php Phan-Issue类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Phan-Issue 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:actan    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateClass(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Determine if its a duplicate by looking to see if
     // the FQSEN is suffixed with an alternate ID.
     if (!$clazz->getFQSEN()->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $clazz->getFQSEN()->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         // If there's a missing class we'll catch that
         // elsewhere
     // Get the original class
     $original_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     // Check to see if the original definition was from
     // an internal class
     if ($original_class->isInternal()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineClassInternal, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $original_class);
         // Otherwise, print the coordinates of the original
         // definition
     } else {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineClass, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $original_class, $original_class->getContext()->getFile(), $original_class->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateFunction(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method)
     $fqsen = $method->getFQSEN();
     if (!$fqsen->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $fqsen->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if ($original_fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedFunctionName) {
         if (!$code_base->hasFunctionWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         $original_method = $code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     } else {
         if (!$code_base->hasMethodWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         $original_method = $code_base->getMethodByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     $method_name = $method->getName();
     if (!$method->hasSuppressIssue(Issue::RedefineFunction)) {
         if ($original_method->isInternal()) {
             Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $method->getContext(), Issue::RedefineFunctionInternal, $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());
         } else {
             Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $method->getContext(), Issue::RedefineFunction, $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:actan    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParentConstructorCalled(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Only look at classes configured to require a call
     // to its parent constructor
     if (!in_array($clazz->getName(), Config::get()->parent_constructor_required)) {
     // Don't worry about internal classes
     if ($clazz->isInternal()) {
     // Don't worry if there's no parent class
     if (!$clazz->hasParentClassFQSEN()) {
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($clazz->getParentClassFQSEN())) {
         // This is an error, but its caught elsewhere. We'll
         // just roll through looking for other errors
     $parent_clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($clazz->getParentClassFQSEN());
     if (!$parent_clazz->isAbstract() && !$clazz->getIsParentConstructorCalled()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::TypeParentConstructorCalled, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz->getFQSEN(), (string) $parent_clazz->getFQSEN());

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzePropertyTypes(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     foreach ($clazz->getPropertyList($code_base) as $property) {
         try {
             $union_type = $property->getUnionType();
         } catch (IssueException $exception) {
             Issue::maybeEmitInstance($code_base, $property->getContext(), $exception->getIssueInstance());
         // Look at each type in the parameter's Union Type
         foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
             // If its a native type or a reference to
             // self, its OK
             if ($type->isNativeType() || $type->isSelfType()) {
             if ($type instanceof TemplateType) {
                 if ($property->isStatic()) {
                     Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $property->getContext(), Issue::TemplateTypeStaticProperty, $property->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $property->getFQSEN());
             } else {
                 // Make sure the class exists
                 $type_fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
                 if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($type_fqsen) && !$type instanceof TemplateType && (!$property->hasDefiningFQSEN() || $property->getDefiningFQSEN() == $property->getFQSEN())) {
                     Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $property->getContext(), Issue::UndeclaredTypeProperty, $property->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $property->getFQSEN(), (string) $type_fqsen);

作者:ets    项目:pha   
  * @param string $string String to check against
  * @dataProvider invalidUTF8StringsProvider
 public function testUTF8CharactersDoNotCauseDOMAttrToFail($string)
     $output = new BufferedOutput();
     $printer = new CheckstylePrinter();
     $printer->print(new IssueInstance(Issue::fromType(Issue::SyntaxError), 'test.php', 0, [$string]));

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz, string $issue_type) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $clazz->getContext(), $issue_type, $clazz->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $fqsen);
         return false;
     return true;

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * @param string $string String to check against
  * @param string $messageExpected Message component of expected CSV line
  * @dataProvider specialCharacterCasesProvider
 public function testSpecialCharactersAreProperlyEncoded($string, $messageExpected)
     $output = new BufferedOutput();
     $printer = new CSVPrinter();
     $printer->print(new IssueInstance(Issue::fromType(Issue::SyntaxError), 'test.php', 0, [$string]));
     $expected = 'test.php,0,10,critical,UndefError,PhanSyntaxError,' . $messageExpected;
     $actual = explode("\n", $output->fetch())[1];
     // Ignore header
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);

