php MapasCulturais-App类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php MapasCulturais-App 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
function findByKeyword(array $keyword, $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
     $keyword = "%{$keyword}%";
     $from = $this->_getKeywordDQLFrom();
     $where = $this->_getKeywordDQLWhere();
     $ob = '';
     if (is_array($orderBy)) {
         $ob = 'ORDER BY ';
         $first = true;
         foreach ($orderBy as $prop => $order) {
             if (!$first) {
                 $ob .= ', ';
             $ob .= "{$prop} {$order}";
     $dql = "SELECT e FROM {$from} WHERE {$where} {$ob}";
     $query = App::i()->em->createQuery($dql);
     if ($limit) {
     if ($offset) {
     $query->setParameter('keyword', $keyword);
     return $query->getResult();

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
  * Sets the value of the location property.
  * You can set the value of this property using a GeoPoint object or using an array,
  * <code>
  * // example with GeoPoint
  * $entity->location = new GeoPoint(-45.123, -23.345);
  * // example with arrays
  * $entity->location = [-45.123, -23.345];
  * $entity->location = ['x' => -45.123, 'y' => -23.345];
  * $entity->location = ['longitude' => -45.123, 'latitude' => -23.345];
  * </code>
  * This method sets the value of the property _geoLocation with a PostGIS ST_Geography type.
  * @param \MapasCulturais\Types\GeoPoint|array $location
 function setLocation($location)
     $x = $y = null;
     if (!$location instanceof GeoPoint) {
         if (is_array($location) && key_exists('x', $location) && key_exists('y', $location)) {
             $x = $location['x'];
             $y = $location['y'];
         } elseif (is_array($location) && key_exists('longitude', $location) && key_exists('latitude', $location)) {
             $x = $location['longitude'];
             $y = $location['latitude'];
         } elseif (is_array($location) && count($location) === 2 && is_numeric($location[0]) && is_numeric($location[1])) {
             $x = $location[0];
             $y = $location[1];
         } else {
             throw new \Exception(App::txt('The location must be an instance of \\MapasCulturais\\Types\\GeoPoint or an array with two numeric values'));
         $location = new GeoPoint($x, $y);
     if (is_numeric($x) && is_numeric($y)) {
         $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
         $sql = "SELECT ST_GeographyFromText('POINT({$location->longitude} {$location->latitude})') AS geo";
         $rsm->addScalarResult('geo', 'geo');
         $query = App::i()->em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
         $this->_geoLocation = $query->getSingleScalarResult();
     $this->location = $location;

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
  * Returns the owner of this TermRelation
  * @return \MapasCulturais\Entity
 public function getOwner()
     if (!$this->_owner && ($this->objectType && $this->objectId)) {
         $this->_owner = \MapasCulturais\App::i()->repo($this->objectType)->find($this->objectId);
     return $this->_owner;

