php Pimcore-Config类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Pimcore-Config 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:jjpeters6    项目:pimcor   
    public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
        if (!Tool::isHtmlResponse($this->getResponse())) {
        $siteKey = \Pimcore\Tool\Frontend::getSiteKey();
        $reportConfig = \Pimcore\Config::getReportConfig();
        if ($this->enabled && isset($reportConfig->tagmanager->sites->{$siteKey}->containerId)) {
            $containerId = $reportConfig->tagmanager->sites->{$siteKey}->containerId;
            if ($containerId) {
                $code = <<<CODE
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<noscript><iframe src="//{$containerId}"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
                $body = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
                // insert code after the opening <body> tag
                $body = preg_replace("@<body(>|.*?[^?]>)@", "<body\$1\n\n" . $code, $body);

作者:Gerhard1    项目:pimcor   
  * @throws \Exception
 public function init()
     $conf = Config::getSystemConfig();
     if (!$conf->webservice->enabled) {
         throw new \Exception("Webservice API isn't enabled");
     if (!$this->getParam("apikey") && $_COOKIE["pimcore_admin_sid"]) {
         $user = Authentication::authenticateSession();
         if (!$user instanceof User) {
             throw new \Exception("User is not valid");
     } else {
         if (!$this->getParam("apikey")) {
             throw new \Exception("API key missing");
         } else {
             $apikey = $this->getParam("apikey");
             $userList = new User\Listing();
             $userList->setCondition("apiKey = ? AND type = ? AND active = 1", array($apikey, "user"));
             $users = $userList->load();
             if (!is_array($users) or count($users) !== 1) {
                 throw new \Exception("API key error.");
             if (!$users[0]->getApiKey()) {
                 throw new \Exception("Couldn't get API key for user.");
             $user = $users[0];
     \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_admin_user", $user);

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
  * @param array $config
 public function config($config = [])
     $settings = null;
     // check for an initial configuration template
     // used eg. by the demo installer
     $configTemplatePath = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/system.template.php";
     if (file_exists($configTemplatePath)) {
         try {
             $configTemplate = new \Zend_Config(include $configTemplatePath);
             if ($configTemplate->general) {
                 // check if the template contains a valid configuration
                 $settings = $configTemplate->toArray();
                 // unset database configuration
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     // set default configuration if no template is present
     if (!$settings) {
         // write configuration file
         $settings = ["general" => ["timezone" => "Europe/Berlin", "language" => "en", "validLanguages" => "en", "debug" => "1", "debugloglevel" => "debug", "custom_php_logfile" => "1", "extjs6" => "1"], "database" => ["adapter" => "Mysqli", "params" => ["username" => "root", "password" => "", "dbname" => ""]], "documents" => ["versions" => ["steps" => "10"], "default_controller" => "default", "default_action" => "default", "error_pages" => ["default" => "/"], "createredirectwhenmoved" => "", "allowtrailingslash" => "no", "generatepreview" => "1"], "objects" => ["versions" => ["steps" => "10"]], "assets" => ["versions" => ["steps" => "10"]], "services" => [], "cache" => ["excludeCookie" => ""], "httpclient" => ["adapter" => "Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket"]];
     $settings = array_replace_recursive($settings, $config);
     // create initial /website/var folder structure
     // @TODO: should use values out of startup.php (Constants)
     $varFolders = ["areas", "assets", "backup", "cache", "classes", "config", "email", "log", "plugins", "recyclebin", "search", "system", "tmp", "versions", "webdav"];
     foreach ($varFolders as $folder) {
         \Pimcore\File::mkdir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . "/" . $folder);
     $configFile = \Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("system.php");
     File::putPhpFile($configFile, to_php_data_file_format($settings));

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $documentId
  * @param $config
  * @throws \Exception
 public function preparePdfGeneration($documentId, $config)
     $document = $this->getPrintDocument($documentId);
     if (Model\Tool\TmpStore::get($document->getLockKey())) {
         throw new \Exception("Process with given document alredy running.");
     Model\Tool\TmpStore::add($document->getLockKey(), true);
     $jobConfig = new \stdClass();
     $jobConfig->documentId = $documentId;
     $jobConfig->config = $config;
     $this->updateStatus($documentId, 0, "prepare_pdf_generation");
     $args = ["-p " . $jobConfig->documentId];
     $env = \Pimcore\Config::getEnvironment();
     if ($env !== false) {
         $args[] = "--environment=" . $env;
     $cmd = Tool\Console::getPhpCli() . " " . realpath(PIMCORE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cli" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "console.php") . " web2print:pdf-creation " . implode(" ", $args);
     if (!$config['disableBackgroundExecution']) {
         Tool\Console::execInBackground($cmd, PIMCORE_LOG_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "web2print-output.log");
     } else {

