php PHPCI-Builder类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php PHPCI-Builder 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:intar    项目:phpci-redmine-plugi   
public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array())
     $this->phpci = $phpci;
     $this->build = $build;
     $buildSettings = $phpci->getConfig('build_settings');
     if (isset($buildSettings['redmine'])) {
         $redmine = $buildSettings['redmine'];
         $this->server = $redmine['server'];
         $this->apiKey = $redmine['api_key'];
     if (isset($options['enabled'])) {
         $this->enabled = $options['enabled'];
     if (isset($options['status'])) {
         $this->status = $options['status'];
     if (isset($options['prev_status'])) {
         $this->prevStatus = $options['prev_status'];
     if (isset($options['percent'])) {
         $this->percent = $options['percent'];
     if (isset($options['lang'])) {
         $this->lang = $options['lang'];
     if (isset($options['issue_regexp'])) {
         $this->issueRegexp = $options['issue_regexp'];
     $parser = new YamlParser();
     $config = (array) $parser->parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/messages.yml'));
     $this->messages = $config[$this->lang];

作者:rephlu    项目:phpci-external-en   
  * Setup the test environment.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $this->builderMock = $this->getMockBuilder('PHPCI\\Builder')->getMock();
     $this->buildMock = $this->getMockBuilder('PHPCI\\Model\\Build')->getMock();

作者:ntoniazz    项目:PHPC   
  * Handle post-clone tasks (switching branch, etc.)
  * @param Builder $builder
  * @param $cloneTo
  * @return bool
 protected function postCloneSetup(Builder $builder, $cloneTo)
     $success = true;
     $commit = $this->getCommitId();
     // Allow switching to a specific branch:
     if (!empty($commit) && $commit != 'Manual') {
         $cmd = 'cd "%s" && hg checkout %s';
         $success = $builder->executeCommand($cmd, $cloneTo, $this->getBranch());
     return $success;

作者:kukupig    项目:PHPC   
protected function handleSymlink(Builder $builder, $reference, $buildPath)
     if (is_link($buildPath) && is_file($buildPath)) {
     $builder->log(sprintf('Symlinking: %s to %s', $reference, $buildPath));
     if (!symlink($reference, $buildPath)) {
         $builder->logFailure('Failed to symlink.');
         return false;
     return true;

作者:ntoniazz    项目:PHPC   
  * Standard Constructor
  * $options['directory'] Output Directory. Default: %BUILDPATH%
  * $options['filename']  Phar Filename. Default: build.phar
  * $options['regexp']    Regular Expression Filename Capture. Default: /\.php$/
  * $options['stub']      Stub Content. No Default Value
  * @param Builder $phpci
  * @param Build   $build
  * @param array   $options
 public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array())
     $this->phpci = $phpci;
     $this->build = $build;
     $this->message = $options['message'];
     $buildSettings = $phpci->getConfig('build_settings');
     if (isset($buildSettings['irc'])) {
         $irc = $buildSettings['irc'];
         $this->server = $irc['server'];
         $this->port = $irc['port'];
         $this->room = $irc['room'];
         $this->nick = $irc['nick'];

作者:nelsonyang071    项目:PHPC   
  * Set up the plugin, configure options, etc.
  * @param Builder $phpci
  * @param Build $build
  * @param array $options
  * @throws \Exception
 public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array())
     $this->phpci = $phpci;
     $this->build = $build;
     $this->message = $options['message'];
     $this->userAgent = "PHPCI/1.0 (+";
     $this->cookie = "phpcicookie";
     $buildSettings = $phpci->getConfig('build_settings');
     if (isset($buildSettings['campfire'])) {
         $campfire = $buildSettings['campfire'];
         $this->url = $campfire['url'];
         $this->authToken = $campfire['authToken'];
         $this->roomId = $campfire['roomId'];
     } else {
         throw new \Exception(Lang::get('no_campfire_settings'));

作者:kdemanuel    项目:PHPCI-Jenkins-Plugi   
  * Triggers Jenkins Build for the project
 public function execute()
     $success = true;
     if ($this->build->isSuccessful()) {
         // Builds the Jenkins trigger
         $jenkins = $this->jenkinsUrl . '/job/' . rawurlencode($this->jenkinsProject) . '/build?delay=0sec';
         if ($this->jenkinsToken && !empty($this->jenkinsToken)) {
             $jenkins .= '&token=%s';
         $jenkins = sprintf($jenkins, rawurlencode($this->jenkinsProject), $this->jenkinsToken);
         $curlHandler = curl_init($jenkins);
         curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         $status = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         $curlUrl = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
         if ($status != '200') {
             $this->phpci->logFailure($curlUrl . ' return with status code ' . $status);
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->phpci->log('Skipping due to failed Build');
     return $success;