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
function testValidations()
     $app = App::i();
     $type = new MapasCulturais\Definitions\EntityType('MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Agent', 9999, 'test type');
     $metas = array('metaRequired' => array('label' => 'Meta Required', 'validations' => array('required' => 'required error message'), 'validValues' => array('Value', 'Loren'), 'invalidValues' => array(null, '')), 'metaEmail' => array('label' => 'Meta Email', 'validations' => array('v::email()' => 'error message'), 'validValues' => array(null, '', '', '', ''), 'invalidValues' => array('test', 'test', '', 'alow')), 'metaRequiredEmail' => array('label' => 'Meta Email', 'validations' => array('required' => 'required error message', 'v::email()' => 'error message'), 'validValues' => array('', '', ''), 'invalidValues' => array(null, '', 'test', 'test', '', 'alow')), 'metaUrl' => array('label' => 'Meta Url', 'validations' => array('v::url()' => 'error message'), 'validValues' => array(null, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''), 'invalidValues' => array('htts:///222', 'asdasd', '')), 'metaRequiredUrl' => array('label' => 'Meta Url', 'validations' => array('required' => 'required error message', 'v::url()' => 'error message'), 'validValues' => array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''), 'invalidValues' => array(null, '', 'htts:///222', 'asdasd', '')), 'metaContact' => array('label' => 'Meta Contact', 'validations' => array('required' => 'required error message', 'v::oneOf(v::email(), v::brPhone())' => 'error message'), 'validValues' => array('', '', '', '(11) 9876-5432', '(11) 3456-1234', '(11)34561234', '(11) 93456-1234'), 'invalidValues' => array(null, '', 'test@', 'test', '', 'alow', '(11)123', '(1) 123123123123-123')));
     foreach ($metas as $meta_key => $config) {
         $definition = new MapasCulturais\Definitions\Metadata($meta_key, $config);
         $app->registerMetadata($definition, 'MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Agent', $type->id);
         $agent = new Agent();
         $agent->name = 'Teste';
         $agent->type = $type;
         $agent->terms['area'][] = 'Cinema';
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
             foreach ($config['validValues'] as $val) {
                 $agent->{$meta_key} = $val;
                 $errors = $agent->getValidationErrors();
                 $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($meta_key, $errors, print_r(array('type' => "assertArrayNotHasKey", 'KEY' => $meta_key, 'VALID VALUE' => $val, 'errors' => $errors), true));
             foreach ($config['invalidValues'] as $val) {
                 $agent->{$meta_key} = $val;
                 $errors = $agent->getValidationErrors();
                 $this->assertArrayHasKey($meta_key, $errors, print_r(array('type' => "assertArrayNotHasKey", 'KEY' => $meta_key, 'INVALID VALUE' => $val, 'errors' => $errors), true));

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
protected function _init()
     $app = App::i();
     $token = $this->_config['token'];
     try {
         $jwt_data = \JWT::decode($token);
         if (isset($jwt_data->pk)) {
             $pk = $jwt_data->pk;
             $userapp = $app->repo('UserApp')->find($pk);
             // pegar da tabela de apps
             if (!$userapp) {
             \JWT::decode($token, $userapp->privateKey, ['HS512', 'HS256', 'HS1']);
             $user = $userapp->user;
             $this->__user = $user;
             return true;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
  * Sets the Longitude of the point.
  * @param float $val Longitude
  * @throws \Exception if the value is greater than 180 or less then -180
 public function setLongitude($val)
     if ($val > 180 || $val < -180) {
         throw new \Exception(App::txt('Longitude must be a float between 180 and -180'));
     $this->longitude = $val;

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
function API_findByEvents()
     $eventController = App::i()->controller('event');
     $query_data = $this->getData;
     $date_from = key_exists('@from', $query_data) ? $query_data['@from'] : date("Y-m-d");
     $date_to = key_exists('@to', $query_data) ? $query_data['@to'] : $date_from;
     unset($query_data['@from'], $query_data['@to']);
     $event_data = array('@select' => 'id') + $query_data;
     $events = $eventController->apiQuery($event_data);
     $event_ids = array_map(function ($e) {
         return $e['id'];
     }, $events);
     $spaces = $this->repository->findByEventsAndDateInterval($event_ids, $date_from, $date_to);
     $space_ids = array_map(function ($e) {
         return $e->id;
     }, $spaces);
     if ($space_ids) {
         $space_data = array('id' => 'IN(' . implode(',', $space_ids) . ')');
         foreach ($query_data as $key => $val) {
             if ($key[0] === '@' || $key == '_geoLocation') {
                 $space_data[$key] = $val;
     } else {
         $this->apiResponse(key_exists('@count', $query_data) ? 0 : array());

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
function API_list()
     $app = App::i();
     $result = [];
     if (isset($this->data['includeData'])) {
         $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
         $rsm->addScalarResult('type', 'type');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('name', 'name');
         $strNativeQuery = "SELECT type, name FROM geo_division";
         $query = $app->getEm()->createNativeQuery($strNativeQuery, $rsm);
         $divisions = $query->getScalarResult();
     foreach ($app->getRegisteredGeoDivisions() as $geoDivision) {
         $r = clone $geoDivision;
         if (isset($this->data['includeData'])) {
             foreach ($divisions as $index => $division) {
                 if (!isset($r->data)) {
                     $r->data = [];
                 if ($r->key === $division['type']) {
                     $r->data[] = $division['name'];
         $result[] = $r;

