php PMA-libraries-Message类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php PMA-libraries-Message 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:pjiaha    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Send TRI or EVN editor via ajax or by echoing.
 * @param string $type      TRI or EVN
 * @param string $mode      Editor mode 'add' or 'edit'
 * @param array  $item      Data necessary to create the editor
 * @param string $title     Title of the editor
 * @param string $db        Database
 * @param string $operation Operation 'change' or ''
 * @return void
function PMA_RTE_sendEditor($type, $mode, $item, $title, $db, $operation = null)
    if ($item !== false) {
        // Show form
        if ($type == 'TRI') {
            $editor = PMA_TRI_getEditorForm($mode, $item);
        } else {
            // EVN
            $editor = PMA_EVN_getEditorForm($mode, $operation, $item);
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            $response->addJSON('message', $editor);
            $response->addJSON('title', $title);
        } else {
            echo "\n\n<h2>{$title}</h2>\n\n{$editor}";
    } else {
        $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' ';
        $message .= sprintf(PMA_RTE_getWord('not_found'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name'])), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db)));
        $message = Message::error($message);
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            $response->addJSON('message', $message);
        } else {

作者:netrob    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * This function is called from one of the other functions in this file
 * and it completes the handling of the export functionality.
 * @param string $export_data The SQL query to create the requested item
 * @return void
function PMA_RTE_handleExport($export_data)
    global $db;
    $item_name = htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($_GET['item_name']));
    if ($export_data !== false) {
        $export_data = htmlspecialchars(trim($export_data));
        $title = sprintf(PMA_RTE_getWord('export'), $item_name);
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            $response->addJSON('message', $export_data);
            $response->addJSON('title', $title);
        } else {
            $export_data = '<textarea cols="40" rows="15" style="width: 100%;">' . $export_data . '</textarea>';
            echo "<fieldset>\n" . "<legend>{$title}</legend>\n" . $export_data . "</fieldset>\n";
    } else {
        $_db = htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db));
        $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' ' . sprintf(PMA_RTE_getWord('not_found'), $item_name, $_db);
        $response = Message::error($message);
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            $response->addJSON('message', $message);
        } else {

作者:ryanfmurph    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Get HTML for the Change password dialog
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname hostname
 * @return string html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForChangePassword($username, $hostname)
     * autocomplete feature of IE kills the "onchange" event handler and it
     * must be replaced by the "onpropertychange" one in this case
    $chg_evt_handler = PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER >= 5 && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 7 ? 'onpropertychange' : 'onchange';
    $is_privileges = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === 'server_privileges.php';
    $html = '<form method="post" id="change_password_form" ' . 'action="' . basename($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF']) . '" ' . 'name="chgPassword" ' . 'class="' . ($is_privileges ? 'submenu-item' : '') . '">';
    $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs();
    if (strpos($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF'], 'server_privileges') !== false) {
        $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="username" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="hostname" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '" />';
    $html .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_password">' . '<legend' . ($is_privileges ? ' data-submenu-label="' . __('Change password') . '"' : '') . '>' . __('Change password') . '</legend>' . '<table class="data noclick">' . '<tr class="odd">' . '<td colspan="2">' . '<input type="radio" name="nopass" value="1" id="nopass_1" ' . 'onclick="pma_pw.value = \'\'; pma_pw2.value = \'\'; ' . 'this.checked = true" />' . '<label for="nopass_1">' . __('No Password') . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="even vmiddle">' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="nopass" value="0" id="nopass_0" ' . 'onclick="document.getElementById(\'text_pma_pw\').focus();" ' . 'checked="checked" />' . '<label for="nopass_0">' . __('Password:') . '&nbsp;</label>' . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw" id="text_pma_pw" size="10" ' . 'class="textfield"' . $chg_evt_handler . '="nopass[1].checked = true" />' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('Re-type:') . '&nbsp;' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw2" id="text_pma_pw2" size="10" ' . 'class="textfield"' . $chg_evt_handler . '="nopass[1].checked = true" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    $html .= '<tr class="vmiddle">' . '<td>' . __('Password Hashing:') . '</td><td>';
    $serverType = PMA\libraries\Util::getServerType();
    $orig_auth_plugin = PMA_getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin('change', $username, $hostname);
    if ($serverType == 'MySQL' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50507 || $serverType == 'MariaDB' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200) {
        $auth_plugin_dropdown = PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown($username, $hostname, $orig_auth_plugin, 'change_pw', 'new');
        $html .= $auth_plugin_dropdown;
        $html .= '</td></tr>';
        $html .= '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password"></tr>';
        $html .= '</table>';
        $html .= '<div ' . ($orig_auth_plugin != 'sha256_password' ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . ' id="ssl_reqd_warning_cp">' . Message::notice(__('This method requires using an \'<i>SSL connection</i>\' ' . 'or an \'<i>unencrypted connection that encrypts the password ' . 'using RSA</i>\'; while connecting to the server.') . PMA\libraries\Util::showMySQLDocu('sha256-authentication-plugin'))->getDisplay() . '</div>';
        $html .= '<div ' . ($orig_auth_plugin != 'sha256_password' ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . ' id="ssl_reqd_warning_cp">' . Message::notice(__('This method requires using an \'<i>SSL connection</i>\' ' . 'or an \'<i>unencrypted connection that encrypts the password ' . 'using RSA</i>\'; while connecting to the server.') . PMA\libraries\Util::showMySQLDocu('sha256-authentication-plugin'))->getDisplay() . '</div>';
    } else {
        $auth_plugin_dropdown = PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown($username, $hostname, $orig_auth_plugin, 'change_pw', 'old');
        $html .= $auth_plugin_dropdown . '</td></tr>' . '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password"></tr>' . '</table>';
    $html .= '</fieldset>' . '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_password_footer" class="tblFooters">' . '<input type="hidden" name="change_pw" value="1" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>';
    return $html;

