php Phalcon-DI-FactoryDefault类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Phalcon-DI-FactoryDefault 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:phalco    项目:cphalco   
public function modulesClosure(IntegrationTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('handle request and get content by using single modules strategy (closure)');
     $_GET['_url'] = '/login';
     $di = new FactoryDefault();
     $di->set('router', function () {
         $router = new Router(false);
         $router->add('/index', ['controller' => 'index', 'module' => 'frontend', 'namespace' => 'Phalcon\\Test\\Modules\\Frontend\\Controllers']);
         $router->add('/login', ['controller' => 'login', 'module' => 'backend', 'namespace' => 'Phalcon\\Test\\Modules\\Backend\\Controllers']);
         return $router;
     $application = new Application();
     $view = new View();
     $application->registerModules(['frontend' => function ($di) use($view) {
         /** @var \Phalcon\DiInterface $di */
         $di->set('view', function () use($view) {
             $view->setViewsDir(PATH_DATA . 'modules/frontend/views/');
             return $view;
     }, 'backend' => function ($di) use($view) {
         /** @var \Phalcon\DiInterface $di */
         $di->set('view', function () use($view) {
             $view->setViewsDir(PATH_DATA . 'modules/backend/views/');
             return $view;
     $I->assertEquals('<html>here</html>' . PHP_EOL, $application->handle()->getContent());

作者:phalconey    项目:framewor   
  * Constructor.
 public function __construct()
      * Create default DI.
     $di = new DI\FactoryDefault();
      * Get config.
     $this->_config = Config::factory();
     if (!$this->_config->installed) {
         define('CHECK_REQUIREMENTS', true);
         require_once PUBLIC_PATH . '/requirements.php';
      * Setup Registry.
     $registry = new Registry();
     $registry->modules = array_merge([self::SYSTEM_DEFAULT_MODULE, 'user'], $this->_config->modules->toArray());
     $registry->widgets = $this->_config->widgets->toArray();
     $registry->directories = (object) ['engine' => ROOT_PATH . '/app/engine/', 'modules' => ROOT_PATH . '/app/modules/', 'plugins' => ROOT_PATH . '/app/plugins/', 'widgets' => ROOT_PATH . '/app/widgets/', 'libraries' => ROOT_PATH . '/app/libraries/'];
     $di->set('registry', $registry);
     // Store config in the DI container.
     $di->setShared('config', $this->_config);

作者:adrianeava    项目:manager.i   
  * Register the services here to make them general or register in the ModuleDefinition to make them module-specific
 public function registerServices()
     $di = new FactoryDefault();
     $loader = new Loader();
     $namespaces = [];
     $map = (require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload_namespaces.php');
     foreach ($map as $k => $values) {
         $k = trim($k, '\\');
         if (!isset($namespaces[$k])) {
             $dir = '/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $k) . '/';
             $namespaces[$k] = implode($dir . ';', $values) . $dir;
      * Register a router
     $di->set('router', function () {
         $router = new Router();
         //set frontend routes
         $router->mount(new FrontendRoutes());
         return $router;

作者:shatkovski    项目:phalcon-sms-factor   
  * Inject of Phalcon dependency container
  * @param \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault $dependency
  * @throws BaseException
 public function __construct(\Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault $dependency)
     if ($dependency->has('config') === true) {
         $this->config = $dependency->get('config')->sms->toArray();
     } else {
         throw new BaseException('SMS', 'Please setup your configuration to $dependency', 500);

作者:ovid    项目:phes   
  * Constructs the app.
  * Checks singleton instance
  * Adds a dependency injector if none provided
  * Sets the notFound handler
  * @param  FactoryDefault    $dependencyInjector
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public function __construct($dependencyInjector = null)
     if (self::$app === null) {
         if ($dependencyInjector === null) {
             $dependencyInjector = new FactoryDefault();
         $dependencyInjector->setShared('response', Response::class);
         $dependencyInjector->setShared('router', Router::class);
         if (!$dependencyInjector->has('eventsManager')) {
             $dependencyInjector->setShared('eventsManager', \Phalcon\Events\Manager::class);
         if (!$dependencyInjector->has('request')) {
             $dependencyInjector->setShared('request', \Phalcon\Http\Request::class);
         self::$app = $this;
         $this->addHeaderHandler(new HeaderHandler\Accept());
         $app = self::$app;
         $this->_errorHandler = function (\Exception $ex) {
             return $this->errorHandler($ex);
         $this->_notFoundHandler = function () {
             return $this->notFoundHandler();
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Can't instance App more than once");