作者:black-silenc    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateFunction(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method)
     $fqsen = $method->getFQSEN();
     if (!$fqsen->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $fqsen->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasMethod($original_fqsen)) {
     $original_method = $code_base->getMethod($original_fqsen);
     $method_name = $method->getName();
     if ($original_method->isInternal()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineFunctionInternal, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());
     } else {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineFunction, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:Jvbzephi    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzePropertyTypes(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     foreach ($clazz->getPropertyList($code_base) as $property) {
         $union_type = $property->getUnionType();
         // Look at each type in the parameter's Union Type
         foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
             // If its a native type or a reference to
             // self, its OK
             if ($type->isNativeType() || $type->isSelfType()) {
             // Otherwise, make sure the class exists
             $type_fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
             if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($type_fqsen)) {
                 Issue::emit(Issue::UndeclaredTypeProperty, $property->getContext()->getFile(), $property->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $type_fqsen);

作者:black-silenc    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParameterTypes(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method)
     // Look at each method parameter
     foreach ($method->getParameterList() as $parameter) {
         $union_type = $parameter->getUnionType();
         // Look at each type in the parameter's Union Type
         foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
             // If its a native type or a reference to
             // self, its OK
             if ($type->isNativeType() || $type->isSelfType()) {
             // Otherwise, make sure the class exists
             $type_fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
             if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($type_fqsen)) {
                 Issue::emit(Issue::UndeclaredTypeParameter, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $type_fqsen);

作者:nagyistg    项目:pha   
  * @return Clazz[]
  * A list of classes associated with the given node
  * @throws IssueException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find a class for
  * the given type
 private function classListFromNode(Node $node)
     // Get the types associated with the node
     $union_type = self::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node);
     // Iterate over each viable class type to see if any
     // have the constant we're looking for
     foreach ($union_type->nonNativeTypes()->getTypeSet() as $class_type) {
         // Get the class FQSEN
         $class_fqsen = $class_type->asFQSEN();
         // See if the class exists
         if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
             throw new IssueException(Issue::fromType(Issue::UndeclaredClassReference)($this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, [(string) $class_fqsen]));
         (yield $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen));

作者:ablyle    项目:pha   
  * @param Node $node
  * A node to parse
  * @return Context
  * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
  * parsing the node
 public function visitProp(Node $node) : Context
     $property_name = $node->children['prop'];
     // Things like $foo->$bar
     if (!is_string($property_name)) {
         return $this->context;
     assert(is_string($property_name), "Property must be string in context {$this->context}");
     try {
         $class_list = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['expr']))->getClassList();
     } catch (CodeBaseException $exception) {
         // This really shouldn't happen since the code
         // parsed cleanly. This should fatal.
         // throw $exception;
         return $this->context;
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         // If we can't figure out what kind of a class
         // this is, don't worry about it
         return $this->context;
     foreach ($class_list as $clazz) {
         // Check to see if this class has the property or
         // a setter
         if (!$clazz->hasPropertyWithName($this->code_base, $property_name)) {
             if (!$clazz->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, '__set')) {
         try {
             $property = $clazz->getPropertyByNameInContext($this->code_base, $property_name, $this->context);
         } catch (IssueException $exception) {
             Issue::maybeEmitInstance($this->code_base, $this->context, $exception->getIssueInstance());
             return $this->context;
         if (!$this->right_type->canCastToExpandedUnionType($property->getUnionType(), $this->code_base)) {
             $this->emitIssue(Issue::TypeMismatchProperty, $node->lineno ?? 0, (string) $this->right_type, "{$clazz->getFQSEN()}::{$property->getName()}", (string) $property->getUnionType());
             return $this->context;
         // After having checked it, add this type to it
         return $this->context;
     if (Config::get()->allow_missing_properties) {
         try {
             // Create the property
             (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node))->getOrCreateProperty($property_name);
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             // swallow it
     } elseif (!empty($class_list)) {
         $this->emitIssue(Issue::UndeclaredProperty, $node->lineno ?? 0, $property_name);
     } else {
         // If we hit this part, we couldn't figure out
         // the class, so we ignore the issue
     return $this->context;

