php Imagine-Image-ImageInterface类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Imagine-Image-ImageInterface 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:xabe    项目:XabenMediaBundl   
  * Crop image if exceeds boundaries
  * @param ImageInterface $image
  * @param $settings
  * @return ImageInterface
 private function cropImage(ImageInterface $image, $settings)
     $neededSize = new Box($settings['width'], $settings['height']);
     $currentSize = $image->getSize();
     if ($neededSize->contains($currentSize)) {
         return $image;
     $point = new Point($currentSize->getWidth() > $neededSize->getWidth() ? round(($currentSize->getWidth() - $neededSize->getWidth()) / 2) : 0, $currentSize->getHeight() > $neededSize->getHeight() ? round(($currentSize->getHeight() - $neededSize->getHeight()) / 2) : 0);
     $image->crop($point, $neededSize);
     return $image;

作者:ashutosh-srija    项目:findit_akene   
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function load(ImageInterface $image, array $options = array())
     $background = new Color(isset($options['color']) ? $options['color'] : '#fff');
     $topLeft = new Point(0, 0);
     $canvas = $this->imagine->create($image->getSize(), $background);
     return $canvas->paste($image, $topLeft);

作者:networksof    项目   
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function load(ImageInterface $image, array $options = array())
        if (!isset($options['min'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing min option.');

        list($width, $height) = $options['min'];

        $size = $image->getSize();
        $origWidth = $size->getWidth();
        $origHeight = $size->getHeight();

        if ($origWidth < $width || $origHeight < $height) {
            $widthRatio = $width / $origWidth;
            $heightRatio = $height / $origHeight;

            $ratio = $widthRatio > $heightRatio ? $widthRatio : $heightRatio;

            $filter = new Resize(new Box($origWidth * $ratio, $origHeight * $ratio));

            return $filter->apply($image);

        return $image;

作者:ccq1    项目:EduSoh   
private function getColor(ImageInterface $image)
     if ($this->color instanceof ColorInterface) {
         return $this->color;
     return $image->palette()->color($this->color);

作者:Heyfar    项目:ezpublish-kerne   
  * @param ImageInterface|\Imagine\Gmagick\Image $image
  * @return ImageInterface
 public function apply(ImageInterface $image)
     /** @var \Gmagick $gmagick */
     $gmagick = $image->getGmagick();
     $gmagick->reduceNoiseImage((double) $this->getOption('radius', 0));
     return $image;

作者:raphyde    项目:one   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function load(ImageInterface $image, array $options = array())
     $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND;
     if (!empty($options['mode']) && 'inset' === $options['mode']) {
         $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;
     if (!empty($options['filter'])) {
         $filter = constant('Imagine\\Image\\ImageInterface::FILTER_' . strtoupper($options['filter']));
     if (empty($filter)) {
         $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED;
     list($width, $height) = $options['size'];
     $size = $image->getSize();
     $origWidth = $size->getWidth();
     $origHeight = $size->getHeight();
     if (null === $width || null === $height) {
         if (null === $height) {
             $height = (int) ($width / $origWidth * $origHeight);
         } elseif (null === $width) {
             $width = (int) ($height / $origHeight * $origWidth);
     if ($origWidth > $width || $origHeight > $height || !empty($options['allow_upscale']) && ($origWidth !== $width || $origHeight !== $height)) {
         $filter = new Thumbnail(new Box($width, $height), $mode, $filter);
         $image = $filter->apply($image);
     return $image;

作者:shapecod    项目:imagine-thumbnail-gravity-filte   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function apply(ImageInterface $image)
     $currentSize = $image->getSize();
     $ratioCurrent = $currentSize->getHeight() / $currentSize->getWidth();
     $ratioNew = $this->size->getHeight() / $this->size->getWidth();
     // ratio inverse of original and thumb image
     $ratioInverseNew = 1 / $ratioNew;
     // image has to crop
     if ($ratioCurrent != $ratioNew) {
         if ($this->size->getWidth() > $this->size->getHeight()) {
             $cropHeight = $currentSize->getWidth() * $ratioNew;
             $cropWidth = $currentSize->getWidth();
             if ($cropHeight > $currentSize->getHeight()) {
                 $correction = 1 / ($cropHeight / $currentSize->getHeight());
                 $cropWidth *= $correction;
                 $cropHeight *= $correction;
         } else {
             $cropWidth = $currentSize->getHeight() * $ratioInverseNew;
             $cropHeight = $currentSize->getHeight();
             if ($cropWidth > $currentSize->getWidth()) {
                 $correction = 1 / ($cropWidth / $currentSize->getWidth());
                 $cropWidth *= $correction;
                 $cropHeight *= $correction;
         $cropSize = new Box($cropWidth, $cropHeight);
         $startPoint = $this->gravity->getStartPoint($cropSize);
         $image = $image->crop($startPoint, $cropSize);
     return $image->resize($this->size);