作者:xsa    项目   
private function setServices()
     $di = new FactoryDefault();
     $di->set('config', $this->setConfig());
     $di->set('url', $this->setUrl(), true);
     $di->set('router', $this->setRouter());
     $di->set('view', $this->setView(), true);
     $di->set('db', $this->setDb());
     $di->set('modelsMetadata', $this->setModelsMetadata());
     $di->set('session', $this->setSession());

作者:ChrisClemen    项目:Cor   
  * Sends an email using MailGun
  * @author salvipascual
  * @param String $to, email address of the receiver
  * @param String $subject, subject of the email
  * @param String $body, body of the email in HTML
  * @param Array $images, paths to the images to embeb
  * @param Array $attachments, paths to the files to attach 
  * */
 public function sendEmail($to, $subject, $body, $images = array(), $attachments = array())
     // do not email if there is an error
     $response = $this->deliveryStatus($to);
     if ($response != 'ok') {
     // select the from email using the jumper
     $from = $this->nextEmail($to);
     $domain = explode("@", $from)[1];
     // create the list of images
     if (!empty($images)) {
         $images = array('inline' => $images);
     // crate the list of attachments
     // TODO add list of attachments
     // create the array send
     $message = array("from" => "Apretaste <{$from}>", "to" => $to, "subject" => $subject, "html" => $body, "o:tracking" => false, "o:tracking-clicks" => false, "o:tracking-opens" => false);
     // get the key from the config
     $di = \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault::getDefault();
     $mailgunKey = $di->get('config')['mailgun']['key'];
     // send the email via MailGun
     $mgClient = new Mailgun($mailgunKey);
     $result = $mgClient->sendMessage($domain, $message, $images);

作者:ChrisClemen    项目:Cor   
 * Smarty plugin
 * @package    Smarty
 * @subpackage PluginsFunction
function smarty_function_apretaste_support_email($params, $template)
    // get the support email from the configs
    $di = \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault::getDefault();
    $supportEmail = $di->get("config")["contact"]["support"];
    return $supportEmail;

作者:phannguyenv    项目:test-gi   
  * @param $name
  * @param $message
  * @param $type
 public static function log($name, $message, $type)
     $typeName = self::getTypeString($type);
     $logger = FactoryDefault::getDefault()->get('logger');
     $logger->name = $name;

作者:AlloVinc    项目:yinxin   
public function setUp()
     $this->task = new ImportDmmTask();
     $di = new Di\FactoryDefault();
     $db = function () {
         return new Mysql(array("host" => $GLOBALS['db_host'], "username" => $GLOBALS['db_username'], "password" => $GLOBALS['db_password'], "dbname" => 'yinxing'));
     $di->set('dbSlave', $db);
     $di->set('dbMaster', $db);
     $di->set('moduleManager', function () {
         return new ModuleManager();
     /** @var Mysql $mysql */
     $mysql = $di->get('dbMaster');
     $mysql->query(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../sql/evamovie_2015-10-20.sql'));

作者:Apretast    项目:Sandbo   
  * Render the template and return the HTML content
  * @author salvipascual
  * @param Service $service, service to be rendered
  * @param Response $response, response object to render
  * @return String, template in HTML
  * @throw Exception
 public function renderHTML($service, $response)
     // get the path
     $di = \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault::getDefault();
     $wwwroot = $di->get('path')['root'];
     // select the right file to load
     if ($response->internal) {
         $userTemplateFile = "{$wwwroot}/app/templates/{$response->template}";
     } else {
         $userTemplateFile = "{$wwwroot}/services/{$service->serviceName}/templates/{$response->template}";
     // creating and configuring a new Smarty object
     $smarty = new Smarty();
     // disabling cache and debugging
     $smarty->force_compile = true;
     $smarty->debugging = false;
     $smarty->caching = false;
     // list the system variables
     $systemVariables = array("APRETASTE_USER_TEMPLATE" => $userTemplateFile, "APRETASTE_SERVICE_NAME" => strtoupper($service->serviceName), "APRETASTE_SERVICE_RELATED" => $this->getServicesRelatedArray($service->serviceName), "APRETASTE_SERVICE_CREATOR" => $service->creatorEmail, "APRETASTE_TOP_AD" => "", "APRETASTE_BOTTOM_AD" => "");
     // merge all variable sets and assign them to Smarty
     $templateVariables = array_merge($systemVariables, $response->content);
     // renderig and removing tabs, double spaces and break lines
     $renderedTemplate = $smarty->fetch("email_default.tpl");
     return preg_replace('/\\s+/S', " ", $renderedTemplate);

作者:Apretast    项目:Sandbo   
  * Escape dangerous strings before passing it to mysql
  * @author salvipascual
  * @param String $str, text to scape
  * @return String, scaped text ready to be sent to mysql
  * */
 public function escape($str)
     // get the scaped string
     $di = \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault::getDefault();
     $safeStr = $di->get('db')->escapeString($str);
     // remove the ' at the beginning and end of the string
     return substr(substr($safeStr, 0, -1), 1);

