php Gantry-Component-Filesystem-Folder类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Gantry-Component-Filesystem-Folder 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:rishiv    项目:gantry   
  * @return array
 public static function getThemes()
     $gantry = Gantry::instance();
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $files = Folder::all('gantry-themes://', ['recursive' => false]);
     /** @var array|ThemeDetails[] $list */
     $list = [];
     foreach ($files as $theme) {
         if (!is_dir($theme)) {
         if ($locator('gantry-themes://' . $theme . '/gantry/theme.yaml')) {
             $details = new ThemeDetails($theme);
             // Stream needs to be valid URL.
             $streamName = 'gantry-themes-' . preg_replace('|[^a-z\\d+.-]|ui', '-', $theme);
             if (!$locator->schemeExists($streamName)) {
                 $locator->addPath($streamName, '', $details->getPaths());
             $details['name'] = $theme;
             $details['title'] = $details[''];
             $details['preview_url'] = $locator('gantry-themes://' . $theme);
             // FIXME:
             $details['admin_url'] = 'FIXME';
             $details['params'] = [];
             $list[$details->name] = $details;
     // Add Thumbnails links after adding all the paths to the locator.
     foreach ($list as $details) {
         $details['thumbnail'] = $details->getUrl("details.images.thumbnail");
     return $list;

作者:Ettore49    项目:Ettore-Wor   
public function index()
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $this->container['locator'];
     Folder::delete($locator('gantry-cache://'), false);
     return new JsonResponse(['html' => 'Cache was successfully cleared', 'title' => 'Cache Cleared']);

作者:Acidburn0zz    项目:gantry   
  * @return array
 public static function getStyles()
     $gantry = Gantry::instance();
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $files = Folder::all('gantry-themes://', ['recursive' => false]);
     $list = array();
     foreach ($files as $theme) {
         if (file_exists($locator('gantry-themes://' . $theme . '/default/gantry/theme.yaml'))) {
             $details = new ThemeDetails($theme);
             if (!$locator->schemeExists('gantry-theme-' . $theme)) {
                 $locator->addPath('gantry-themes-' . $theme, '', $details->getPaths());
             $details['name'] = $theme;
             $details['title'] = ucfirst($theme);
             $details['preview_url'] = '/' . $theme;
             $details['admin_url'] = '/' . $theme . '/admin';
             $details['params'] = [];
             $list[$details->name] = $details;
     // Add Thumbnails links.
     foreach ($list as $details) {
         $details['thumbnail'] = self::getImage($locator, $details, 'thumbnail');
     return $list;

作者:rastabran    项目:gantry   
  * @see AbstractTheme::init()
 protected function init()
     $gantry = static::gantry();
     // Add particles, styles and defaults into DI.
     $gantry['particles'] = function ($c) {
         return new Particles($c);
     $gantry['styles'] = function ($c) {
         return new Styles($c);
     $gantry['defaults'] = function ($c) {
         /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
         $locator = $c['locator'];
         $cache = $locator->findResource('gantry-cache://theme/compiled/config', true, true);
         $paths = $locator->findResources('gantry-config://default');
         $files = (new ConfigFileFinder())->locateFiles($paths);
         $config = new CompiledConfig($cache, $files, function () use($c) {
             return $c['blueprints'];
         return $config->load(true);
     // Initialize admin streams.
     /** @var Platform $patform */
     $patform = $gantry['platform'];
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $nucleus = $patform->getEnginePaths('nucleus')[''];
     $relpath = Folder::getRelativePath($this->path);
     $patform->set('streams.gantry-admin.prefixes', ['' => ['gantry-theme://admin', $relpath, $relpath . '/common', 'gantry-engine://admin'], 'assets/' => array_merge([$relpath, $relpath . '/common'], $nucleus, ['gantry-assets://'])]);
     // Add admin paths.
     foreach ($patform->get('streams.gantry-admin.prefixes') as $prefix => $paths) {
         $locator->addPath('gantry-admin', $prefix, $paths);

作者:naka21    项目:myloya   
public function __construct($path, $name = '')
     $gantry = \Gantry\Framework\Gantry::instance();
     $relpath = Folder::getRelativePath($path);
     // Initialize admin streams.
     /** @var Platform $patform */
     $patform = $gantry['platform'];
     $nucleus = $patform->getEnginePaths('nucleus')[''];
     $patform->set('streams.gantry-admin.prefixes', ['' => ['gantry-theme://admin', $relpath, $relpath . '/common', 'gantry-engine://admin'], 'assets/' => array_merge([$relpath, $relpath . '/common'], $nucleus, ['gantry-assets://'])]);
     $gantry['particles'] = function ($c) {
         return new Particles($c);
     $gantry['styles'] = function ($c) {
         return new Styles($c);
     $gantry['defaults'] = function ($c) {
         /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
         $locator = $c['locator'];
         $cache = $locator->findResource('gantry-cache://theme/compiled/config', true, true);
         $paths = $locator->findResources('gantry-config://default');
         $files = (new ConfigFileFinder())->locateFiles($paths);
         $config = new CompiledConfig($cache, $files, function () use($c) {
             return $c['blueprints'];
         return $config->load(true);
     parent::__construct($path, $name);