作者:phpmyadmi    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Handles the whole import logic
  * @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
  * @return void
 public function doImport(&$sql_data = array())
     global $finished, $import_file, $charset_conversion, $table;
     global $ldi_local_option, $ldi_replace, $ldi_ignore, $ldi_terminated, $ldi_enclosed, $ldi_escaped, $ldi_new_line, $skip_queries, $ldi_columns;
     $compression = $GLOBALS['import_handle']->getCompression();
     if ($import_file == 'none' || $compression != 'none' || $charset_conversion) {
         // We handle only some kind of data!
         $GLOBALS['message'] = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('This plugin does not support compressed imports!'));
         $GLOBALS['error'] = true;
     $sql = 'LOAD DATA';
     if (isset($ldi_local_option)) {
         $sql .= ' LOCAL';
     $sql .= ' INFILE \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($import_file) . '\'';
     if (isset($ldi_replace)) {
         $sql .= ' REPLACE';
     } elseif (isset($ldi_ignore)) {
         $sql .= ' IGNORE';
     $sql .= ' INTO TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table);
     if (strlen($ldi_terminated) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' FIELDS TERMINATED BY \'' . $ldi_terminated . '\'';
     if (strlen($ldi_enclosed) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' ENCLOSED BY \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($ldi_enclosed) . '\'';
     if (strlen($ldi_escaped) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' ESCAPED BY \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($ldi_escaped) . '\'';
     if (strlen($ldi_new_line) > 0) {
         if ($ldi_new_line == 'auto') {
             $ldi_new_line = PMA\libraries\Util::whichCrlf() == "\n" ? '\\n' : '\\r\\n';
         $sql .= ' LINES TERMINATED BY \'' . $ldi_new_line . '\'';
     if ($skip_queries > 0) {
         $sql .= ' IGNORE ' . $skip_queries . ' LINES';
         $skip_queries = 0;
     if (strlen($ldi_columns) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' (';
         $tmp = preg_split('/,( ?)/', $ldi_columns);
         $cnt_tmp = count($tmp);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt_tmp; $i++) {
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $sql .= ', ';
             /* Trim also `, if user already included backquoted fields */
             $sql .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(trim($tmp[$i], " \t\r\n\v`"));
         // end for
         $sql .= ')';
     PMA_importRunQuery($sql, $sql, $sql_data);
     PMA_importRunQuery('', '', $sql_data);
     $finished = true;

