "panel-danger" => "Dangers"], "default" => "panel-default"], ["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "columns" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "type", "title" => "Columns", "values" => ["column_12" => "1 Column", "column_4_8" => "2 Columns (33:66)", "column_8_4" => "2 Columns (66:33)", "column_3_9" => "2 Columns (25:75)", "column_9_3" => "2 Columns (75:25)", "column_6_6" => "2 Columns (50:50)", "column_4_4_4" => "3 Columns (33:33:33)"], "default" => "column_12"], ["type" => "checkbox", "name" => "equalHeight", "title" => "Equal heights?", "reload" => FALSE]]], "slideColumns" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "slidesPerView", "title" => "Slides per View", "values" => ["2" => "2 Columns", "3" => "3 Columns", "4" => "4 Columns", "6" => "6 Columns"], "default" => "4"], ["type" => "checkbox", "name" => "equalHeight", "title" => "Equal heights?", "reload" => FALSE]], "columnClasses" => ["2" => "col-xs-12 col-sm-6"], "breakpoints" => []], "content" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "download" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "gallery" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "headline" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "headlineType", "title" => "Headline Size", "values" => ["h1" => "Headline 1", "h2" => "Headline 2", "h3" => "Headline 3", "h4" => "Headline 4", "h5" => "Headline 5", "h6" => "Headline 6"], "default" => "h3"], ["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "image" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "linklist" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "parallaxContainer" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "type", "title" => "Type", "values" => ["image" => "Image", "snippet" => "Snippet"], "default" => "image"], ["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => ["window-full-height" => "min. window height"]]]], "separator" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "space", "title" => "Space before & after separator", "values" => ["default" => "Default", "medium" => "Medium", "large" => "Large"], "default" => "default"], ["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "teaser" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "select", "name" => "type", "title" => "Type", "values" => ["direct" => "Direct", "snippet" => "Snippet"], "default" => "direct"], ["type" => "select", "name" => "layout", "title" => "Layout", "values" => ["default" => "Default"], "default" => "default", "conditions" => [["type" => "direct"]]], ["type" => "checkbox", "name" => "useLightBox", "title" => "use Lightbox?"], ["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []]]], "video" => ["configElements" => [["type" => "additionalClasses", "values" => []], ["type" => "checkbox", "name" => "autoplay", "title" => "Autoplay?"]]], "googleMap" => ["configElements" => [], "mapOptions" => ["streetViewControl" => TRUE, "mapTypeControl" => FALSE, "panControl" => FALSE, "scrollwheel" => FALSE], "mapStyleUrl" => FALSE, "markerIcon" => FALSE], "ckeditor" => ["styles" => [['name' => 'test', 'element' => 'p', 'attributes' => ['class' => 'h5']]]], "disallowedSubAreas" => ["accordion" => ["accordion", "container", "slideColumns"], "columns" => ["container"], "slideColumns" => ["slideColumns", "accordion", "container", "columns", "anchor"], "container" => ["container"], "image" => ["parallaxContainer"], "snippet" => ["parallaxContainer"]], "disallowedContentSnippetAreas" => ["parallaxContainer", "teaser", "container", "snippet"], "areaBlockConfiguration" => ["toolbar" => ["title" => "Inhaltsbausteine", "width" => 200, "x" => 10, "y" => 125, "buttonWidth" => 200], "groups" => FALSE]);
         \Pimcore\File::putPhpFile($this->configFile, to_php_data_file_format($settings));