作者:sam-sures    项目:gantry   
  * Update all CSS files in the theme.
  * @param array $configurations
  * @return array List of CSS warnings.
 public function updateCss(array $configurations = null)
     $gantry = static::gantry();
     $compiler = $this->compiler();
     if (is_null($configurations)) {
         /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
         $locator = $gantry['locator'];
         $path = $locator->findResource($compiler->getTarget(), true, true);
         // Make sure that all the CSS files get deleted.
         if (is_dir($path)) {
             Folder::delete($path, false);
         $configurations = $gantry['configurations'];
     // Make sure that PHP has the latest data of the files.
     $warnings = [];
     foreach ($configurations as $configuration => $title) {
         $config = ConfigServiceProvider::load($gantry, $configuration);
         $compiler->reset()->setConfiguration($configuration)->setVariables($config->flatten('styles', '-'));
         $results = $compiler->compileAll()->getWarnings();
         if ($results) {
             $warnings[$configuration] = $results;
     return $warnings;

作者:Acidburn0zz    项目:gantry   
  * @return array
 public static function getThemes()
     $gantry = Gantry::instance();
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $files = Folder::all('gantry-themes://', ['recursive' => false]);
     /** @var array|ThemeDetails[] $list */
     $list = [];
     foreach ($files as $theme) {
         if (file_exists(PRIME_ROOT . '/themes/' . $theme . '/gantry/theme.yaml')) {
             $details = new ThemeDetails($theme);
             if (!$locator->schemeExists('gantry-theme-' . $theme)) {
                 $locator->addPath('gantry-themes-' . $theme, '', $details->getPaths());
             $details['name'] = $theme;
             $details['title'] = $details[''];
             $details['preview_url'] = rtrim(PRIME_URI, '/') . '/' . $theme;
             $details['admin_url'] = rtrim(PRIME_URI, '/') . '/' . $theme . '/admin/configurations/styles';
             $details['params'] = [];
             $list[$details->name] = $details;
     // Add Thumbnails links after adding all the paths to the locator.
     foreach ($list as $details) {
         $details['thumbnail'] = $details->getUrl("details.images.thumbnail");
     return $list;

作者:ericsson    项目:JusCuzCustom   
public function __construct(Container $container)
     $this->container = $container;
     //Make sure that cache folder exists, otherwise it will be removed from the lookup.
     $cachePath = $this->getCachePath();
     $this->items = ['streams' => ['gantry-cache' => ['type' => 'Stream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => ['' => [$cachePath]]], 'gantry-themes' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => $this->getThemesPaths()], 'gantry-theme' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => $this->getThemePaths()], 'gantry-assets' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => $this->getAssetsPaths()], 'gantry-media' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => $this->getMediaPaths()], 'gantry-engines' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => $this->getEnginesPaths()], 'gantry-engine' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => $this->getEnginePaths()], 'gantry-layouts' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://layouts', 'gantry-engine://layouts']]], 'gantry-particles' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://particles', 'gantry-engine://particles']]], 'gantry-admin' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => []], 'gantry-blueprints' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://blueprints', 'gantry-engine://blueprints'], 'particles' => ['gantry-particles://']]], 'gantry-config' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://config']]]]];

作者:Acidburn0zz    项目:gantry   
protected function boot()
     $gantry = \Gantry\Framework\Gantry::instance();
     $relpath = Folder::getRelativePath($this->path);
     /** @var Streams $streams */
     $streams = $gantry['streams'];
     $streams->add(['gantry-admin' => ['prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://admin', $relpath, $relpath . '/common'], 'assets/' => ['gantry-theme://admin', $relpath, $relpath . '/common']]]]);

作者:nmsd    项目:gantry   
public function __construct(Container $container)
     Folder::create(GANTRY5_ROOT . '/custom');
     // Initialize custom streams for Prime.
     $this->items['streams'] += ['gantry-prime' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['']]], 'gantry-custom' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => []]], 'gantry-pages' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://overrides/pages', 'pages']]], 'gantry-positions' => ['type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => ['' => ['gantry-theme://overrides/positions', 'positions']]]];
     $this->items['streams']['gantry-layouts']['prefixes'][''][] = 'gantry-prime://layouts';
     $this->items['streams']['gantry-config']['prefixes'][''][] = 'gantry-prime://config';

作者:nmsd    项目:gantry   
public static function delete($id)
     $gantry = Gantry::instance();
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $path = $locator->findResource('gantry-config://' . $id, true, true);
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         Folder::delete($path, true);

作者:ericsson    项目:JusCuzCustom   
public function index()
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $this->container['locator'];
     Folder::delete($locator('gantry-cache://theme'), false);
     Folder::delete($locator('gantry-cache://admin'), false);
     // Make sure that PHP has the latest data of the files.
     return new JsonResponse(['html' => 'Cache was successfully cleared', 'title' => 'Cache Cleared']);