作者:hacklab    项目:mapasculturais-basemin   
public function register()
     $app = App::i();
     $metadata = ['MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Event' => ['num_sniic' => ['label' => 'Nº SNIIC:', 'private' => false]], 'MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Project' => ['num_sniic' => ['label' => 'Nº SNIIC:', 'private' => false]], 'MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Space' => ['num_sniic' => ['label' => 'Nº SNIIC:', 'private' => false], 'cnpj' => ['label' => 'CNPJ', 'private' => false, 'validations' => ['v::cnpj()' => 'O CNPJ informado é inválido']], 'esfera' => ['label' => 'Esfera', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => ['Pública', 'Privada']], 'esfera_tipo' => ['label' => 'Tipo de esfera', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => ['Federal', 'Estadual', 'Distrital', 'Municipal', 'Associação', 'Empresa', 'Fundação', 'Particular', 'Religiosa', 'Mista', 'Entidade Sindical', 'Outra']], 'certificado' => ['label' => 'Títulos e Certificados', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => ['ONG' => 'Organização não Governamental (ONG)', 'OSCIP' => 'Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP)', 'OS' => 'Organização Social (OS)', 'CEBAS' => 'Certificado de Entidade Beneficente de Assistência Social (CEBAS)', 'UPF' => 'Certificado de Utilidade Pública Federal (UPF)', 'UPE' => 'Certificado de Utilidade Pública Estadual (UPE)', 'UPM' => 'Certificado de Utilidade Pública Municipal (UPM)']]], 'MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Agent' => ['num_sniic' => ['label' => 'Nº SNIIC:', 'private' => false], 'tipologia_nivel1' => ['label' => 'Tipologia Nível 1', 'private' => false], 'tipologia_nivel2' => ['label' => 'Tipologia Nível 2', 'private' => false], 'tipologia_nivel3' => ['label' => 'Tipologia Nível 3', 'private' => false, 'validations' => ['required' => 'A tipologia deve ser informada.']]]];
     $prefix = $this->getMetadataPrefix();
     foreach ($this->_getAgentMetadata() as $key => $cfg) {
         $key = $prefix . $key;
         $metadata['MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Agent'][$key] = $cfg;
     foreach ($this->_getSpaceMetadata() as $key => $cfg) {
         $key = $prefix . $key;
         $metadata['MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Space'][$key] = $cfg;
     foreach ($this->_getEventMetadata() as $key => $cfg) {
         $key = $prefix . $key;
         $metadata['MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Event'][$key] = $cfg;
     foreach ($this->_getProjectMetadata() as $key => $cfg) {
         $key = $prefix . $key;
         $metadata['MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Project'][$key] = $cfg;
     foreach ($metadata as $entity_class => $metas) {
         foreach ($metas as $key => $cfg) {
             $def = new \MapasCulturais\Definitions\Metadata($key, $cfg);
             $app->registerMetadata($def, $entity_class);

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
public function __construct()
     $this->_publicKey = self::getToken(32);
     $this->_privateKey = self::getToken(64);
     $this->user = App::i()->user;

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
  * @param \MapasCulturais\Entities\User $user
  * @param mixed $status = all all|sent|Entities\Registration::STATUS_*|[Entities\Registration::STATUS_*, Entities\Registration::STATUS_*]
  * @return \MapasCulturais\Entities\Registration[]
 function findByUser($user, $status = 'all')
     if ($user->is('guest')) {
         return [];
     $status_where = "";
     if ($status === 'all') {
         $status = false;
     } else {
         if ($status === 'sent') {
             $status = false;
             $status_where = "r.status > 0 AND";
         } else {
             if (is_int($status)) {
                 $status_where = "r.status = :status AND";
             } else {
                 if (is_array($status)) {
                     $status_where = "r.status IN (:status) AND";
     $dql = "\n            SELECT\n                r\n            FROM\n                MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Registration r\n                LEFT JOIN  MapasCulturais\\Entities\\RegistrationAgentRelation rar WITH rar.owner = r\n            WHERE\n                {$status_where}\n                (\n                    r.owner IN (:agents) OR\n                    rar.agent IN (:agents)\n                )";
     $q = $this->_em->createQuery($dql);
     $q->setParameter('agents', $user->agents ? $user->agents->toArray() : [-1]);
     if ($status !== false) {
         $q->setParameter('status', $status);
     return $q->getResult();