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
  * @param array $config
 public function config($config = [])
     $settings = null;
     // check for an initial configuration template
     // used eg. by the demo installer
     $configTemplatePath = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/system.template.php";
     if (file_exists($configTemplatePath)) {
         try {
             $configTemplate = new \Zend_Config(include $configTemplatePath);
             if ($configTemplate->general) {
                 // check if the template contains a valid configuration
                 $settings = $configTemplate->toArray();
                 // unset database configuration
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     // set default configuration if no template is present
     if (!$settings) {
         // write configuration file
         $settings = ["general" => ["timezone" => "Europe/Berlin", "language" => "en", "validLanguages" => "en", "debug" => "1", "debugloglevel" => "debug", "custom_php_logfile" => "1", "extjs6" => "1"], "database" => ["adapter" => "Mysqli", "params" => ["username" => "root", "password" => "", "dbname" => ""]], "documents" => ["versions" => ["steps" => "10"], "default_controller" => "default", "default_action" => "default", "error_pages" => ["default" => "/"], "createredirectwhenmoved" => "", "allowtrailingslash" => "no", "generatepreview" => "1"], "objects" => ["versions" => ["steps" => "10"]], "assets" => ["versions" => ["steps" => "10"]], "services" => [], "cache" => ["excludeCookie" => ""], "httpclient" => ["adapter" => "Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket"]];
     $settings = array_replace_recursive($settings, $config);
     // create initial /website/var folder structure
     // @TODO: should use values out of startup.php (Constants)
     $varFolders = ["areas", "assets", "backup", "cache", "classes", "config", "email", "log", "plugins", "recyclebin", "search", "system", "tmp", "versions", "webdav"];
     foreach ($varFolders as $folder) {
         \Pimcore\File::mkdir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . "/" . $folder);
     $configFile = \Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("system.php");
     File::putPhpFile($configFile, to_php_data_file_format($settings));

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $file
  * @param null $filename
  * @return mixed|string
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function detect($file, $filename = null)
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         throw new \Exception("File " . $file . " doesn't exist");
     if (!$filename) {
         $filename = basename($file);
     // check for an extension mapping first
     if ($filename) {
         $extension = \Pimcore\File::getFileExtension($filename);
         if (array_key_exists($extension, self::$extensionMapping)) {
             return self::$extensionMapping[$extension];
     // check with fileinfo, if there's no extension mapping
     $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
     $type = finfo_file($finfo, $file);
     if ($type !== false && !empty($type)) {
         if (strstr($type, ';')) {
             $type = substr($type, 0, strpos($type, ';'));
         return $type;
     // return default mime-type if we're unable to detect it
     return "application/octet-stream";

作者:rolandstol    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $body
  * @return mixed
 public static function processHtml($body)
     $processedPaths = array();
     preg_match_all("@\\<link[^>]*(rel=\"stylesheet/less\")[^>]*\\>@msUi", $body, $matches);
     if (is_array($matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $tag) {
             preg_match("/href=\"([^\"]+)*\"/", $tag, $href);
             if (array_key_exists(1, $href) && !empty($href[1])) {
                 $source = $href[1];
                 $source = preg_replace("/\\?_dc=[\\d]+/", "", $source);
                 if (is_file(PIMCORE_ASSET_DIRECTORY . $source)) {
                     $path = PIMCORE_ASSET_DIRECTORY . $source;
                 } else {
                     if (is_file(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $source)) {
                         $path = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $source;
                 // add the same file only one time
                 if (in_array($path, $processedPaths)) {
                 $newFile = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/less___" . File::getValidFilename(str_replace(".less", "", $source)) . "-" . filemtime($path) . ".css";
                 if (!is_file($newFile)) {
                     $compiledContent = self::compile($path, $source);
                     File::put($newFile, $compiledContent);
                 $body = str_replace($tag, str_replace("stylesheet/less", "stylesheet", str_replace($source, str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $newFile), $tag)), $body);
     return $body;

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
  * @static
  * @return string
 public static function getWorkingDir()
     $dir = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/videopipelines";
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
     return $dir;

作者:emanuel-londo    项目:pimcor   
public function saveAction()
     $values = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data"));
     $configFile = \Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("reports.php");
     File::put($configFile, to_php_data_file_format($values));
     $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true));

作者:Gerhard1    项目:pimcor   
  * calls prent _write and and writes temp log file
  * @param  array $event Event data
  * @return void
 protected function _write($event)
     if (!is_file($this->_tempfile)) {
         @\Pimcore\File::put($this->_tempfile, "... continued ...\r\n");
         $writerFile = new \Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($this->_tempfile);
         $this->_tempLogger = new \Zend_Log($writerFile);
     $this->_tempLogger->log($event['message'], $event['priority']);

