php Phan-CodeBase类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Phan-CodeBase 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:mgonya    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateClass(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Determine if its a duplicate by looking to see if
     // the FQSEN is suffixed with an alternate ID.
     if (!$clazz->getFQSEN()->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $clazz->getFQSEN()->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         // If there's a missing class we'll catch that
         // elsewhere
     // Get the original class
     $original_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     // Check to see if the original definition was from
     // an internal class
     if ($original_class->isInternal()) {
         Log::err(Log::EREDEF, "{$clazz} defined at " . "{$clazz->getContext()->getFile()}:{$clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()} " . "was previously defined as {$original_class} internally", $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
         // Otherwise, print the coordinates of the original
         // definition
     } else {
         Log::err(Log::EREDEF, "{$clazz} defined at " . "{$clazz->getContext()->getFile()}:{$clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()} " . "was previously defined as {$original_class} at " . "{$original_class->getContext()->getFile()}:{$original_class->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()}", $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:actan    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateClass(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Determine if its a duplicate by looking to see if
     // the FQSEN is suffixed with an alternate ID.
     if (!$clazz->getFQSEN()->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $clazz->getFQSEN()->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         // If there's a missing class we'll catch that
         // elsewhere
     // Get the original class
     $original_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     // Check to see if the original definition was from
     // an internal class
     if ($original_class->isInternal()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineClassInternal, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $original_class);
         // Otherwise, print the coordinates of the original
         // definition
     } else {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineClass, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $original_class, $original_class->getContext()->getFile(), $original_class->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:actan    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParentConstructorCalled(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Only look at classes configured to require a call
     // to its parent constructor
     if (!in_array($clazz->getName(), Config::get()->parent_constructor_required)) {
     // Don't worry about internal classes
     if ($clazz->isInternal()) {
     // Don't worry if there's no parent class
     if (!$clazz->hasParentClassFQSEN()) {
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($clazz->getParentClassFQSEN())) {
         // This is an error, but its caught elsewhere. We'll
         // just roll through looking for other errors
     $parent_clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($clazz->getParentClassFQSEN());
     if (!$parent_clazz->isAbstract() && !$clazz->getIsParentConstructorCalled()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::TypeParentConstructorCalled, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz->getFQSEN(), (string) $parent_clazz->getFQSEN());

作者:akraba    项目:pha   
  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, "Trying to inherit from unknown class {$fqsen}", $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
         return false;
     return true;

作者:mgonya    项目:pha   
  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz, string $message_template) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, sprintf($message_template, $fqsen), $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
         return false;
     return true;

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz, string $issue_type) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $clazz->getContext(), $issue_type, $clazz->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $fqsen);
         return false;
     return true;

作者:black-silenc    项目:pha   
  * @return Clazz
  * The class that defined this element
  * @throws CodeBaseException
  * An exception may be thrown if we can't find the
  * class
 public function getDefiningClass(CodeBase $code_base) : Clazz
     $class_fqsen = $this->getDefiningClassFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
         throw new CodeBaseException($class_fqsen, "Defining class {$class_fqsen} for {$this->getFQSEN()} not found");
     return $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);

作者:Jvbzephi    项目:pha   
public function testMethodInCodeBase()
     $context = $this->contextForCode("\n                namespace A;\n                Class B {\n                    public function c() {\n                        return 42;\n                    }\n                }\n            ");
     $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString('\\A\\b');
     self::assertTrue($this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen), "Class with FQSEN {$class_fqsen} not found");
     $clazz = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
     self::assertTrue($clazz->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, 'c'), "Method with FQSEN not found");

作者:ablyle    项目:pha   
  * @return Method
 public function getClosure() : Func
     $closure_fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromClosureInContext($this->context);
     if (!$this->code_base->hasFunctionWithFQSEN($closure_fqsen)) {
         throw new CodeBaseException($closure_fqsen, "Could not find closure {$closure_fqsen}");
     return $this->code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($closure_fqsen);

作者:black-silenc    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateFunction(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method)
     $fqsen = $method->getFQSEN();
     if (!$fqsen->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $fqsen->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasMethod($original_fqsen)) {
     $original_method = $code_base->getMethod($original_fqsen);
     $method_name = $method->getName();
     if ($original_method->isInternal()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineFunctionInternal, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());
     } else {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineFunction, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:black-silenc    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParameterTypes(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method)
     // Look at each method parameter
     foreach ($method->getParameterList() as $parameter) {
         $union_type = $parameter->getUnionType();
         // Look at each type in the parameter's Union Type
         foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
             // If its a native type or a reference to
             // self, its OK
             if ($type->isNativeType() || $type->isSelfType()) {
             // Otherwise, make sure the class exists
             $type_fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
             if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($type_fqsen)) {
                 Issue::emit(Issue::UndeclaredTypeParameter, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $type_fqsen);