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
public function createByAuthResponse($response)
     $this->_isCreating = true;
     $app = \MapasCulturais\App::i();
     // cria o usuário
     $user = new Entities\User();
     $user->authProvider = $response['auth']['provider'];
     $user->authUid = $response['auth']['uid'];
     $user->email = $response['auth']['info']['email'];
     // cria um agente do tipo user profile para o usuário criado acima
     $agent = new Entities\Agent($user);
     $agent->isUserProfile = true;
     if (isset($response['auth']['info']['name'])) {
         $agent->name = $response['auth']['info']['name'];
     } elseif (isset($response['auth']['info']['first_name']) && isset($response['auth']['info']['last_name'])) {
         $agent->name = $response['auth']['info']['first_name'] . ' ' . $response['auth']['info']['last_name'];
     } else {
         $agent->name = 'Sem nome';
     $this->_isCreating = false;
     return $user;

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
function setParent($parent)
     //Added this case to remove parent from the entity
     if ($parent === null) {
         $this->parent = null;
     } elseif (!is_object($parent)) {
     $error1 = App::txt('O pai não pode ser o filho.');
     $error2 = App::txt('O pai deve ser do mesmo tipo que o filho.');
     if (!key_exists('parent', $this->_validationErrors)) {
         $this->_validationErrors['parent'] = array();
     if ($parent && $parent->id === $this->id) {
         $this->_validationErrors['parent'][] = $error1;
     } elseif (key_exists('parent', $this->_validationErrors) && in_array($error1, $this->_validationErrors['parent'])) {
         $key = array_search($error, $this->_validationErrors['parent']);
     if ($parent && $parent->className !== $this->className) {
         $this->_validationErrors['parent'][] = $error2;
     } elseif (key_exists('parent', $this->_validationErrors) && in_array($error2, $this->_validationErrors['parent'])) {
         $key = array_search($error, $this->_validationErrors['parent']);
     if (!$this->_validationErrors['parent']) {
     $this->parent = $parent;

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
function GET_unpublish()
     $app = App::i();
     if (!key_exists('id', $this->urlData)) {
     $entity = $this->requestedEntity;
     $urls = [$entity->singleUrl, $entity->editUrl];
     if (!$entity) {
     $entity_class = $entity->getClassName();
     $entity->status = $entity_class::STATUS_DRAFT;
     if ($this->isAjax()) {
     } else {
         //e redireciona de volta para o referer
         if (in_array($app->request()->getReferer(), $urls)) {
         } else {

作者:pedrokoblit    项目:mapa-de-hacker   
function _init()
     $app = App::i();
     $app->hook('view.render(<<*>>):before', function () use($app) {
         $this->jsObject['assets']['logo-prefeitura'] = $this->asset('img/logo-prefeitura.png', false);

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
function getGroup()
     if ($this->group == 'registration') {
         return App::txt("project registration");
     } else {
         return $this->group;

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
public function _getAuthenticatedUser()
     if (file_exists($this->filename)) {
         $id = file_get_contents($this->filename);
         $this->_user = \MapasCulturais\App::i()->repo('User')->find($id);
     return $this->_user;

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
function _init()
     $app = App::i();
     $app->hook('view.render(<<*>>):before', function () use($app) {

作者:wagnert    项目:mapasculturai   
  * @return EventOccurrence
 function getEventOccurrence()
     if (isset($this->metadata['event_occurrence_id'])) {
         return App::i()->repo('EventOccurrence')->find($this->metadata['event_occurrence_id']);
     } else {
         return null;

作者:baldass    项目:mapasculturai   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function stopQuery()
     $app = App::i();
     $time_end = microtime(true);
     $execution_time = number_format($time_end - $this->time_start, 4);
     $this->total_queries_time += $execution_time;
     $app->log->debug("\nQUERY Nº {$this->counter} EXECUTED IN {$execution_time} seconds (TOTAL QUERIES TIME: {$this->total_queries_time} seconds)");
     $app->log->debug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SQL Nº {$this->counter}\n");