作者:ablyle    项目:pha   
  * Once we know what the universe looks like we
  * can scan for more complicated issues.
  * @param CodeBase $code_base
  * The global code base holding all state
  * @param string $file_path
  * A list of files to scan
  * @return Context
 public static function analyzeFile(CodeBase $code_base, string $file_path) : Context
     // Set the file on the context
     $context = (new Context())->withFile($file_path);
     // Convert the file to an Abstract Syntax Tree
     // before passing it on to the recursive version
     // of this method
     try {
         $node = \ast\parse_file($file_path, Config::get()->ast_version);
     } catch (\ParseError $parse_error) {
         Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $context, Issue::SyntaxError, $parse_error->getLine(), $parse_error->getMessage());
         return $context;
     // Ensure we have some content
     if (empty($node)) {
         Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $context, Issue::EmptyFile, 0, $file_path);
         return $context;
     // Whenever we enter a file, we copy all global scope
     // variables to the local scope
     // Start recursively analyzing the tree
     return self::analyzeNodeInContext($code_base, $context, $node);

作者:Jvbzephi    项目:pha   
  * Once we know what the universe looks like we
  * can scan for more complicated issues.
  * @param CodeBase $code_base
  * The global code base holding all state
  * @param string $file_path
  * A list of files to scan
  * @return Context
 public static function analyzeFile(CodeBase $code_base, string $file_path) : Context
     // Convert the file to an Abstract Syntax Tree
     // before passing it on to the recursive version
     // of this method
     $node = \ast\parse_file($file_path, Config::get()->ast_version);
     // Set the file on the context
     $context = (new Context())->withFile($file_path);
     // Ensure we have some content
     if (empty($node)) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::EmptyFile, $file_path, 0, $file_path);
         return $context;
     // Start recursively analyzing the tree
     return self::analyzeNodeInContext($code_base, $context, $node);

作者:ablyle    项目:pha   
  * Perform some backwards compatibility checks on a node
  * @return void
 public function analyzeBackwardCompatibility()
     if (!Config::get()->backward_compatibility_checks) {
     if (empty($this->node->children['expr'])) {
     if ($this->node->kind === \ast\AST_STATIC_CALL || $this->node->kind === \ast\AST_METHOD_CALL) {
     $llnode = $this->node;
     if ($this->node->kind !== \ast\AST_DIM) {
         if (!$this->node->children['expr'] instanceof Node) {
         if ($this->node->children['expr']->kind !== \ast\AST_DIM) {
             (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $this->node->children['expr']))->analyzeBackwardCompatibility();
         $temp = $this->node->children['expr']->children['expr'];
         $llnode = $this->node->children['expr'];
         $lnode = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = $this->node->children['expr'];
         $lnode = $temp;
     if (!($temp->kind == \ast\AST_PROP || $temp->kind == \ast\AST_STATIC_PROP)) {
     while ($temp instanceof Node && ($temp->kind == \ast\AST_PROP || $temp->kind == \ast\AST_STATIC_PROP)) {
         $llnode = $lnode;
         $lnode = $temp;
         // Lets just hope the 0th is the expression
         // we want
         $temp = array_values($temp->children)[0];
     if (!$temp instanceof Node) {
     // Foo::$bar['baz'](); is a problem
     // Foo::$bar['baz'] is not
     if ($lnode->kind === \ast\AST_STATIC_PROP && $this->node->kind !== \ast\AST_CALL) {
     // $this->$bar['baz']; is a problem
     // $this->bar['baz'] is not
     if ($lnode->kind === \ast\AST_PROP && !$lnode->children['prop'] instanceof Node && !$llnode->children['prop'] instanceof Node) {
     if (($lnode->children['prop'] instanceof Node && $lnode->children['prop']->kind == \ast\AST_VAR || !empty($lnode->children['class']) && $lnode->children['class'] instanceof Node && ($lnode->children['class']->kind == \ast\AST_VAR || $lnode->children['class']->kind == \ast\AST_NAME) || !empty($lnode->children['expr']) && $lnode->children['expr'] instanceof Node && ($lnode->children['expr']->kind == \ast\AST_VAR || $lnode->children['expr']->kind == \ast\AST_NAME)) && ($temp->kind == \ast\AST_VAR || $temp->kind == \ast\AST_NAME)) {
         $ftemp = new \SplFileObject($this->context->getFile());
         $ftemp->seek($this->node->lineno - 1);
         $line = $ftemp->current();
         if (strpos($line, '}[') === false || strpos($line, ']}') === false || strpos($line, '>{') === false) {
             Issue::maybeEmit($this->code_base, $this->context, Issue::CompatiblePHP7, $this->node->lineno ?? 0);