作者:vlatose    项目:filebundl   
  * @param ImageInterface $image
  * @param $namespace
  * @param $image_hash
  * @param $image_thumb
  * @return File
 public function createFromImagine(ImageInterface $image, $namespace, $image_hash, $image_thumb)
     $dest = $this->createDestinationPath($namespace, $image_hash, $image_thumb);
     return new File($dest);

作者:gsou    项目:thumb   
  * @param ImageInterface $image
  * @return ImageInterface
 public function generateThumb(ImageInterface $image, $width, $height)
     $background = isset($this->options["background"]) ? $this->options["background"] : null;
     $fitSize = isset($this->options["fitSize"]) ? $this->options["fitSize"] : true;
     $sizeBox = new Box($width, $height);
     $thumbMode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;
     $thumb = $image->thumbnail($sizeBox, $thumbMode);
     // fill the area
     if ($fitSize) {
         $palette = new RGB();
         if (!$background || $background == "transparent") {
             $backgroundColor = $palette->color("fff", 1);
         } else {
             $backgroundColor = $palette->color($background);
         // source
         $realThumb = Image::create($sizeBox, $backgroundColor);
         $sizeR = $thumb->getSize();
         $widthR = $sizeR->getWidth();
         $heightR = $sizeR->getHeight();
         $startX = $startY = 0;
         if ($widthR < $width) {
             $startX = ($width - $widthR) / 2;
         if ($heightR < $height) {
             $startY = ($height - $heightR) / 2;
         $realThumb->paste($thumb, new Point($startX, $startY));
     } else {
         $realThumb = $thumb;
     return $realThumb;

作者:CG7    项目:ezpublish-kerne   
  * @param ImageInterface|\Imagine\Gmagick\Image $image
  * @return ImageInterface
 public function apply(ImageInterface $image)
     /** @var \Gmagick $gmagick */
     $gmagick = $image->getGmagick();
     $gmagick->swirlimage((double) $this->getOption('degrees', 60));
     return $image;

作者:shitikovkiril    项目   
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function createCache($relativeName, $filter, ImageInterface $image, $formatOrImage = null, array $saveOptions = [])
     $cachePath = $this->getCachePath($relativeName, $filter, $formatOrImage);
     if (!is_dir(dirname($cachePath))) {
         mkdir(dirname($cachePath), 0755, true);
     $image->save($cachePath, $saveOptions);

作者:eab-de    项目:EabImageFilterBundl   
public function load(ImageInterface $image, array $options = array())
     if (empty($options)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing width option');
     $filter = new Gravity(new Box((int) $options[0], (int) $options[1]), new MiddleMiddle($image->getSize()));
     $image = $filter->apply($image);
     return $image;

作者:kentonquatma    项目:portfoli   
  * Applies scheduled transformation to ImageInterface instance
  * Returns processed ImageInterface instance
  * @param ImageInterface $image
  * @return ImageInterface
 public function apply(ImageInterface $image)
     for ($x = 0; $x < $image->getSize()->getWidth(); $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y < $image->getSize()->getHeight(); $y++) {
             call_user_func($this->callback, $image, new Point($x, $y));
     return $image;

作者:raphyde    项目:one   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function load(ImageInterface $image, array $options = array())
     $mode = ImageInterface::INTERLACE_LINE;
     if (!empty($options['mode'])) {
         $mode = $options['mode'];
     return $image;

作者:rtablad    项目:resize-and-pa   
protected function pasteCentered(\Imagine\Image\ImageInterface $image, \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface $original)
     $originalSize = $original->getSize();
     $x = $this->getPasteValue($this->size->getWidth(), $originalSize->getWidth());
     $y = $this->getPasteValue($this->size->getHeight(), $originalSize->getHeight());
     $pastePoint = new \Imagine\Image\Point($x, $y);
     $image->paste($original, $pastePoint);
     return $image;

