php Icinga-Web-Form类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Icinga-Web-Form 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Show a user
 public function showAction()
     $userName = $this->params->getRequired('user');
     $backend = $this->getUserBackend($this->params->getRequired('backend'));
     $user = $backend->select(array('user_name', 'is_active', 'created_at', 'last_modified'))->where('user_name', $userName)->fetchRow();
     if ($user === false) {
         $this->httpNotFound(sprintf($this->translate('User "%s" not found'), $userName));
     $memberships = $this->loadMemberships(new User($userName))->select();
     $filterEditor = Widget::create('filterEditor')->setQuery($memberships)->setSearchColumns(array('group_name'))->preserveParams('limit', 'sort', 'dir', 'view', 'backend', 'user')->ignoreParams('page')->handleRequest($this->getRequest());
     $this->setupSortControl(array('group_name' => $this->translate('Group')), $memberships);
     if ($this->hasPermission('config/authentication/groups/edit')) {
         $extensibleBackends = $this->loadUserGroupBackends('Icinga\\Data\\Extensible');
         $this->view->showCreateMembershipLink = !empty($extensibleBackends);
     } else {
         $this->view->showCreateMembershipLink = false;
     $this->view->user = $user;
     $this->view->backend = $backend;
     $this->view->memberships = $memberships;
     $this->createShowTabs($backend->getName(), $userName)->activate('user/show');
     if ($this->hasPermission('config/authentication/groups/edit')) {
         $removeForm = new Form();
         $removeForm->addElement('hidden', 'user_name', array('isArray' => true, 'value' => $userName, 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper')));
         $removeForm->addElement('hidden', 'redirect', array('value' => Url::fromPath('user/show', array('backend' => $backend->getName(), 'user' => $userName)), 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper')));
         $removeForm->addElement('button', 'btn_submit', array('escape' => false, 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'link-like', 'value' => 'btn_submit', 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'), 'label' => $this->view->icon('trash'), 'title' => $this->translate('Cancel this membership')));
         $this->view->removeForm = $removeForm;

作者:JakobG    项目:icingaweb   
  * Recurse the given form and return the descriptions for it and all of its subforms
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to recurse
  * @return  array
 protected function recurseForm(Form $form)
     $descriptions = array($form->getDescriptions());
     foreach ($form->getSubForms() as $subForm) {
         $descriptions[] = $this->recurseForm($subForm);
     return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $descriptions);

作者:xer    项目:icingaweb   
  * Recurse the given form and return the notifications for it and all of its subforms
  * @param   Form    $form       The form to recurse
  * @return array
 protected function recurseForm(Form $form)
     $notifications = $form->getNotifications();
     foreach ($form->getSubForms() as $subForm) {
         $notifications = $notifications + $this->recurseForm($subForm);
     return $notifications;

作者:bebehe    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the resource configuration by trying to connect with it
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidResource(Form $form)
     $result = ResourceFactory::createResource(new ConfigObject($form->getValues()))->inspect();
     if ($result->hasError()) {
         $form->addError(sprintf('%s (%s)', $form->translate('Connectivity validation failed, connection to the given resource not possible.'), $result->getError()));
     // TODO: display diagnostics in $result->toArray() to the user
     return !$result->hasError();

作者:bebehe    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the configuration by creating a backend and requesting the user count
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidUserBackend(Form $form)
     $backend = new DbUserBackend(ResourceFactory::createResource($form->getResourceConfig()));
     $result = $backend->inspect();
     if ($result->hasError()) {
         $form->addError(sprintf($form->translate('Using the specified backend failed: %s'), $result->getError()));
     // TODO: display diagnostics in $result->toArray() to the user
     return !$result->hasError();

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the resource configuration by trying to connect with it
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidResource(Form $form)
     try {
         $resource = ResourceFactory::createResource(new ConfigObject($form->getValues()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $form->addError($form->translate('Connectivity validation failed, connection to the given resource not possible.'));
         return false;
     return true;

作者:JakobG    项目:icingaweb   
  * Recurse the given form and return the notifications for it and all of its subforms
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to recurse
  * @return  array
 protected function recurseForm(Form $form)
     $notifications = $form->getNotifications();
     foreach ($form->getSubForms() as $subForm) {
         foreach ($this->recurseForm($subForm) as $type => $messages) {
             foreach ($messages as $message) {
                 $notifications[$type][] = $message;
     return $notifications;