作者:studioemm    项目:multilingua   
public function addLanguage($languageToAdd)
     // Check if language is not already added
     if (in_array($languageToAdd, Tool::getValidLanguages())) {
         $result = false;
     } else {
         // Read all the documents from the first language
         $availableLanguages = Tool::getValidLanguages();
         $firstLanguageDocument = \Pimcore\Model\Document::getByPath('/' . reset($availableLanguages));
         \Zend_Registry::set('SEI18N_add', 1);
         // Add the language main folder
         $document = Page::create(1, array('key' => $languageToAdd, "userOwner" => 1, "userModification" => 1, "published" => true, "controller" => 'default', "action" => 'go-to-first-child'));
         $document->setProperty('language', 'text', $languageToAdd);
         // Set the language to this folder and let it inherit to the child pages
         $document->setProperty('isLanguageRoot', 'text', 1, false, false);
         // Set as language root document
         // Add Link to other languages
         $t = new Keys();
         $t->insert(array("document_id" => $document->getId(), "language" => $languageToAdd, "sourcePath" => $firstLanguageDocument->getFullPath()));
         // Lets add all the docs
         $this->addDocuments($firstLanguageDocument->getId(), $languageToAdd);
         \Zend_Registry::set('SEI18N_add', 0);
         $oldConfig = Config::getSystemConfig();
         $settings = $oldConfig->toArray();
         $languages = explode(',', $settings['general']['validLanguages']);
         $languages[] = $languageToAdd;
         $settings['general']['validLanguages'] = implode(',', $languages);
         $config = new \Zend_Config($settings, true);
         $writer = new \Zend_Config_Writer_Xml(array("config" => $config, "filename" => PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_SYSTEM));
         $result = true;
     return $result;

作者:shanky011    项目:pimcore-plugin-subdomain-admi   
public function init()
     // Disable plugin if the allowed domain is not yet set
     $settingDomain = WebsiteSetting::getByName("subdomainAdmin");
     if (!is_object($settingDomain) || $settingDomain->getData() == "") {
     // Create temporary request object - not available yet in front controller
     $currentUrl = 'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . '://' . "{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
     $request = new \Zend_Controller_Request_Http($currentUrl);
     // Disable main domain setting to allow admin access on another domain
     $conf = Config::getSystemConfig();
     $mainDomain = $conf->general->domain;
     if (Tool::isRequestToAdminBackend($request) && Tool::isDomainAllowedToAdminBackend($request)) {
         $confArr = $conf->toArray();
         $mainDomain = $confArr['general']['domain'];
         $confArr['general']['domain'] = "";
         Config::setSystemConfig(new \Zend_Config($confArr));
     // Register plugin
     \Pimcore::getEventManager()->attach("system.startup", function ($event) use(&$mainDomain) {
         $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
         $frontControllerPlugin = new FrontControllerPlugin();
         // Restore main domain
         $conf = Config::getSystemConfig();
         $confArr = $conf->toArray();
         $confArr['general']['domain'] = $mainDomain;
         Config::setSystemConfig(new \Zend_Config($confArr));

作者:emanuel-londo    项目:pimcor   
public function saveAction()
     $values = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data"));
     $configFile = \Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("reports.php");
     File::put($configFile, to_php_data_file_format($values));
     $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true));

作者:emanuel-londo    项目:pimcor   
  * @param null $site
  * @return bool
 public static function getSiteConfig($site = null)
     $siteKey = \Pimcore\Tool\Frontend::getSiteKey($site);
     if (Config::getReportConfig()->webmastertools->sites->{$siteKey}->verification) {
         return Config::getReportConfig()->webmastertools->sites->{$siteKey};
     return false;