作者:ets    项目:pha   
  * Analyze the parameters and arguments for a call
  * to the given method or function
  * @param CodeBase $code_base
  * @param Method $method
  * @param Node $node
  * @return null
 private function analyzeCallToMethod(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method, Node $node)
     // Create variables for any pass-by-reference
     // parameters
     $argument_list = $node->children['args'];
     foreach ($argument_list->children as $i => $argument) {
         if (!is_object($argument)) {
         $parameter = $method->getParameterForCaller($i);
         if (!$parameter) {
         // If pass-by-reference, make sure the variable exists
         // or create it if it doesn't.
         if ($parameter->isPassByReference()) {
             if ($argument->kind == \ast\AST_VAR) {
                 // We don't do anything with it; just create it
                 // if it doesn't exist
                 $variable = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $argument))->getOrCreateVariable();
             } elseif ($argument->kind == \ast\AST_STATIC_PROP || $argument->kind == \ast\AST_PROP) {
                 $property_name = $argument->children['prop'];
                 if (is_string($property_name)) {
                     // We don't do anything with it; just create it
                     // if it doesn't exist
                     try {
                         $property = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $argument))->getOrCreateProperty($argument->children['prop']);
                     } catch (IssueException $exception) {
                         Issue::maybeEmitInstance($this->code_base, $this->context, $exception->getIssueInstance());
                     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                         // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
                         // this is, don't worry about it
                 } else {
                     // This is stuff like `Class->$foo`. I'm ignoring
                     // it.
     // Confirm the argument types are clean
     ArgumentType::analyze($method, $node, $this->context, $this->code_base);
     // Take another pass over pass-by-reference parameters
     // and assign types to passed in variables
     foreach ($argument_list->children as $i => $argument) {
         if (!is_object($argument)) {
         $parameter = $method->getParameterForCaller($i);
         if (!$parameter) {
         if (Config::get()->dead_code_detection) {
             (new ArgumentVisitor($this->code_base, $this->context))($argument);
         // If the parameter is pass-by-reference and we're
         // passing a variable in, see if we should pass
         // the parameter and variable types to eachother
         $variable = null;
         if ($parameter->isPassByReference()) {
             if ($argument->kind == \ast\AST_VAR) {
                 $variable = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $argument))->getOrCreateVariable();
             } elseif ($argument->kind == \ast\AST_STATIC_PROP || $argument->kind == \ast\AST_PROP) {
                 $property_name = $argument->children['prop'];
                 if (is_string($property_name)) {
                     // We don't do anything with it; just create it
                     // if it doesn't exist
                     try {
                         $variable = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $argument))->getOrCreateProperty($argument->children['prop']);
                     } catch (IssueException $exception) {
                         Issue::maybeEmitInstance($this->code_base, $this->context, $exception->getIssueInstance());
                     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                         // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
                         // this is, don't worry about it
                 } else {
                     // This is stuff like `Class->$foo`. I'm ignoring
                     // it.
             if ($variable) {
     // If we're in quick mode, don't retest methods based on
     // parameter types passed in
     if (Config::get()->quick_mode) {