作者:itgsod-philip-skalande    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Function to get html for displaying the schema export
 * @param string $db   database name
 * @param int    $page the page to be exported
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForSchemaExport($db, $page)
    /* Scan for schema plugins */
    /* @var $export_list SchemaPlugin[] */
    $export_list = PMA_getPlugins("schema", 'libraries/plugins/schema/', null);
    /* Fail if we didn't find any schema plugin */
    if (empty($export_list)) {
        return Message::error(__('Could not load schema plugins, please check your installation!'))->getDisplay();
    return PMA\libraries\Template::get('database/designer/schema_export')->render(array('db' => $db, 'page' => $page, 'export_list' => $export_list));

作者:flash145    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Returns the message for demo server to error messages
  * @return string
 private function _getDemoMessage()
     $message = '<a href="/">' . __('phpMyAdmin Demo Server') . '</a>: ';
     if (file_exists('./revision-info.php')) {
         include './revision-info.php';
         $message .= sprintf(__('Currently running Git revision %1$s from the %2$s branch.'), '<a target="_blank" href="' . $repobase . $fullrevision . '">' . $revision . '</a>', '<a target="_blank" href="' . $repobranchbase . $branch . '">' . $branch . '</a>');
     } else {
         $message .= __('Git information missing!');
     return Message::notice($message)->getDisplay();

作者:phpmyadmi    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Prints html for auto refreshing processes list
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForProcessListAutoRefresh()
    $notice = Message::notice(__('Note: Enabling the auto refresh here might cause ' . 'heavy traffic between the web server and the MySQL server.'))->getDisplay();
    $retval = $notice . '<div class="tabLinks">';
    $retval .= '<label>' . __('Refresh rate') . ': ';
    $retval .= ServerStatusData::getHtmlForRefreshList('refreshRate', 5, array(2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 120, 300, 600, 1200));
    $retval .= '</label>';
    $retval .= '<a id="toggleRefresh" href="#">';
    $retval .= Util::getImage('play.png') . __('Start auto refresh');
    $retval .= '</a>';
    $retval .= '</div>';
    return $retval;

作者:nije    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Index action
  * @return void
 public function indexAction()
     $request = Request::getInstance();
     if ($request->isAjax() && isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] === 'getval') {
     if ($request->isAjax() && isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] === 'setval') {
     include 'libraries/';
     $header = $this->response->getHeader();
     $scripts = $header->getScripts();
      * Displays the sub-page heading
     $doc_link = Util::showMySQLDocu('server_system_variables');
     $this->response->addHtml(PMA_getHtmlForSubPageHeader('variables', $doc_link));
      * Sends the queries and buffers the results
     $serverVarsResult = $this->dbi->tryQuery('SHOW SESSION VARIABLES;');
     if ($serverVarsResult !== false) {
         $serverVarsSession = array();
         while ($arr = $this->dbi->fetchRow($serverVarsResult)) {
             $serverVarsSession[$arr[0]] = $arr[1];
         $serverVars = $this->dbi->fetchResult('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES;', 0, 1);
          * Link templates
          * Displays the page
         $this->response->addHtml($this->_getHtmlForServerVariables($serverVars, $serverVarsSession));
     } else {
          * Display the error message
         $this->response->addHTML(Message::error(sprintf(__('Not enough privilege to view server variables and ' . 'settings. %s'), Util::showMySQLDocu('server-system-variables', false, 'sysvar_show_compatibility_56')))->getDisplay());

作者:pous    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Renders the navigation tree, or part of it
  * @return string The navigation tree
 public function getDisplay()
     /* Init */
     $retval = '';
     if (!Response::getInstance()->isAjax()) {
         $header = new NavigationHeader();
         $retval = $header->getDisplay();
     $tree = new NavigationTree();
     if (!Response::getInstance()->isAjax() || !empty($_REQUEST['full']) || !empty($_REQUEST['reload'])) {
         if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree']) {
             // provide database tree in navigation
             $navRender = $tree->renderState();
         } else {
             // provide legacy pre-4.0 navigation
             $navRender = $tree->renderDbSelect();
     } else {
         $navRender = $tree->renderPath();
     if (!$navRender) {
         $retval .= Message::error(__('An error has occurred while loading the navigation display'))->getDisplay();
     } else {
         $retval .= $navRender;
     if (!Response::getInstance()->isAjax()) {
         // closes the tags that were opened by the navigation header
         $retval .= '</div>';
         // pma_navigation_tree
         $retval .= '<div id="pma_navi_settings_container">';
         if (!defined('PMA_DISABLE_NAVI_SETTINGS')) {
             $retval .= PageSettings::getNaviSettings();
         $retval .= '</div>';
         $retval .= '</div>';
         // pma_navigation_content
         $retval .= $this->_getDropHandler();
         $retval .= '</div>';
         // pma_navigation
     return $retval;