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
  * @param \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @throws mixed
 protected function _handleError(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     // remove zend error handler
     $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     if ($response->isException() && !$this->_isInsideErrorHandlerLoop) {
         // get errorpage
         try {
             // enable error handler
             $front->setParam('noErrorHandler', false);
             $errorPath = Config::getSystemConfig()->documents->error_pages->default;
             if (Site::isSiteRequest()) {
                 $site = Site::getCurrentSite();
                 $errorPath = $site->getErrorDocument();
             if (empty($errorPath)) {
                 $errorPath = "/";
             $document = Document::getByPath($errorPath);
             if (!$document instanceof Document\Page) {
                 // default is home
                 $document = Document::getById(1);
             if ($document instanceof Document\Page) {
                 $params = Tool::getRoutingDefaults();
                 if ($module = $document->getModule()) {
                     $params["module"] = $module;
                 if ($controller = $document->getController()) {
                     $params["controller"] = $controller;
                     $params["action"] = "index";
                 if ($action = $document->getAction()) {
                     $params["action"] = $action;
                 $request->setParam("document", $document);
                 \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_error_document", $document);
                 // ensure that a viewRenderer exists, and is enabled
                 if (!\Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper("viewRenderer")) {
                     $viewRenderer = new \Pimcore\Controller\Action\Helper\ViewRenderer();
                 $viewRenderer = \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper("viewRenderer");
                 if ($viewRenderer->view === null) {
                     $viewRenderer->initView(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_PATH . "/views");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             \Logger::emergency("error page not found");
     // call default ZF error handler

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
public function setSystemInstanceIdentifier()
     $instanceIdentifier = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig()->general->instanceIdentifier;
     if (!$instanceIdentifier) {
         throw new \Exception("No instance identifier set in system config!");
     return $this;

作者:sfi    项目:pimcor   
    public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
        $config = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig();
        if (!$config->general->show_cookie_notice || !Tool::useFrontendOutputFilters($this->getRequest()) || !Tool::isHtmlResponse($this->getResponse())) {
        $template = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/EuCookieLawNotice/template.html");
        # cleanup code
        $template = preg_replace('/[\\r\\n\\t]+/', ' ', $template);
        #remove new lines, spaces, tabs
        $template = preg_replace('/>[\\s]+</', '><', $template);
        #remove new lines, spaces, tabs
        $template = preg_replace('/[\\s]+/', ' ', $template);
        #remove new lines, spaces, tabs
        $translations = $this->getTranslations();
        foreach ($translations as $key => &$value) {
            $value = htmlentities($value, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
            $template = str_replace("%" . $key . "%", $value, $template);
        $linkContent = "";
        if (array_key_exists("linkTarget", $translations)) {
            $linkContent = '<a href="' . $translations["linkTarget"] . '" data-content="' . $translations["linkText"] . '"></a>';
        $template = str_replace("%link%", $linkContent, $template);
        $templateCode = \Zend_Json::encode($template);
        $code = '
                (function () {
                    var ls = window["localStorage"];
                    if(ls && !ls.getItem("pc-cookie-accepted")) {

                        var code = ' . $templateCode . ';
                        var ci = window.setInterval(function () {
                            if(document.body) {
                                document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", code);

                                document.getElementById("pc-button").onclick = function () {
                                    document.getElementById("pc-cookie-notice").style.display = "none";
                                    ls.setItem("pc-cookie-accepted", "true");
                        }, 100);
        $body = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        // search for the end <head> tag, and insert the google analytics code before
        // this method is much faster than using simple_html_dom and uses less memory
        $headEndPosition = stripos($body, "</head>");
        if ($headEndPosition !== false) {
            $body = substr_replace($body, $code . "</head>", $headEndPosition, 7);

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
public function adminerAction()
     $conf = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig()->database->params;
     if (empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
         $this->redirect("/admin/external_adminer/adminer/?username=" . $conf->username . "&db=" . $conf->dbname);
     chdir($this->adminerHome . "adminer");
     include $this->adminerHome . "adminer/index.php";

作者:solvera    项目:pimcor   
  * @return PdfReactor8|WkHtmlToPdf
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function getInstance()
     $config = Config::getWeb2PrintConfig();
     if ($config->generalTool == "pdfreactor") {
         return new PdfReactor8();
     } elseif ($config->generalTool == "wkhtmltopdf") {
         return new WkHtmlToPdf();
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid Configuation - " . $config->generalTool);

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
  * @param null $site
  * @return bool
 public static function getSiteConfig($site = null)
     $siteKey = \Pimcore\Tool\Frontend::getSiteKey($site);
     $config = Config::getReportConfig();
     if (!$config->analytics) {
         return false;
     if ($config->analytics->sites->{$siteKey}) {
         return Config::getReportConfig()->analytics->sites->{$siteKey};
     return false;