作者:kain6    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the resource configuration by trying to connect with it
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidResource(Form $form)
     try {
         $resource = ResourceFactory::createResource(new ConfigObject($form->getValues()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $msg = $form->translate('Connectivity validation failed, connection to the given resource not possible.');
         if ($error = $e->getMessage()) {
             $msg .= ' (' . $error . ')';
         return false;
     return true;

作者:0sval    项目:icingaweb   
  * Setup the given page that is either going to be displayed or validated
  * @param   Form        $page       The page to setup
  * @param   Request     $request    The current request
 public function setupPage(Form $page, Request $request)
     if ($page->getName() === 'setup_requirements') {
     } elseif ($page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_summary') {
         $page->setSubjectTitle(mt('monitoring', 'the monitoring module', 'setup.summary.subject'));
     } elseif ($this->getDirection() === static::FORWARD && ($page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_ido' || $page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_livestatus')) {
         if (($authDbResourceData = $this->getPageData('setup_auth_db_resource')) !== null && $authDbResourceData['name'] === $request->getPost('name') || ($configDbResourceData = $this->getPageData('setup_config_db_resource')) !== null && $configDbResourceData['name'] === $request->getPost('name') || ($ldapResourceData = $this->getPageData('setup_ldap_resource')) !== null && $ldapResourceData['name'] === $request->getPost('name')) {
             $page->error(mt('monitoring', 'The given resource name is already in use.'));

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the configuration by creating a backend and requesting the user count
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidUserBackend(Form $form)
     try {
         $ldapUserBackend = UserBackend::create(null, new ConfigObject($form->getValues()));
     } catch (AuthenticationException $e) {
         if (($previous = $e->getPrevious()) !== null) {
         } else {
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $form->addError(sprintf($form->translate('Unable to validate authentication: %s'), $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
     return true;

作者:0sval    项目:icingaweb   
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getRedirectUrl()
     $redirectUrl = parent::getRedirectUrl();
     // TODO(el): Forms should provide event handling. This is quite hackish
     $formData = $this->getRequestData();
     if ($this->wasSent($formData) && (!$this->getSubmitLabel() || $this->isSubmitted()) && $this->isValid($formData)) {
     return $redirectUrl;

作者:kobmak    项目:icingaweb   
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Values from subforms are directly added to the returned values array instead of being grouped by the subforms'
  * names.
 public function getValues($suppressArrayNotation = false)
     $values = parent::getValues($suppressArrayNotation);
     foreach (array_keys($this->_subForms) as $name) {
         // Zend returns values from subforms grouped by their names, but we want them flat
         $values = array_merge($values, $values[$name]);
     return $values;

作者:bebehe    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the configuration by creating a backend and requesting the user count
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidUserBackend(Form $form)
      * @var $result Inspection
     $result = UserBackend::create(null, new ConfigObject($form->getValues()))->inspect();
     if ($result->hasError()) {
     // TODO: display diagnostics in $result->toArray() to the user
     return !$result->hasError();

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Recurse the given form and return the descriptions for it and all of its subforms
  * @param   Form    $form               The form to recurse
  * @param   mixed   $entirelyRequired   Set by reference, true means all elements in the hierarchy are
  *                                       required, false only a partial subset and null none at all
  * @param   bool    $elementsPassed     Whether there were any elements passed during the recursion until now
  * @return  array
 protected function recurseForm(Form $form, &$entirelyRequired = null, $elementsPassed = false)
     $requiredLabels = array();
     if ($form->getRequiredCue() !== null) {
         $partiallyRequired = $partiallyOptional = false;
         foreach ($form->getElements() as $element) {
             if (!in_array($element->getType(), $this->blacklist)) {
                 if (!$element->isRequired()) {
                     $partiallyOptional = true;
                     if ($entirelyRequired) {
                         $entirelyRequired = false;
                 } else {
                     $partiallyRequired = true;
                     if (($label = $element->getDecorator('label')) !== false) {
                         $requiredLabels[] = $label;
         if (!$elementsPassed) {
             $elementsPassed = $partiallyRequired || $partiallyOptional;
             if ($entirelyRequired === null && $partiallyRequired) {
                 $entirelyRequired = !$partiallyOptional;
         } elseif ($entirelyRequired === null && $partiallyRequired) {
             $entirelyRequired = false;
     $descriptions = array($form->getDescriptions());
     foreach ($form->getSubForms() as $subForm) {
         $descriptions[] = $this->recurseForm($subForm, $entirelyRequired, $elementsPassed);
     if ($entirelyRequired) {
         foreach ($requiredLabels as $label) {
     return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $descriptions);