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if signatures match
  * @return void
 public static function analyzeComposition(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $class)
     // Get the Class's FQSEN
     $fqsen = $class->getFQSEN();
     // Get the list of all inherited classes.
     $inherited_class_list = $class->getInheritedClassList($code_base);
     // No chance of failed composition if we don't inherit from
     // lots of stuff.
     if (count($inherited_class_list) < 2) {
     // For each property, find out every inherited class that defines it
     // and check to see if the types line up.
     foreach ($class->getPropertyList($code_base) as $property) {
         try {
             $property_union_type = $property->getUnionType();
         } catch (IssueException $exception) {
             $property_union_type = new UnionType();
         // Check for that property on each inherited
         // class/trait/interface
         foreach ($inherited_class_list as $inherited_class) {
             // Skip any classes/traits/interfaces not defining that
             // property
             if (!$inherited_class->hasPropertyWithName($code_base, $property->getName())) {
             // We don't call `getProperty` because that will create
             // them in some circumstances.
             $inherited_property_map = $inherited_class->getPropertyMap($code_base);
             if (!isset($inherited_property_map[$property->getName()])) {
             // Get the inherited property
             $inherited_property = $inherited_property_map[$property->getName()];
             // Figure out if this property type can cast to the
             // inherited definition's type.
             $can_cast = $property_union_type->canCastToExpandedUnionType($inherited_property->getUnionType(), $code_base);
             if ($can_cast) {
             // Don't emit an issue if the property suppresses the issue
             if ($property->hasSuppressIssue(Issue::IncompatibleCompositionProp)) {
             Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $property->getContext(), Issue::IncompatibleCompositionProp, $property->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $class->getFQSEN(), (string) $inherited_class->getFQSEN(), $property->getName(), (string) $class->getFQSEN(), $class->getFileRef()->getFile(), $class->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());
     // TODO: This has too much overlap with PhanParamSignatureMismatch
     //       and we should figure out how to merge it.
     $method_map =
     // For each method, find out every inherited class that defines it
     // and check to see if the types line up.
     foreach ($method_map as $i => $method) {
         $method_union_type = $method->getUnionType();
         // We don't need to analyze constructors for signature
         // compatibility
         if ($method->getName() == '__construct') {
         // Get the method parameter list
         // Check for that method on each inherited
         // class/trait/interface
         foreach ($inherited_class_list as $inherited_class) {
             // Skip anything that doesn't define this method
             if (!$inherited_class->hasMethodWithName($code_base, $method->getName())) {
             $inherited_method =
                 $inherited_class->getMethodByName($code_base, $method->getName());
             if ($method == $inherited_method) {
             // Figure out if this method return type can cast to the
             // inherited definition's return type.
             $is_compatible =
             $inherited_method_parameter_map =