作者:shanky011    项目:pimcore-plugin-subdomain-admi   
private function getErrorDocument()
     $config = Config::getSystemConfig();
     $errorDocPath = $config->documents->error_pages->default;
     if (Site::isSiteRequest()) {
         $site = Site::getCurrentSite();
         $errorDocPath = $site->getErrorDocument();
     $errorDoc = Document::getByPath($errorDocPath);
     \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_error_document", $errorDoc);
     return $errorDoc;

作者:pimcor    项目:pimcor   
  * @return mixed|null
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function getConfiguration()
     $config = null;
     $configFile = \Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("hybridauth.php");
     if (is_file($configFile)) {
         $config = (include $configFile);
         $config["base_url"] = \Pimcore\Tool::getHostUrl() . "/hybridauth/endpoint";
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("HybridAuth configuration not found. Please place it into this file: {$configFile}");
     return $config;

作者:ChristophWurs    项目:pimcor   
  * @param \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @return bool|void
 public function routeStartup(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     $this->conf = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig();
     if ($request->getParam('disable_less_compiler') || $_COOKIE["disable_less_compiler"]) {
         return $this->disable();
     if (!$this->conf->outputfilters) {
         return $this->disable();
     if (!$this->conf->outputfilters->less) {
         return $this->disable();

作者:yonetic    项目:pimcore-coreshop-dem   
  * @param bool $raw
  * @param bool $writeOnly
  * @return Wrapper|\Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \Zend_Db_Profiler_Exception
 public static function getConnection($raw = false, $writeOnly = false)
     // just return the wrapper (for compatibility reasons)
     // the wrapper itself get's then the connection using $raw = true
     if (!$raw) {
         return new Wrapper();
     $charset = "UTF8";
     // explicit set charset for connection (to the adapter)
     $config = Config::getSystemConfig()->database->toArray();
     // write only handling
     if ($writeOnly && isset($config["writeOnly"])) {
         // overwrite params with write only configuration
         $config["params"] = $config["writeOnly"]["params"];
     } else {
         if ($writeOnly) {
             throw new \Exception("writeOnly connection is requested but not configured");
     $config["params"]["charset"] = $charset;
     try {
         $db = \Zend_Db::factory($config["adapter"], $config["params"]);
         $db->query("SET NAMES " . $charset);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         \Pimcore\Tool::exitWithError("Database Error! See debug.log for details");
     // try to set innodb as default storage-engine
     try {
         $db->query("SET storage_engine=InnoDB;");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     // try to set mysql mode
     try {
         $db->query("SET sql_mode = '';");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $connectionId = $db->fetchOne("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()");
     // enable the db-profiler if the devmode is on and there is no custom profiler set (eg. in system.xml)
     if (PIMCORE_DEVMODE && !$db->getProfiler()->getEnabled() || array_key_exists("pimcore_log", $_REQUEST) && \Pimcore::inDebugMode()) {
         $profiler = new \Pimcore\Db\Profiler('All DB Queries');
     \Logger::debug(get_class($db) . ": Successfully established connection to MySQL-Server, Process-ID: " . $connectionId);
     return $db;

作者:jjpeters6    项目:pimcor   
public function init()
     if (is_file(\Pimcore\Config::locateConfigFile("system.php"))) {
         // session authentication, only possible if user is logged in
         $user = \Pimcore\Tool\Authentication::authenticateSession();
         if (!$user instanceof User) {
             die("Authentication failed!<br />If you don't have access to the admin interface any more, and you want to find out if the server configuration matches the requirements you have to rename the the system.php for the time of the check.");
     } elseif ($this->getParam("mysql_adapter")) {
     } else {
         die("Not possible... no database settings given.<br />Parameters: mysql_adapter,mysql_host,mysql_username,mysql_password,mysql_database");

作者:emanuel-londo    项目:pimcor   
  * @param $id
  * @param bool $create
  * @param bool $returnIdIfEmpty
  * @param null $language
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \Zend_Exception
 public static function getByKeyLocalized($id, $create = false, $returnIdIfEmpty = false, $language = null)
     if ($user = Tool\Admin::getCurrentUser()) {
         $language = $user->getLanguage();
     } elseif ($user = Tool\Authentication::authenticateSession()) {
         $language = $user->getLanguage();
     } elseif (\Zend_Registry::isRegistered("Zend_Locale")) {
         $language = (string) \Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
     if (!in_array($language, Tool\Admin::getLanguages())) {
         $config = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig();
         $language = $config->general->language;
     return self::getByKey($id, $create, $returnIdIfEmpty)->getTranslation($language);