作者:elavarasan    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $stylesheetContent
  * @return mixed
 public static function getMinimizedStylesheetPath($stylesheetContent)
     $stylesheetPath = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/minified_css_core_" . md5($stylesheetContent) . ".css";
     if (!is_file($stylesheetPath)) {
         //$stylesheetContent = Minify_CSS::minify($stylesheetContent); // temp. disabled until we have a better library - just combine for now
         // put minified contents into one single file
         File::put($stylesheetPath, $stylesheetContent);
     return preg_replace("@^" . preg_quote(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "@") . "@", "", $stylesheetPath);

作者:ChristophWurs    项目:pimcor   
  * @param string $name
  * @return $this|void
  * @throws DAV\Exception\Forbidden
  * @throws \Exception
 function setName($name)
     if ($this->asset->isAllowed("rename")) {
         $user = AdminTool::getCurrentUser();
     } else {
         throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden();
     return $this;

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $path
  * @return string
 protected function preparePath($path)
     if (!stream_is_local($path)) {
         // gs is only able to deal with local files
         // if your're using custom stream wrappers this wouldn't work, so we create a temp. local copy
         $tmpFilePath = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/imagick-tmp-" . uniqid() . "." . File::getFileExtension($path);
         copy($path, $tmpFilePath);
         $path = $tmpFilePath;
         $this->tmpFiles[] = $path;
     return $path;

作者:ChristophWurs    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $log
 public static function saveDeleteLog($log)
     // cleanup old entries
     $tmpLog = array();
     foreach ($log as $path => $data) {
         if ($data["timestamp"] > time() - 30) {
             // remove 30 seconds old entries
             $tmpLog[$path] = $data;
     \Pimcore\File::put(Asset\WebDAV\Service::getDeleteLogFile(), serialize($tmpLog));

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
 public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
     if (!Tool::isHtmlResponse($this->getResponse())) {
     if ($this->enabled) {
         include_once "simple_html_dom.php";
         $body = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
         $html = str_get_html($body);
         if ($html) {
             $styles = $html->find("link[rel=stylesheet], style[type=text/css]");
             $stylesheetContent = "";
             foreach ($styles as $style) {
                 if ($style->tag == "style") {
                     $stylesheetContent .= $style->innertext;
                 } else {
                     $source = $style->href;
                     $path = "";
                     if (is_file(PIMCORE_ASSET_DIRECTORY . $source)) {
                         $path = PIMCORE_ASSET_DIRECTORY . $source;
                     } else {
                         if (is_file(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $source)) {
                             $path = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $source;
                     if (!empty($path) && is_file("file://" . $path)) {
                         $content = file_get_contents($path);
                         $content = $this->correctReferences($source, $content);
                         if ($style->media) {
                             $content = "@media " . $style->media . " {" . $content . "}";
                         $stylesheetContent .= $content;
                         $style->outertext = "";
             if (strlen($stylesheetContent) > 1) {
                 $stylesheetPath = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/minified_css_" . md5($stylesheetContent) . ".css";
                 if (!is_file($stylesheetPath)) {
                     // put minified contents into one single file
                     File::put($stylesheetPath, $stylesheetContent);
                 $head = $html->find("head", 0);
                 $head->innertext = $head->innertext . "\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $stylesheetPath) . '" />' . "\n";
             $body = $html->save();

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
  * @param string $data
  * @param string $filename
 public function __construct($data, $filename = null)
     $this->data = $data;
     $this->filename = $filename;
     if (empty($this->filename)) {
         $folderpath = PIMCORE_LOG_FILEOBJECT_DIRECTORY . strftime('/%Y/%m/%d');
         if (!is_dir($folderpath)) {
             mkdir($folderpath, 0775, true);
         $this->filename = $folderpath . "/" . uniqid("fileobject_", true);
     File::put($this->filename, $this->data);

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
  * @param $imagePath
  * @param array $options
  * @return $this|self
 public function load($imagePath, $options = [])
     $this->path = $imagePath;
     if (!($this->resource = @imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($this->path)))) {
         return false;
     // set dimensions
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize($this->path);
     if (in_array(\Pimcore\File::getFileExtension($imagePath), ["png", "gif"])) {
         // in GD only gif and PNG can have an alphachannel
     return $this;