作者:wp-clou    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Displays authentication form
  * @return boolean
 public function authForm()
     if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['auth_http_realm'])) {
         if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose'])) {
             $server_message = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host'];
         } else {
             $server_message = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose'];
         $realm_message = 'phpMyAdmin ' . $server_message;
     } else {
         $realm_message = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['auth_http_realm'];
     $response = Response::getInstance();
     // remove non US-ASCII to respect RFC2616
     $realm_message = preg_replace('/[^\\x20-\\x7e]/i', '', $realm_message);
     $response->header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm_message . '"');
     $response->header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
     if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cgi-fcgi') {
         $response->header('status: 401 Unauthorized');
     /* HTML header */
     $footer = $response->getFooter();
     $header = $response->getHeader();
     $header->setTitle(__('Access denied!'));
     $response->addHTML(sprintf(__('Welcome to %s'), ' phpMyAdmin'));
     $response->addHTML(Message::error(__('Wrong username/password. Access denied.')));
     if (@file_exists(CUSTOM_FOOTER_FILE)) {
         include CUSTOM_FOOTER_FILE;
     if (!defined('TESTSUITE')) {
     } else {
         return false;

作者:pboutin4    项目:maintes   
  * Handles the whole import logic
  * @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
  * @return void
 public function doImport(&$sql_data = array())
     global $db, $table, $csv_terminated, $csv_enclosed, $csv_escaped, $csv_new_line, $csv_columns, $err_url;
     // $csv_replace and $csv_ignore should have been here,
     // but we use directly from $_POST
     global $error, $timeout_passed, $finished, $message;
     $replacements = array('\\n' => "\n", '\\t' => "\t", '\\r' => "\r");
     $csv_terminated = strtr($csv_terminated, $replacements);
     $csv_enclosed = strtr($csv_enclosed, $replacements);
     $csv_escaped = strtr($csv_escaped, $replacements);
     $csv_new_line = strtr($csv_new_line, $replacements);
     $param_error = false;
     if (mb_strlen($csv_terminated) < 1) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Columns terminated with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
         // The default dialog of MS Excel when generating a CSV produces a
         // semi-colon-separated file with no chance of specifying the
         // enclosing character. Thus, users who want to import this file
         // tend to remove the enclosing character on the Import dialog.
         // I could not find a test case where having no enclosing characters
         // confuses this script.
         // But the parser won't work correctly with strings so we allow just
         // one character.
     } elseif (mb_strlen($csv_enclosed) > 1) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Columns enclosed with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
         // I could not find a test case where having no escaping characters
         // confuses this script.
         // But the parser won't work correctly with strings so we allow just
         // one character.
     } elseif (mb_strlen($csv_escaped) > 1) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Columns escaped with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
     } elseif (mb_strlen($csv_new_line) != 1 && $csv_new_line != 'auto') {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Lines terminated with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
     // If there is an error in the parameters entered,
     // indicate that immediately.
     if ($param_error) {
         PMA\libraries\Util::mysqlDie($message->getMessage(), '', false, $err_url);
     $buffer = '';
     $required_fields = 0;
     if (!$this->_getAnalyze()) {
         $sql_template = 'INSERT';
         if (isset($_POST['csv_ignore'])) {
             $sql_template .= ' IGNORE';
         $sql_template .= ' INTO ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table);
         $tmp_fields = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $table);
         if (empty($csv_columns)) {
             $fields = $tmp_fields;
         } else {
             $sql_template .= ' (';
             $fields = array();
             $tmp = preg_split('/,( ?)/', $csv_columns);
             foreach ($tmp as $key => $val) {
                 if (count($fields) > 0) {
                     $sql_template .= ', ';
                 /* Trim also `, if user already included backquoted fields */
                 $val = trim($val, " \t\r\n\v`");
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($tmp_fields as $field) {
                     if ($field['Field'] == $val) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid column (%s) specified! Ensure that columns' . ' names are spelled correctly, separated by commas' . ', and not enclosed in quotes.'));
                     $error = true;
                 $fields[] = $field;
                 $sql_template .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($val);
             $sql_template .= ') ';
         $required_fields = count($fields);
         $sql_template .= ' VALUES (';
     // Defaults for parser