作者:nelsonyang071    项目:PHPC   
  * Send a notification mail.
 public function execute()
     $addresses = $this->getEmailAddresses();
     // Without some email addresses in the yml file then we
     // can't do anything.
     if (count($addresses) == 0) {
         return false;
     $buildStatus = $this->build->isSuccessful() ? "Passing Build" : "Failing Build";
     $projectName = $this->build->getProject()->getTitle();
     try {
         $view = $this->getMailTemplate();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->phpci->log(sprintf('Unknown mail template "%s", falling back to default.', $this->options['template']), LogLevel::WARNING);
         $view = $this->getDefaultMailTemplate();
     $view->build = $this->build;
     $view->project = $this->build->getProject();
     $layout = new View('Email/layout');
     $layout->build = $this->build;
     $layout->project = $this->build->getProject();
     $layout->content = $view->render();
     $body = $layout->render();
     $sendFailures = $this->sendSeparateEmails($addresses, sprintf("PHPCI - %s - %s", $projectName, $buildStatus), $body);
     // This is a success if we've not failed to send anything.
     $this->phpci->log(sprintf("%d emails sent", count($addresses) - $sendFailures));
     $this->phpci->log(sprintf("%d emails failed to send", $sendFailures));
     return $sendFailures === 0;

作者:kukupig    项目:PHPC   
  * Connects to MySQL and runs a specified set of queries.
 public function execute()
     $addresses = $this->getEmailAddresses();
     // Without some email addresses in the yml file then we
     // can't do anything.
     if (count($addresses) == 0) {
         return false;
     $subjectTemplate = "PHPCI - %s - %s";
     $projectName = $this->phpci->getBuildProjectTitle();
     $logText = $this->build->getLog();
     if ($this->build->isSuccessful()) {
         $sendFailures = $this->sendSeparateEmails($addresses, sprintf($subjectTemplate, $projectName, "Passing Build"), sprintf("Log Output: <br><pre>%s</pre>", $logText));
     } else {
         $view = new View('Email/failed');
         $view->build = $this->build;
         $view->project = $this->build->getProject();
         $emailHtml = $view->render();
         $sendFailures = $this->sendSeparateEmails($addresses, sprintf($subjectTemplate, $projectName, "Failing Build"), $emailHtml);
     // This is a success if we've not failed to send anything.
     $this->phpci->log(sprintf("%d emails sent", count($addresses) - count($sendFailures)));
     $this->phpci->log(sprintf("%d emails failed to send", count($sendFailures)));
     return count($sendFailures) == 0;

作者:mrudt    项目:PHPC   
  * Runs Pdepend with the given criteria as arguments
 public function execute()
     if (!is_writable($this->location)) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('The location %s is not writable.', $this->location));
     $pdepend = $this->phpci->findBinary('pdepend');
     if (!$pdepend) {
         $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'pdepend'));
         return false;
     $cmd = $pdepend . ' --summary-xml="%s" --jdepend-chart="%s" --overview-pyramid="%s" %s "%s"';
     // If we need to ignore directories
     if (count($this->phpci->ignore)) {
         $ignore = ' --ignore=' . implode(',', $this->phpci->ignore);
     } else {
         $ignore = '';
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->summary, $this->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->chart, $this->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->pyramid, $ignore, $this->directory);
     $config = $this->phpci->getSystemConfig('phpci');
     if ($success) {
         $this->phpci->logSuccess(sprintf("Pdepend successful. You can use %s\n, ![Chart](%s \"Pdepend Chart\")\n\n                    and ![Pyramid](%s \"Pdepend Pyramid\")\n\n                    for inclusion in the file", $config['url'] . '/build/pdepend/' . $this->summary, $config['url'] . '/build/pdepend/' . $this->chart, $config['url'] . '/build/pdepend/' . $this->pyramid));
     return $success;

作者:mrudt    项目:PHPC   
  * Runs PHP Spec tests.
 public function execute()
     $curdir = getcwd();
     $phpspec = $this->phpci->findBinary(array('phpspec', 'phpspec.php'));
     if (!$phpspec) {
         $this->phpci->logFailure(PHPCI\Helper\Lang::get('could_not_find', 'phpspec'));
         return false;
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($phpspec . ' --format=junit --no-code-generation run');
     $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput();
      * process xml output
      * <testsuites time=FLOAT tests=INT failures=INT errors=INT>
      *   <testsuite name=STRING time=FLOAT tests=INT failures=INT errors=INT skipped=INT>
      *     <testcase name=STRING time=FLOAT classname=STRING status=STRING/>
      *   </testsuite>
      * </testsuites
     $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($output);
     $attr = $xml->attributes();
     $data = array('time' => (double) $attr['time'], 'tests' => (int) $attr['tests'], 'failures' => (int) $attr['failures'], 'errors' => (int) $attr['errors'], 'suites' => array());
      * @var \SimpleXMLElement $group
     foreach ($xml->xpath('testsuite') as $group) {
         $attr = $group->attributes();
         $suite = array('name' => (string) $attr['name'], 'time' => (double) $attr['time'], 'tests' => (int) $attr['tests'], 'failures' => (int) $attr['failures'], 'errors' => (int) $attr['errors'], 'skipped' => (int) $attr['skipped'], 'cases' => array());
          * @var \SimpleXMLElement $child
         foreach ($group->xpath('testcase') as $child) {
             $attr = $child->attributes();
             $case = array('name' => (string) $attr['name'], 'classname' => (string) $attr['classname'], 'time' => (double) $attr['time'], 'status' => (string) $attr['status']);
             if ($case['status'] == 'failed') {
                 $error = array();
                  * ok, sad, we had an error
                  * there should be one - foreach makes this easier
                 foreach ($child->xpath('failure') as $failure) {
                     $attr = $failure->attributes();
                     $error['type'] = (string) $attr['type'];
                     $error['message'] = (string) $attr['message'];
                 foreach ($child->xpath('system-err') as $system_err) {
                     $error['raw'] = (string) $system_err;
                 $case['error'] = $error;
             $suite['cases'][] = $case;
         $data['suites'][] = $suite;
     $this->build->storeMeta('phpspec', $data);
     return $success;