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $name
  * @param $message
 public static function log($name, $message)
     $log = PIMCORE_LOG_DIRECTORY . "/{$name}.log";
     if (!is_file($log)) {
         if (is_writable(dirname($log))) {
             File::put($log, "AUTOCREATE\n");
     if (is_writable($log)) {
         // check for big logfile, empty it if it's bigger than about 200M
         if (filesize($log) > 200000000) {
             File::put($log, "");
         $f = fopen($log, "a+");
         fwrite($f, \Zend_Date::now()->getIso() . " : " . $message . "\n");

作者:cannoner    项目:pimcor   
  * Moves a file/directory
  * @param string $sourcePath
  * @param string $destinationPath
  * @return void
 public function move($sourcePath, $destinationPath)
     $nameParts = explode("/", $sourcePath);
     $nameParts[count($nameParts) - 1] = File::getValidFilename($nameParts[count($nameParts) - 1]);
     $sourcePath = implode("/", $nameParts);
     $nameParts = explode("/", $destinationPath);
     $nameParts[count($nameParts) - 1] = File::getValidFilename($nameParts[count($nameParts) - 1]);
     $destinationPath = implode("/", $nameParts);
     try {
         if (dirname($sourcePath) == dirname($destinationPath)) {
             $asset = null;
             if ($asset = Asset::getByPath("/" . $destinationPath)) {
                 // If we got here, this means the destination exists, and needs to be overwritten
                 $sourceAsset = Asset::getByPath("/" . $sourcePath);
             // see: Asset\WebDAV\File::delete() why this is necessary
             $log = Asset\WebDAV\Service::getDeleteLog();
             if (!$asset && array_key_exists("/" . $destinationPath, $log)) {
                 $asset = \Pimcore\Tool\Serialize::unserialize($log["/" . $destinationPath]["data"]);
                 if ($asset) {
                     $sourceAsset = Asset::getByPath("/" . $sourcePath);
             if (!$asset) {
                 $asset = Asset::getByPath("/" . $sourcePath);
         } else {
             $asset = Asset::getByPath("/" . $sourcePath);
             $parent = Asset::getByPath("/" . dirname($destinationPath));
             $asset->setPath($parent->getFullPath() . "/");
         $user = \Pimcore\Tool\Admin::getCurrentUser();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $name
  * @param $message
 public static function log($name, $message)
     $log = PIMCORE_LOG_DIRECTORY . "/{$name}.log";
     if (!is_file($log)) {
         if (is_writable(dirname($log))) {
             File::put($log, "AUTOCREATE\n");
     if (is_writable($log)) {
         // check for big logfile, empty it if it's bigger than about 200M
         if (filesize($log) > 200000000) {
             File::put($log, "");
         $date = new \DateTime("now");
         $f = fopen($log, "a+");
         fwrite($f, $date->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) . " : " . $message . "\n");

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $source = "";
     $data = file_get_contents($source);
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($data, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
     $languageRawData = [];
     foreach ($xml->territoryInfo->territory as $territory) {
         foreach ($territory->languagePopulation as $language) {
             $languageCode = (string) $language["type"];
             if (\Zend_Locale::isLocale($languageCode)) {
                 $populationAbsolute = $territory["population"] * $language["populationPercent"] / 100;
                 if (!isset($languageRawData[$languageCode])) {
                     $languageRawData[$languageCode] = [];
                 if (\Zend_Locale::isLocale($languageCode . "_" . $territory["type"], true)) {
                     $languageRawData[$languageCode][] = ["country" => (string) $territory["type"], "population" => $populationAbsolute];
     $finalData = [];
     foreach ($languageRawData as $languageCode => $rawLanguage) {
         usort($rawLanguage, function ($a, $b) {
             if ($a["population"] == $b["population"]) {
                 return 0;
             return $a["population"] > $b["population"] ? -1 : 1;
         $finalData[$languageCode] = [];
         foreach ($rawLanguage as $territory) {
             $finalData[$languageCode][] = $territory["country"];
     $contents = to_php_data_file_format($finalData);
     $dataFile = PIMCORE_PATH . "/config/data/cldr-language-territory-mapping.php";
     File::putPhpFile($dataFile, $contents);
     $this->output->writeln("Updated mappings in " . $dataFile);