作者:nmsd    项目:gantry   
public function __construct($path, $name = '')
     $gantry = \Gantry\Framework\Gantry::instance();
     $relpath = Folder::getRelativePath($path);
     // Initialize admin streams.
     $gantry['platform']->set('streams.gantry-admin.prefixes', ['' => [$relpath, $relpath . '/common'], 'assets/' => [$relpath, $relpath . '/common']]);
     parent::__construct($path, $name);
     // FIXME:
     $this->url = '/templates/' . $this->name;

作者:Ettore49    项目:Ettore-Wor   
public static function copy($style, $old, $new)
     $gantry = Gantry::instance();
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $oldPath = $locator->findResource('gantry-config://' . $old, true, true);
     $newPath = $locator->findResource('gantry-config://' . $new, true, true);
     if (file_exists($oldPath)) {
         Folder::copy($oldPath, $newPath);
     $installer = new TemplateInstaller($style->extension_id);
     $installer->updateStyle($new, ['configuration' => $new]);

作者:naka21    项目:myloya   
public function index()
     throw new \Exception('Deprecated');
     $options = ['compare' => 'Filename', 'pattern' => '|\\.json|', 'filters' => ['key' => '|\\.json|'], 'key' => 'SubPathname', 'value' => 'Pathname'];
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $this->container['locator'];
     $files = Folder::all($locator->findResource('gantry-theme://layouts/presets'), $options);
     $response = ['layouts'];
     foreach ($files as $name => $structure) {
         $content = JsonFile::instance($structure)->content();
         $response['layouts'][$name] = $content;
     $response['html'] = $this->container['admin.theme']->render('@gantry-admin/layouts/picker.html.twig', ['presets' => $response]);
     return new JsonResponse($response);

作者:Acidburn0zz    项目:gantry   
  * Update all CSS files in the theme.
 public function updateCss()
     $gantry = static::gantry();
     $compiler = $this->compiler();
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $path = $locator->findResource($compiler->getTarget(), true, true);
     // Make sure that all the CSS files get deleted.
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         Folder::delete($path, false);
     /** @var Configurations $configurations */
     $configurations = $gantry['configurations'];
     foreach ($configurations as $configuration => $title) {
         $config = ConfigServiceProvider::load($gantry, $configuration);
         $compiler->reset()->setConfiguration($configuration)->setVariables($config->flatten('styles', '-'));

作者:sam-sures    项目:gantry   
public function libUrl(array $args, Compiler $compiler)
     // Function has a single parameter.
     $parsed = reset($args);
     if (!$parsed) {
         $this->throwError('url() is missing parameter');
     // Compile parsed value to string.
     $url = trim($compiler->compileValue($parsed), '\'"');
     // Handle ../ inside CSS files (points to current theme).
     $uri = strpos($url, '../') === 0 ? 'gantry-theme://' . substr($url, 3) : $url;
     // Generate URL, failed streams will be kept as they are to allow users to find issues.
     $url = Document::url($uri) ?: $url;
     // Changes absolute URIs to relative to make the path to work even if the site gets moved.
     if ($url[0] == '/' && $this->basePath) {
         $url = Folder::getRelativePathDotDot($url, $this->basePath);
     // Return valid CSS.
     return "url('{$url}')";

作者:juanmanune    项目:gantry   
public function getThemesPaths()
     return ['' => Folder::getRelativePath(get_theme_root())];

作者:Tanver18    项目:gantry   
use Gantry\Component\Filesystem\Folder;
define('PRIME_ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
define('PRIME_URI', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
// Bootstrap Gantry framework or fail gracefully (inside included file).
$gantry = (include_once PRIME_ROOT . '/includes/gantry.php');
// Get current theme and path.
$path = isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : Folder::getRelativePath($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PRIME_URI);
$path = explode('?', $path, 2);
$path = reset($path);
$extension = strrchr(basename($path), '.');
if ($extension) {
    $path = substr($path, 0, -strlen($extension));
$theme = strpos($path, 'admin') !== 0 ? Folder::shift($path) : null;
define('THEME', $theme);
define('PAGE_PATH', $path ?: ($theme ? 'home' : ''));
define('PAGE_EXTENSION', trim($extension, '.') ?: 'html');
// Bootstrap selected theme.
$include = PRIME_ROOT . "/themes/{$theme}/includes/gantry.php";
if (is_file($include)) {
    include $include;
// Enter to administration if we are in /ROOT/theme/admin. Also display installed themes if no theme has been selected.
if (!isset($gantry['theme']) || strpos($path, 'admin') === 0) {
    require_once PRIME_ROOT . '/admin/admin.php';
// Boot the service.
/** @var Gantry\Framework\Theme $theme */

作者:naka21    项目:myloya   
  * @param string $id
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public function delete($id)
     if (!$this->canDelete($id)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Outline '{$id}' cannot be deleted", 400);
     $gantry = $this->container;
     /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */
     $locator = $gantry['locator'];
     $path = $locator->findResource("{$this->path}/{$id}", true, true);
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Outline not found', 404);
     if (file_exists($path)) {