作者:mrudt    项目:PHPC   
  * Runs PHP Copy/Paste Detector in a specified directory.
 public function execute()
     $ignore = '';
     if (count($this->phpci->ignore)) {
         $map = function ($item) {
             return ' --exclude ' . (substr($item, -1) == '/' ? substr($item, 0, -1) : $item);
         $ignore = array_map($map, $this->phpci->ignore);
         $ignore = implode('', $ignore);
     $phploc = $this->phpci->findBinary('phploc');
     if (!$phploc) {
         $this->phpci->logFailure(PHPCI\Helper\Lang::get('could_not_find', 'phploc'));
         return false;
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($phploc . ' %s "%s"', $ignore, $this->directory);
     $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput();
     if (preg_match_all('/\\((LOC|CLOC|NCLOC|LLOC)\\)\\s+([0-9]+)/', $output, $matches)) {
         $data = array();
         foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $v) {
             $data[$v] = (int) $matches[2][$k];
         $this->build->storeMeta('phploc', $data);
     return $success;

作者:robertbolo    项目:PHPC   
  * Run PHP CS Fixer.
  * @return bool
 public function execute()
     $curdir = getcwd();
     $phpcsfixer = $this->phpci->findBinary('php-cs-fixer');
     $cmd = $phpcsfixer . ' fix . %s %s %s';
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->verbose, $this->diff, $this->level);
     return $success;

作者:kukupig    项目:PHPC   
  * Runs PHP Spec tests.
 public function execute()
     $curdir = getcwd();
     $phpspec = $this->phpci->findBinary(array('phpspec', 'phpspec.php'));
     if (!$phpspec) {
         $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find phpspec.');
         return false;
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($phpspec . ' --format=pretty --no-code-generation run');
     return $success;

作者:zeus91    项目:PHPC   
  * Executes parallel lint
 public function execute()
     list($ignore) = $this->getFlags();
     $phplint = $this->phpci->findBinary('parallel-lint');
     $cmd = $phplint . ' %s "%s"';
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $ignore, $this->directory);
     $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput();
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match_all('/Parse error\\:/', $output, $matches)) {
         $this->build->storeMeta('phplint-errors', count($matches[0]));
     return $success;

作者:nelsonyang071    项目:PHPC   
  * Connects to PgSQL and runs a specified set of queries.
  * @return boolean
 public function execute()
     try {
         $opts = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=' . $this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $opts);
         foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return false;
     return true;

作者:kukupig    项目:PHPC   
  * Runs the shell command.
 public function execute()
         throw new \Exception('The shell plugin is not enabled.');
     $success = true;
     foreach ($this->commands as $command) {
         $command = $this->phpci->interpolate($command);
         if (!$this->phpci->executeCommand($command)) {
             $success = false;
     return $success;

作者:mrudt    项目:PHPC   
  * Run PHP CS Fixer.
  * @return bool
 public function execute()
     $curdir = getcwd();
     $phpcsfixer = $this->phpci->findBinary('php-cs-fixer');
     if (!$phpcsfixer) {
         $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'php-cs-fixer'));
         return false;
     $cmd = $phpcsfixer . ' fix . %s %s %s';
     $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->verbose, $this->diff, $this->level);
     return $success;

作者:mrudt    项目:PHPC   
  * Connects to SQLite and runs a specified set of queries.
  * @return boolean
 public function execute()
     try {
         $opts = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $pdo = new PDO('sqlite:' . $this->path, $opts);
         foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return false;
     return true;

作者:nelsonyang071    项目:PHPC   
  * Wipes a directory's contents
 public function execute()
     $build = $this->phpci->buildPath;
     if ($this->directory == $build || empty($this->directory)) {
         return true;
     if (is_dir($this->directory)) {
         $cmd = 'rm -Rf "%s"';
         if (IS_WIN) {
             $cmd = 'rmdir /S /Q "%s"';
         return $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->directory);
     return true;