作者:pjiaha    项目:phpmyadmi   
$response->addJSON('message', Message::error(__('No databases selected.')));
        } else {
// end if (ensures db exists)
 * Changes database charset if requested by the user
if (isset($_REQUEST['submitcollation']) && isset($_REQUEST['db_collation']) && !empty($_REQUEST['db_collation'])) {
    list($db_charset) = explode('_', $_REQUEST['db_collation']);
    $sql_query = 'ALTER DATABASE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db) . ' DEFAULT' . PMA_generateCharsetQueryPart($_REQUEST['db_collation']);
    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($sql_query);
    $message = Message::success();
     * If we are in an Ajax request, let us stop the execution here. Necessary for
     * db charset change action on db_operations.php.  If this causes a bug on
     * other pages, we might have to move this to a different location.
    if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
        $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
        $response->addJSON('message', $message);
 * Set parameters for links

作者:wp-clou    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Flush privileges and get message
 * @param bool $flushPrivileges Flush privileges
 * @return PMA\libraries\Message
function PMA_RTN_flushPrivileges($flushPrivileges)
    if ($flushPrivileges) {
        // Flush the Privileges
        $flushPrivQuery = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;';
        $message = PMA\libraries\Message::success(__('Routine %1$s has been modified. Privileges have been adjusted.'));
    } else {
        $message = PMA\libraries\Message::success(__('Routine %1$s has been modified.'));
    return $message;

作者:Dhrumil180    项目:phpmyadmi   
class="prefsmanage_opts disabled">
                    <span class="localStorage-supported">
echo __('Settings will be saved in your browser\'s local ' . 'storage.');
                        <div class="localStorage-exists">
echo __('Existing settings will be overwritten!');
                    <div class="localStorage-unsupported">
Message::notice(__('This feature is not supported by your web browser'))->display();
                <br />
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit_export" value="', __('Go'), '" />';
        <div class="group">
echo __('Reset');
            <form class="group-cnt prefs-form disableAjax" name="prefs_reset"

作者:rugbypro    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Set the content that needs to be shown in message
  * @param string  $sorted_column_message the message for sorted column
  * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
  * @param integer $total                 the total number of rows returned by
  *                                       the SQL query without any
  *                                       programmatically appended LIMIT clause
  * @param integer $pos_next              the offset for next page
  * @param string  $pre_count             the string renders before row count
  * @param string  $after_count           the string renders after row count
  * @return Message $message an object of Message
  * @access  private
  * @see     getTable()
 private function _setMessageInformation($sorted_column_message, $analyzed_sql_results, $total, $pos_next, $pre_count, $after_count)
     $unlim_num_rows = $this->__get('unlim_num_rows');
     // To use in isset()
     if (!empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->limit)) {
         $first_shown_rec = $analyzed_sql_results['statement']->limit->offset;
         $row_count = $analyzed_sql_results['statement']->limit->rowCount;
         if ($row_count < $total) {
             $last_shown_rec = $first_shown_rec + $row_count - 1;
         } else {
             $last_shown_rec = $first_shown_rec + $total - 1;
     } elseif ($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] == self::ALL_ROWS || $pos_next > $total) {
         $first_shown_rec = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'];
         $last_shown_rec = $total - 1;
     } else {
         $first_shown_rec = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'];
         $last_shown_rec = $pos_next - 1;
     $table = new Table($this->__get('table'), $this->__get('db'));
     if ($table->isView() && $total == $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxExactCountViews']) {
         $message = Message::notice(__('This view has at least this number of rows. ' . 'Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.'));
         $message_view_warning = Util::showHint($message);
     } else {
         $message_view_warning = false;
     $message = Message::success(__('Showing rows %1s - %2s'));
     if ($message_view_warning !== false) {
         $message->addParam('... ' . $message_view_warning, false);
     } else {
     if ($message_view_warning === false) {
         if (isset($unlim_num_rows) && $unlim_num_rows != $total) {
             $message_total = Message::notice($pre_count . __('%1$d total, %2$d in query'));
         } else {
             $message_total = Message::notice($pre_count . __('%d total'));
         if (!empty($after_count)) {
         $message->addMessage($message_total, '');
         $message->addMessage(', ', '');
     $message_qt = Message::notice(__('Query took %01.4f seconds.') . ')');
     $message->addMessage($message_qt, '');
     if (!is_null($sorted_column_message)) {
         $message->addMessage($sorted_column_message, '');
     return $message;