作者:misdreavus7    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParameterTypes(CodeBase $code_base, Method $method)
     // Look at each method parameter
     foreach ($method->getParameterList() as $parameter) {
         $union_type = $parameter->getUnionType();
         // Look at each type in the parameter's Union Type
         foreach ($union_type->getTypeList() as $type) {
             // If its a native type or a reference to
             // self, its OK
             if ($type->isNativeType() || $type->isSelfType()) {
             // Otherwise, make sure the class exists
             $type_fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
             if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($type_fqsen)) {
                 Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, "parameter of undeclared type {$type_fqsen}", $method->getContext()->getFile(), $method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateFunction(CodeBase $code_base, FunctionInterface $method)
     $fqsen = $method->getFQSEN();
     if (!$fqsen->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $fqsen->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if ($original_fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedFunctionName) {
         if (!$code_base->hasFunctionWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         $original_method = $code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     } else {
         if (!$code_base->hasMethodWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         $original_method = $code_base->getMethodByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     $method_name = $method->getName();
     if (!$method->hasSuppressIssue(Issue::RedefineFunction)) {
         if ($original_method->isInternal()) {
             Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $method->getContext(), Issue::RedefineFunctionInternal, $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());
         } else {
             Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $method->getContext(), Issue::RedefineFunction, $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $method_name, $method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getFile(), $original_method->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:kangko    项目:pha   
  * @return Constant
  * Get the (non-class) constant associated with this node
  * in this context
  * @throws NodeException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't understand the node
  * @throws CodeBaseExtension
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find the given
  * class
 public function getConst() : Constant
     assert($this->node->kind === \ast\AST_CONST, "Node must be of type \\ast\\AST_CONST");
     if ($this->node->children['name']->kind !== \ast\AST_NAME) {
         throw new NodeException($this->node, "Can't determine constant name");
     // Get an FQSEN for the root namespace
     $fqsen = null;
     $constant_name = $this->node->children['name']->children['name'];
     if (!$this->code_base->hasConstant($fqsen, $constant_name)) {
         throw new CodeBaseException($fqsen, "Cannot find constant with name {$constant_name}");
     return $this->code_base->getConstant($fqsen, $constant_name);

作者:tpun    项目:pha   
  * Take a look at all globally accessible elements and see if
  * we can find any dead code that is never referenced
  * @return void
 public static function analyzeReferenceCounts(CodeBase $code_base)
     // Check to see if dead code detection is enabled. Keep
     // in mind that the results here are just a guess and
     // we can't tell with certainty that anything is
     // definitely unreferenced.
     if (!Config::get()->dead_code_detection) {
     // Get the count of all known elements
     $total_count = $code_base->totalElementCount();
     $i = 0;
     // Functions
     self::analyzeElementListReferenceCounts($code_base, $code_base->getFunctionMap(), Issue::UnreferencedMethod, $total_count, $i);
     // Constants
     self::analyzeElementListReferenceCounts($code_base, $code_base->getGlobalConstantMap(), Issue::UnreferencedConstant, $total_count, $i);
     // Classes
     self::analyzeElementListReferenceCounts($code_base, $code_base->getClassMap(), Issue::UnreferencedClass, $total_count, $i);
     // Class Maps
     foreach ($code_base->getClassMapMap() as $class_map) {
         self::analyzeClassMapReferenceCounts($code_base, $class_map, $total_count, $i);

作者:hslatma    项目:pha   
  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateFunction(CodeBase $code_base, Method $method)
     $fqsen = $method->getFQSEN();
     if (!$fqsen->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $fqsen->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasMethod($original_fqsen)) {
     $original_method = $code_base->getMethod($original_fqsen);
     $method_name = $method->getName();
     if ('internal' === $original_method->getContext()->getFile()) {
         // If its in an conditional and the original is an
         // internal method, presume its all OK.
         if ($method->getContext()->getIsConditional()) {
         Log::err(Log::EREDEF, "Function {$method_name} defined at {$method->getContext()->getFile()}:{$method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()} was previously defined internally", $method->getContext()->getFile(), $method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
     } else {
         Log::err(Log::EREDEF, "Function {$method_name} defined at {$method->getContext()->getFile()}:{$method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()} was previously defined at {$original_method->getContext()->getFile()}:{$original_method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()}", $method->getContext()->getFile(), $method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