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * @param Context $context
  * The context in which the node appears
  * @param CodeBase $code_base
  * @param Node $node
  * An AST node representing a method
  * @return Method
  * A Method representing the AST node in the
  * given context
 public static function fromNode(Context $context, CodeBase $code_base, Decl $node, FullyQualifiedMethodName $fqsen) : Method
     // Create the skeleton method object from what
     // we know so far
     $method = new Method($context, (string) $node->name, new UnionType(), $node->flags ?? 0, $fqsen);
     // Parse the comment above the method to get
     // extra meta information about the method.
     $comment = Comment::fromStringInContext($node->docComment ?? '', $context);
     // @var Parameter[]
     // The list of parameters specified on the
     // method
     $parameter_list = Parameter::listFromNode($context, $code_base, $node->children['params']);
     // Add each parameter to the scope of the function
     foreach ($parameter_list as $parameter) {
     // If the method is Analyzable, set the node so that
     // we can come back to it whenever we like and
     // rescan it
     // Set the parameter list on the method
     $method->setNumberOfRequiredParameters(array_reduce($parameter_list, function (int $carry, Parameter $parameter) : int {
         return $carry + ($parameter->isRequired() ? 1 : 0);
     }, 0));
     $method->setNumberOfOptionalParameters(array_reduce($parameter_list, function (int $carry, Parameter $parameter) : int {
         return $carry + ($parameter->isOptional() ? 1 : 0);
     }, 0));
     // Check to see if the comment specifies that the
     // method is deprecated
     if ($method->getIsMagicCall() || $method->getIsMagicCallStatic()) {
     // Take a look at method return types
     if ($node->children['returnType'] !== null) {
         // Get the type of the parameter
         $union_type = UnionType::fromNode($context, $code_base, $node->children['returnType']);
     if ($comment->hasReturnUnionType()) {
         // See if we have a return type specified in the comment
         $union_type = $comment->getReturnType();
         if ($union_type->hasSelfType()) {
             // We can't actually figure out 'static' at this
             // point, but fill it in regardless. It will be partially
             // correct
             if ($context->isInClassScope()) {
                 // n.b.: We're leaving the reference to self, static
                 //       or $this in the type because I'm guessing
                 //       it doesn't really matter. Apologies if it
                 //       ends up being an issue.
     // Add params to local scope for user functions
     if (!$method->isInternal()) {
         $parameter_offset = 0;
         foreach ($method->getParameterList() as $i => $parameter) {
             if ($parameter->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {
                 // If there is no type specified in PHP, check
                 // for a docComment with @param declarations. We
                 // assume order in the docComment matches the
                 // parameter order in the code
                 if ($comment->hasParameterWithNameOrOffset($parameter->getName(), $parameter_offset)) {
                     $comment_type = $comment->getParameterWithNameOrOffset($parameter->getName(), $parameter_offset)->getUnionType();
             // If there's a default value on the parameter, check to
             // see if the type of the default is cool with the
             // specified type.
             if ($parameter->hasDefaultValue()) {
                 $default_type = $parameter->getDefaultValueType();
                 if (!$default_type->isEqualTo(NullType::instance()->asUnionType())) {
                     if (!$default_type->isEqualTo(NullType::instance()->asUnionType()) && !$default_type->canCastToUnionType($parameter->getUnionType())) {
                         Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $context, Issue::TypeMismatchDefault, $node->lineno ?? 0, (string) $parameter->getUnionType(), $parameter->getName(), (string) $default_type);
                 // If we have no other type info about a parameter,
                 // just because it has a default value of null
                 // doesn't mean that is its type. Any type can default

作者:actan    项目:pha   
  * @param Node $node
  * A node to parse
  * @return Context
  * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
  * parsing the node
 public function visitCatch(Node $node) : Context
     try {
         $union_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromClassNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['class']);
         $class_list = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['class']))->getClassList();
     } catch (CodeBaseException $exception) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::UndeclaredClassCatch, $this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, (string) $exception->getFQSEN());
     $variable_name = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['var']))->getVariableName();
     if (!empty($variable_name)) {
         $variable = Variable::fromNodeInContext($node->children['var'], $this->context, $this->code_base, false);
         if (!$union_type->isEmpty()) {
     return $this->context;

作者:Jvbzephi    项目:pha   
  * @return Parameter[]
  * A list of parameters from an AST node.
  * @see \Phan\Deprecated\Pass1::node_paramlist
  * Formerly `function node_paramlist`
 public static function listFromNode(Context $context, CodeBase $code_base, Node $node) : array
     assert($node instanceof Node, "node was not an \\ast\\Node");
     $parameter_list = [];
     $is_optional_seen = false;
     foreach ($node->children ?? [] as $i => $child_node) {
         $parameter = Parameter::fromNode($context, $code_base, $child_node);
         if (!$parameter->isOptional() && $is_optional_seen) {
             Issue::emit(Issue::ParamReqAfterOpt, $context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0);
         } else {
             if ($parameter->isOptional() && !$is_optional_seen && $parameter->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {
                 $is_optional_seen = true;
         $parameter_list[] = $parameter;
     return $parameter_list;