作者:pjiaha    项目:phpmyadmi   
                     // Only data comments are closed. The structure comments
                     // will be closed when a data comment begins (in order to
                     // skip structure tables)
                     if ($inside_data_comment) {
                         $inside_data_comment = false;
                     // End comments that are not related to table structure
                     if (!$inside_structure_comment) {
                         $inside_comment = false;
                 } else {
                     // Check table name
                     $match_table_name = array();
                     if (preg_match("/^Table data for `(.*)`\$/", $cur_buffer_line, $match_table_name)) {
                         $cur_table_name = $match_table_name[1];
                         $inside_data_comment = true;
                         $inside_structure_comment = $this->_mngInsideStructComm($inside_structure_comment);
                     } elseif (preg_match("/^Table structure for `(.*)`\$/", $cur_buffer_line, $match_table_name)) {
                         // The structure comments will be ignored
                         $inside_structure_comment = true;
             } elseif (preg_match('/^\\{\\|(.*)$/', $cur_buffer_line, $matches)) {
                 // Check start of table
                 // This will store all the column info on all rows from
                 // the current table read from the buffer
                 $cur_temp_table = array();
                 // Will be used as storage for the current row in the buffer
                 // Once all its columns are read, it will be added to
                 // $cur_temp_table and then it will be emptied
                 $cur_temp_line = array();
                 // Helps us differentiate the header columns
                 // from the normal columns
                 $in_table_header = false;
                 // End processing because the current line does not
                 // contain any column information
             } elseif (mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|-' || mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|+' || mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|}') {
                 // Check begin row or end table
                 // Add current line to the values storage
                 if (!empty($cur_temp_line)) {
                     // If the current line contains header cells
                     // ( marked with '!' ),
                     // it will be marked as table header
                     if ($in_table_header) {
                         // Set the header columns
                         $cur_temp_table_headers = $cur_temp_line;
                     } else {
                         // Normal line, add it to the table
                         $cur_temp_table[] = $cur_temp_line;
                 // Empty the temporary buffer
                 $cur_temp_line = array();
                 // No more processing required at the end of the table
                 if (mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|}') {
                     $current_table = array($cur_table_name, $cur_temp_table_headers, $cur_temp_table);
                     // Import the current table data into the database
                     // Reset table name
                     $cur_table_name = "";
                 // What's after the row tag is now only attributes
             } elseif ($first_character === '|' || $first_character === '!') {
                 // Check cell elements
                 // Header cells
                 if ($first_character === '!') {
                     // Mark as table header, but treat as normal row
                     $cur_buffer_line = str_replace('!!', '||', $cur_buffer_line);
                     // Will be used to set $cur_temp_line as table header
                     $in_table_header = true;
                 } else {
                     $in_table_header = false;
                 // Loop through each table cell
                 $cells = $this->_explodeMarkup($cur_buffer_line);
                 foreach ($cells as $cell) {
                     $cell = $this->_getCellData($cell);
                     // Delete the beginning of the column, if there is one
                     $cell = trim($cell);
                     $col_start_chars = array("|", "!");
                     foreach ($col_start_chars as $col_start_char) {
                         $cell = $this->_getCellContent($cell, $col_start_char);
                     // Add the cell to the row
                     $cur_temp_line[] = $cell;
                 // foreach $cells
             } else {
                 // If it's none of the above, then the current line has a bad
                 // format
                 $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid format of mediawiki input on line: <br />%s.'));
                 $error = true;
         // End treating full buffer lines
     // while - finished parsing buffer

作者:netrob    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Handles actions related to multiple tables
  * @return void
 public function multiSubmitAction()
     $action = 'db_structure.php';
     $err_url = 'db_structure.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $this->db));
     // see bug #2794840; in this case, code path is:
     // db_structure.php -> libraries/ -> sql.php
     // -> db_structure.php and if we got an error on the multi submit,
     // we must display it here and not call again
     if (!isset($_POST['error']) || false === $_POST['error']) {
         include 'libraries/';
     if (empty($_POST['message'])) {
         $_POST['message'] = Message::success();