作者:silverwolfx1    项目:tcc-uhealt   
  * Register the services here to make them general or register in the ModuleDefinition to make them module-specific
 protected function registerServices()
     $di = new FactoryDefault();
     require '../../../autoloader.php';
     $loader = new Loader();
      * We're a registering a set of directories taken from the configuration file
     $loader->registerDirs(array(__DIR__ . '/../apps/library/'))->register();
     $router = new Router();
     //Registering a router
     $di->set('router', function () use($router) {
         return $router;

作者:phil-schreibe    项目:reporting-too   
public function countMediumtypeClippings($mediumtype)
     $config = \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault::getDefault()->getShared('config');
     $modelsManager = $this->getDi()->getShared('modelsManager');
     $phql = 'SELECT COUNT(clippings.uid) as clippingscount, SUM(medium.reach) as mediumreach FROM reportingtool\\Models\\Clippings as clippings LEFT JOIN reportingtool\\Models\\Projects as projects ON LEFT JOIN reportingtool\\Models\\Medium as medium ON medium.uid=clippings.mediumuid ' . 'WHERE medium.deleted =0 AND medium.hidden=0 AND clippings.deleted=0 AND clippings.hidden =0 AND projects.deleted=0 AND projects.hidden = 0 AND medium.mediumtype = ?1';
     $sQuery = $modelsManager->createQuery($phql);
     $rResults = $sQuery->execute(array(1 => $mediumtype));
     return $rResults[0];

作者:stratos    项目:phalcon2res   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getUserEntityByUserCredentials($username, $password, $grantType, ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity)
     $di = new Di();
     /** @var Security $security */
     $security = $di->getShared('security');
     $user = Users::query()->where("username = :username:")->bind(['username' => $username])->limit(1)->execute()->toArray();
     $correctDetails = false;
     if (count($user) === 1) {
         $user = current($user);
         if ($security->checkHash($password, $user['password'])) {
             $correctDetails = true;
         } else {
     } else {
         // prevent timing attacks
     if ($correctDetails) {
         //$scope = new ScopeEntity();
         //$scopes[] = $scope;
         return new UserEntity($user);
     return null;

作者:stratos    项目:phalcon2res   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getClientEntity($clientIdentifier, $grantType, $clientSecret = null, $mustValidateSecret = true)
     $di = new Di();
     /** @var Security $security */
     $security = $di->getShared('security');
     $client = Clients::query()->where("id = :id:")->bind(['id' => $clientIdentifier])->limit(1)->execute()->toArray();
     $correctDetails = false;
     if (count($client) === 1) {
         $client = current($client);
         if ($mustValidateSecret) {
             if ($security->checkHash($clientSecret, $client['secret'])) {
                 $correctDetails = true;
             } else {
         } else {
             $correctDetails = true;
     } else {
         // prevent timing attacks
     if ($correctDetails) {
         $clientEntity = new ClientEntity();
         return $clientEntity;
     return null;

作者:sb1    项目:phalcon-ex   
public function get($routeName, $routeParams = array())
     $url = $this->di->get('url');
     $options = array('for' => $routeName);
     $options = array_merge($options, $routeParams);
     return $url->get($options);

作者:logikostec    项目:form   
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     $basedir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../');
     $testdir = $basedir . '/tests';
     self::$viewsdir = realpath($testdir . '/views/') . '/';
     include_once $basedir . "/vendor/autoload.php";
     $di = new DI();
     $di->set('form', "Logikos\\Forms\\Form");
     $di->set('url', function () {
         $url = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Url();
         return $url;
     static::$di = $di;

作者:skulla    项目:thunderhaw   
public function getShared($name, $parameters = null)
     if ($this->_init) {
     return parent::getShared($name, $parameters);

作者:hacktm1    项目:CityBo   
  * Get Enum Column values
  * @access public
  * @param {string} $columnName
  * @return {array}
 public function getEnumValues($columnName = null)
     $di = PhDi::getDefault();
     if ($columnName == null) {
         return array();
     $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $this->getSource() . "` LIKE '{$columnName}'";
     $resultSet = $di['db']->query($sql);
     $result = $resultSet->fetchAll($resultSet);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $types = null;
         if (isset($result[0]['Type'])) {
             $types = $result[0]['Type'];
         } else {
             return array();
         $values = explode("','", preg_replace("/(enum)\\('(.+?)'\\)/", "\\2", $types));
         $assoc_values = array();
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             $assoc_values[$value] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $value));
         return $assoc_values;
     return false;