作者:jazzda    项目:pha   
  * @param Node $node
  * A node to parse
  * @return Context
  * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
  * parsing the node
 public function visitCall(Node $node) : Context
     $expression = $node->children['expr'];
     if (Config::get()->backward_compatibility_checks) {
         AST::backwardCompatibilityCheck($this->context, $node);
         foreach ($node->children['args']->children as $arg_node) {
             if ($arg_node instanceof Node) {
                 AST::backwardCompatibilityCheck($this->context, $arg_node);
     if ($expression->kind == \ast\AST_NAME) {
         try {
             $method = AST::functionFromNameInContext($expression->children['name'], $this->context, $this->code_base);
         } catch (CodeBaseException $exception) {
             Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, $exception->getMessage(), $this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno);
             return $this->context;
         // Check the call for paraemter and argument types
         $this->analyzeCallToMethod($this->code_base, $method, $node);
     } else {
         if ($expression->kind == \ast\AST_VAR) {
             $variable_name = AST::variableName($expression);
             if (empty($variable_name)) {
                 return $this->context;
             // $var() - hopefully a closure, otherwise we don't know
             if ($this->context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName($variable_name)) {
                 $variable = $this->context->getScope()->getVariableWithName($variable_name);
                 $union_type = $variable->getUnionType();
                 if ($union_type->isEmpty()) {
                     return $this->context;
                 $type = $union_type->head();
                 if (!$type instanceof CallableType) {
                     return $this->context;
                 $closure_fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromFullyQualifiedString((string) $type->asFQSEN());
                 if ($this->code_base->hasMethod($closure_fqsen)) {
                     // Get the closure
                     $method = $this->code_base->getMethod($closure_fqsen);
                     // Check the call for paraemter and argument types
                     $this->analyzeCallToMethod($this->code_base, $method, $node);
     return $this->context;

作者:gitter-badge    项目:pha   
  * @return Clazz[]
  * A list of classes associated with the given node
  * @throws CodeBaseException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find a class for
  * the given type
 private function classListFromNode(Node $node)
     // Get the types associated with the node
     $union_type = self::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node);
     // Iterate over each viable class type to see if any
     // have the constant we're looking for
     foreach ($union_type->nonNativeTypes()->getTypeList() as $class_type) {
         // Get the class FQSEN
         $class_fqsen = $class_type->asFQSEN();
         // See if the class exists
         if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
             throw new CodeBaseException($class_fqsen, "reference to undeclared class {$class_fqsen}");
         (yield $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen));

作者:kangko    项目:pha   
  * Take a look at all globally accessible elements and see if
  * we can find any dead code that is never referenced
  * @return void
 public static function analyzeReferenceCounts(CodeBase $code_base)
     // Check to see if dead code detection is enabled. Keep
     // in mind that the results here are just a guess and
     // we can't tell with certainty that anything is
     // definitely unreferenced.
     if (!Config::get()->dead_code_detection) {
     // Get the count of all known elements
     $total_count = count($code_base->getMethodMap(), COUNT_RECURSIVE) + count($code_base->getPropertyMap(), COUNT_RECURSIVE) + count($code_base->getConstantMap(), COUNT_RECURSIVE) + count($code_base->getClassMap(), COUNT_RECURSIVE);
     $i = 0;
     $analyze_list = function ($list) use($code_base, &$i, $total_count) {
         foreach ($list as $name => $element) {
             CLI::progress('dead code', ++$i / $total_count);
             self::analyzeElementReferenceCounts($code_base, $element);
     $analyze_map = function ($map) use($code_base, &$i, $total_count) {
         foreach ($map as $fqsen_string => $list) {
             foreach ($list as $name => $element) {
                 CLI::progress('dead code', ++$i / $total_count);
                 // Don't worry about internal elements
                 if ($element->getContext()->isInternal()) {
                 $element_fqsen = $element->getFQSEN();
                 if ($element_fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedClassElement) {
                     $class_fqsen = $element->getDefiningClassFQSEN();
                     // Don't analyze elements defined in a parent
                     // class
                     if ((string) $class_fqsen !== $fqsen_string) {
                     $defining_class = $element->getDefiningClass($code_base);
                     // Don't analyze elements on interfaces or on
                     // abstract classes, as they're uncallable.
                     if ($defining_class->isInterface() || $defining_class->isAbstract() || $defining_class->isTrait()) {
                     // Ignore magic methods
                     if ($element instanceof Method && $element->getIsMagic()) {
                 self::analyzeElementReferenceCounts($code_base, $element);

作者:ets    项目:pha   
public function isSubclassOf(CodeBase $code_base, Type $parent)
     $fqsen = $this->asFQSEN();
     assert($fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedClassName);
     $this_clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($fqsen);
     $parent_fqsen = $parent->asFQSEN();
     assert($parent_fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedClassName);
     $parent_clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($parent_fqsen);
     return $this_clazz->isSubclassOf($code_base, $parent_clazz);