作者:iShareLif    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Get Html for PMA tables fixing anchor.
 * @param boolean $allTables whether to create all tables
 * @param boolean $createDb  whether to create the pmadb also
 * @return string Html
function PMA_getHtmlFixPMATables($allTables, $createDb = false)
    $retval = '';
    $url_query = PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $GLOBALS['db']));
    if ($allTables) {
        if ($createDb) {
            $url_query .= '&amp;goto=db_operations.php&amp;create_pmadb=1';
            $message = Message::notice(__('%sCreate%s a database named \'phpmyadmin\' and setup ' . 'the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.'));
        } else {
            $url_query .= '&amp;goto=db_operations.php&amp;fixall_pmadb=1';
            $message = Message::notice(__('%sCreate%s the phpMyAdmin configuration storage in the ' . 'current database.'));
    } else {
        $url_query .= '&amp;goto=db_operations.php&amp;fix_pmadb=1';
        $message = Message::notice(__('%sCreate%s missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables.'));
    $message->addParam('<a href="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . 'chk_rel.php' . $url_query . '">', false);
    $message->addParam('</a>', false);
    $retval .= $message->getDisplay();
    return $retval;

作者:iShareLif    项目:phpmyadmi   
  * Handles the whole import logic
  * @return void
 public function doImport()
     global $db, $error, $finished, $compression, $import_file, $local_import_file, $message;
     $GLOBALS['finished'] = false;
     $shp = new ShapeFile(1);
     // If the zip archive has more than one file,
     // get the correct content to the buffer from .shp file.
     if ($compression == 'application/zip' && PMA_getNoOfFilesInZip($import_file) > 1) {
         $zip_content = PMA_getZipContents($import_file, '/^.*\\.shp$/i');
         $GLOBALS['import_text'] = $zip_content['data'];
     $temp_dbf_file = false;
     // We need dbase extension to handle .dbf file
     if (extension_loaded('dbase')) {
         // If we can extract the zip archive to 'TempDir'
         // and use the files in it for import
         if ($compression == 'application/zip' && !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir']) && is_writable($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir'])) {
             $dbf_file_name = PMA_findFileFromZipArchive('/^.*\\.dbf$/i', $import_file);
             // If the corresponding .dbf file is in the zip archive
             if ($dbf_file_name) {
                 // Extract the .dbf file and point to it.
                 $extracted = PMA_zipExtract($import_file, realpath($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir']), array($dbf_file_name));
                 if ($extracted) {
                     $dbf_file_path = realpath($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir']) . (PMA_IS_WINDOWS ? '\\' : '/') . $dbf_file_name;
                     $temp_dbf_file = true;
                     // Replace the .dbf with .*, as required
                     // by the bsShapeFiles library.
                     $file_name = mb_substr($dbf_file_path, 0, mb_strlen($dbf_file_path) - 4) . '.*';
                     $shp->FileName = $file_name;
         } elseif (!empty($local_import_file) && !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']) && $compression == 'none') {
             // If file is in UploadDir, use .dbf file in the same UploadDir
             // to load extra data.
             // Replace the .shp with .*,
             // so the bsShapeFiles library correctly locates .dbf file.
             $file_name = mb_substr($import_file, 0, mb_strlen($import_file) - 4) . '.*';
             $shp->FileName = $file_name;
     // Load data
     if ($shp->lastError != "") {
         $error = true;
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('There was an error importing the ESRI shape file: "%s".'));
     // Delete the .dbf file extracted to 'TempDir'
     if ($temp_dbf_file && isset($dbf_file_path) && file_exists($dbf_file_path)) {
     $esri_types = array(0 => 'Null Shape', 1 => 'Point', 3 => 'PolyLine', 5 => 'Polygon', 8 => 'MultiPoint', 11 => 'PointZ', 13 => 'PolyLineZ', 15 => 'PolygonZ', 18 => 'MultiPointZ', 21 => 'PointM', 23 => 'PolyLineM', 25 => 'PolygonM', 28 => 'MultiPointM', 31 => 'MultiPatch');
     switch ($shp->shapeType) {
         // ESRI Null Shape
         case 0:
             // ESRI Point
         // ESRI Point
         case 1:
             $gis_type = 'point';
             // ESRI PolyLine
         // ESRI PolyLine
         case 3:
             $gis_type = 'multilinestring';
             // ESRI Polygon
         // ESRI Polygon
         case 5:
             $gis_type = 'multipolygon';
             // ESRI MultiPoint
         // ESRI MultiPoint
         case 8:
             $gis_type = 'multipoint';
             $error = true;
             if (!isset($esri_types[$shp->shapeType])) {
                 $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('You tried to import an invalid file or the imported file' . ' contains invalid data!'));
             } else {
                 $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('MySQL Spatial Extension does not support ESRI type "%s".'));
     if (isset($gis_type)) {
         /** @var GISMultilinestring|\PMA\libraries\gis\GISMultipoint|\PMA\libraries\gis\GISPoint|GISPolygon $gis_obj */
         $gis_obj = GISFactory::factory($gis_type);
     } else {
         $gis_obj = null;
     $num_rows = count($shp->records);
     // If .dbf file is loaded, the number of extra data columns