作者:shitikovkiril    项目   
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function apply(ImageInterface $image)
     $watermark = $this->watermark;
     $size = $image->getSize();
     $watermarkSize = $watermark->getSize();
     // If 'null': Downscale if needed
     if (!$this->size && ($size->getWidth() < $watermarkSize->getWidth() || $size->getHeight() < $watermarkSize->getHeight())) {
         $this->size = 1.0;
     if ($this->size) {
         $factor = $this->size * min($size->getWidth() / $watermarkSize->getWidth(), $size->getHeight() / $watermarkSize->getHeight());
         $watermark->resize(new Box($watermarkSize->getWidth() * $factor, $watermarkSize->getHeight() * $factor));
         $watermarkSize = $watermark->getSize();
     switch ($this->position) {
         case 'topleft':
             $x = 0;
             $y = 0;
         case 'top':
             $x = ($size->getWidth() - $watermarkSize->getWidth()) / 2;
             $y = 0;
         case 'topright':
             $x = $size->getWidth() - $watermarkSize->getWidth();
             $y = 0;
         case 'left':
             $x = 0;
             $y = ($size->getHeight() - $watermarkSize->getHeight()) / 2;
         case 'center':
             $x = ($size->getWidth() - $watermarkSize->getWidth()) / 2;
             $y = ($size->getHeight() - $watermarkSize->getHeight()) / 2;
         case 'right':
             $x = $size->getWidth() - $watermarkSize->getWidth();
             $y = ($size->getHeight() - $watermarkSize->getHeight()) / 2;
         case 'bottomleft':
             $x = 0;
             $y = $size->getHeight() - $watermarkSize->getHeight();
         case 'bottom':
             $x = ($size->getWidth() - $watermarkSize->getWidth()) / 2;
             $y = $size->getHeight() - $watermarkSize->getHeight();
         case 'bottomright':
             $x = $size->getWidth() - $watermarkSize->getWidth();
             $y = $size->getHeight() - $watermarkSize->getHeight();
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown position "%s"', $this->position));
     return $image->paste($watermark, new Point($x, $y));

作者:shitikovkiril    项目   
  * @param string                        $point
  * @param \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface $pasteImage
  * @param \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface $image
  * @return integer
 protected function stringYtoInteger($point, ImageInterface $pasteImage, ImageInterface $image)
     switch ($point) {
         case 'bottom':
             return (int) $image->getSize()->getHeight() - $pasteImage->getSize()->getHeight();
         case 'middle':
             return (int) round($image->getSize()->getHeight() / 2 - $pasteImage->getSize()->getHeight() / 2);
         case 'top':

作者:Silweret    项目:sul   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute(ImageInterface &$image, $parameters)
     $retina = isset($parameters['retina']) && $parameters['retina'] != 'false' ? 2 : 1;
     $x = isset($parameters['x']) ? intval($parameters['x']) * $retina : 0;
     $y = isset($parameters['y']) ? intval($parameters['y']) * $retina : 0;
     $width = isset($parameters['w']) ? intval($parameters['w']) : 0;
     $height = isset($parameters['h']) ? intval($parameters['h']) : 0;
     $point = new Point($x, $y);
     $box = new Box($width, $height);
     $image->crop($point, $box);

作者:voodoo-mobil    项目:yii2-imag   
  * Performs resize of the image. Imagine component is used.
  * @param ImageInterface $imagine
  * @param                $resize
  * @param bool           $crop
  * @return BoxInterface
 private function performResize($imagine, $resize, $crop = true)
     $box = $imagine->getSize();
     list($width, $height) = Utils::getDimension($resize);
     $box = $box->scale(max($width / $box->getWidth(), $height / $box->getHeight()));
     if ($crop) {
         $point = new Point(($box->getWidth() - $width) / 2, ($box->getHeight() - $height) / 2);
         $imagine->crop($point, new Box($width, $height));
     return $box;

作者:x00000    项目:storage-manage   
public function apply(ImageInterface &$image, ImagineInterface $imagine)
     $box = $image->getSize();
     $width = Helper::percentValue($this->_width, $box->getWidth());
     $height = Helper::percentValue($this->_height, $box->getHeight());
     // no upscale
     if ($box->getWidth() <= $width && $box->getHeight() <= $height) {
     Helper::scaleSize($width, $height, $box);
     $image->resize(new Box($width, $height));