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the given form data and check whether a BIND-request is successful
  * @param   array   $data   The data to validate
  * @return  bool
 public function isValid($data)
     if (false === parent::isValid($data)) {
         return false;
     if (false === isset($data['skip_validation']) || $data['skip_validation'] == 0) {
         if (false === LdapResourceForm::isValidResource($this)) {
             return false;
     return true;

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Return whether the given values are valid
  * @param   array   $formData   The data to validate
  * @return  bool
 public function isValid($formData)
     if (!parent::isValid($formData)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($formData['skip_validation']) || !$formData['skip_validation']) {
         $configObject = new ConfigObject($this->getValues());
         if (!DbResourceForm::isValidResource($this, $configObject)) {
             $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox($this->translate('Check this to not to validate connectivity with the given database server.'));
             return false;
         } elseif (!BackendConfigForm::isValidIdoSchema($this, $configObject) || !BackendConfigForm::isValidIdoInstance($this, $configObject)) {
             $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox($this->translate('Check this to not to validate the IDO schema in the given database.'));
             return false;
     return true;

作者:scib    项目:icingaweb   
  * Run the configured backend's inspection checks and show the result, if necessary
  * This will only run any validation if the user pushed the 'backend_validation' button.
  * @param   array   $formData
  * @return  bool
 public function isValidPartial(array $formData)
     if (isset($formData['backend_validation']) && parent::isValid($formData)) {
         $inspection = ResourceConfigForm::inspectResource($this);
         if ($inspection !== null) {
             $join = function ($e) use(&$join) {
                 return is_string($e) ? $e : join("\n", array_map($join, $e));
             $this->addElement('note', 'inspection_output', array('order' => 0, 'value' => '<strong>' . $this->translate('Validation Log') . "</strong>\n\n" . join("\n", array_map($join, $inspection->toArray())), 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'pre', 'class' => 'log-output')))));
             if ($inspection->hasError()) {
                 $this->warning(sprintf($this->translate('Failed to successfully validate the configuration: %s'), $inspection->getError()));
                 return false;
         $this->info($this->translate('The configuration has been successfully validated.'));
     return true;

作者:hsanjua    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the configuration by creating a backend and requesting the user count
  * @param   Form    $form   The form to fetch the configuration values from
  * @return  bool            Whether validation succeeded or not
 public static function isValidUserBackend(Form $form)
     try {
         $dbUserBackend = new DbUserBackend(ResourceFactory::createResource($form->getResourceConfig()));
         if ($dbUserBackend->select()->where('is_active', true)->count() < 1) {
             $form->addError($form->translate('No active users found under the specified database backend'));
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $form->addError(sprintf($form->translate('Using the specified backend failed: %s'), $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
     return true;

作者:xer    项目:icingaweb   
public function isValid($data)
     if (false === parent::isValid($data)) {
         return false;
     if (false === isset($data['skip_validation']) || $data['skip_validation'] == 0) {
         $configObject = new ConfigObject($this->getValues());
         if (false === DbResourceForm::isValidResource($this, $configObject)) {
             $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox($this->translate('Check this to not to validate connectivity with the given database server'));
             return false;
         } elseif (false === BackendConfigForm::isValidIdoSchema($this, $configObject)) {
             $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox($this->translate('Check this to not to validate the ido schema'));
             return false;
         } elseif (false === BackendConfigForm::isValidIdoInstance($this, $configObject)) {
             $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox($this->translate('Check this to not to validate the ido instance'));
             return false;
     return true;

作者:kobmak    项目:icingaweb   
  * Validate the given form data and check whether a BIND-request is successful
  * @param   array   $data   The data to validate
  * @return  bool
 public function isValid($data)
     if (false === parent::isValid($data)) {
         return false;
     return true;