作者:Devuiu    项目:phpmyadmi   
 * Function to respond back when the query returns zero rows
 * This method is called
 * 1-> When browsing an empty table
 * 2-> When executing a query on a non empty table which returns zero results
 * 3-> When executing a query on an empty table
 * 4-> When executing an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE query from the SQL tab
 * 5-> When deleting a row from BROWSE tab
 * 6-> When searching using the SEARCH tab which returns zero results
 * 7-> When changing the structure of the table except change operation
 * @param array          $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
 * @param string         $db                   current database
 * @param string         $table                current table
 * @param string         $message_to_show      message to show
 * @param int            $num_rows             number of rows
 * @param DisplayResults $displayResultsObject DisplayResult instance
 * @param array          $extra_data           extra data
 * @param string         $pmaThemeImage        uri of the theme image
 * @param object         $result               executed query results
 * @param string         $sql_query            sql query
 * @param string         $complete_query       complete sql query
 * @return string html
function PMA_getQueryResponseForNoResultsReturned($analyzed_sql_results, $db, $table, $message_to_show, $num_rows, $displayResultsObject, $extra_data, $pmaThemeImage, $result, $sql_query, $complete_query)
    if (PMA_isDeleteTransformationInfo($analyzed_sql_results)) {
        PMA_deleteTransformationInfo($db, $table, $analyzed_sql_results);
    if (isset($extra_data['error'])) {
        $message = PMA\libraries\Message::rawError($extra_data['error']);
    } else {
        $message = PMA_getMessageForNoRowsReturned(isset($message_to_show) ? $message_to_show : null, $analyzed_sql_results, $num_rows);
    $html_output = '';
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) {
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['reload'])) {
            $extra_data['reload'] = 1;
            $extra_data['db'] = $GLOBALS['db'];
        $html_message = PMA\libraries\Util::getMessage($message, $GLOBALS['sql_query'], 'success');
        $html_output .= $html_message;
        // For ajax requests add message and sql_query as JSON
        if (empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request'])) {
            $extra_data['message'] = $message;
            if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowSQL']) {
                $extra_data['sql_query'] = $html_message;
        $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
        $response->addJSON(isset($extra_data) ? $extra_data : array());
        if (!empty($analyzed_sql_results['is_select']) && !isset($extra_data['error'])) {
            $url_query = isset($url_query) ? $url_query : null;
            $displayParts = array('edit_lnk' => null, 'del_lnk' => null, 'sort_lnk' => '1', 'nav_bar' => '0', 'bkm_form' => '1', 'text_btn' => '1', 'pview_lnk' => '1');
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForSqlQueryResultsTable($displayResultsObject, $pmaThemeImage, $url_query, $displayParts, false, 0, $num_rows, true, $result, $analyzed_sql_results, true);
            $html_output .= $displayResultsObject->getCreateViewQueryResultOp($analyzed_sql_results);
            $cfgBookmark = PMA_Bookmark_getParams();
            if ($cfgBookmark) {
                $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForBookmark($displayParts, $cfgBookmark, $sql_query, $db, $table, isset($complete_query) ? $complete_query : $sql_query, $cfgBookmark['user']);
    return $html_output;




