php Elastica-Query类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了php Elastica-Query 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:hasantayya    项目:oj   
public function indexAction(Request $request, $page = 1)
     $getTypes = $request->query->get('type_filters');
     $getSubjects = $request->query->get('subject_filters');
     $getPublishers = $request->query->get('publisher_filters');
     $typeFilters = !empty($getTypes) ? explode(',', $getTypes) : [];
     $subjectFilters = !empty($getSubjects) ? explode(',', $getSubjects) : [];
     $publisherFilters = !empty($getPublishers) ? explode(',', $getPublishers) : [];
     $journalSearcher = $this->get('');
     $boolQuery = new Query\Bool();
     $match = new Query\Match();
     $match->setField('status', 1);
     $match = new Query\Match();
     $match->setField('published', true);
     if (!empty($typeFilters) || !empty($subjectFilters) || !empty($publisherFilters)) {
         foreach ($typeFilters as $type) {
             $match = new Query\Match();
             $match->setField('', $type);
         foreach ($subjectFilters as $subject) {
             $match = new Query\Match();
             $match->setField('subjects.subject', $subject);
         foreach ($publisherFilters as $publisher) {
             $match = new Query\Match();
             $match->setField('', $publisher);
     $journalQuery = new Query($boolQuery);
     $typeAgg = new Aggregation\Terms('types');
     $typeAgg->setOrder('_term', 'asc');
     $subjectAgg = new Aggregation\Terms('subjects');
     $subjectAgg->setOrder('_term', 'asc');
     $publisherAgg = new Aggregation\Terms('publishers');
     $publisherAgg->setOrder('_term', 'asc');
     $adapter = new ElasticaAdapter($journalSearcher, $journalQuery);
     $pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta($adapter);
     $journals = $pagerfanta->getCurrentPageResults();
     $types = $adapter->getResultSet()->getAggregation('types')['buckets'];
     $subjects = $adapter->getResultSet()->getAggregation('subjects')['buckets'];
     $publishers = $adapter->getResultSet()->getAggregation('publishers')['buckets'];
     $data = ['types' => $types, 'subjects' => $subjects, 'publishers' => $publishers, 'type_filters' => $typeFilters, 'subject_filters' => $subjectFilters, 'publisher_filters' => $publisherFilters, 'journals' => $journals, 'pagerfanta' => $pagerfanta, 'page' => 'explore'];
     return $this->render('OjsSiteBundle:Explore:index.html.twig', $data);

作者:vi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
public function testTest()
     $client = $this->_getClient();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $mapping = new Mapping($type, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no'), 'dtmPosted' => array('type' => 'date', 'store' => 'no', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')));
     $doc = new Document(1, array('name' => 'nicolas ruflin', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 21:53:00"));
     $doc = new Document(2, array('name' => 'raul martinez jr', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 09:53:00"));
     $doc = new Document(3, array('name' => 'rachelle clemente', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 08:53:00"));
     $doc = new Document(4, array('name' => 'elastica search', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 01:53:00"));
     $facet = new DateHistogram('dateHist1');
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setQuery(new MatchAll());
     $response = $type->search($query);
     $facets = $response->getFacets();
     $this->assertEquals(4, $response->getTotalHits());
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($facets['dateHist1']['entries']));

作者:vardiu    项目:list-bundl   
  * @inheritDoc
 public function applyQueries($query, $alias = null, string $column = null, string $sort = null, array $ids = [], array $order = [])
     if (!$query instanceof Filtered) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected argument of type "Elastica\\Query\\Filtered", ' . get_class($query) . ' given');
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         /** @var BoolFilter $filter */
         $filter = $query->getFilter();
         $idsFilter = new Terms();
         $idsFilter->setTerms('id', $ids);
     $newQuery = new Query();
     $query = $newQuery;
     if ($column !== null && $sort !== null) {
         $query->addSort([$column => ['order' => strtolower($sort)]]);
     if (!empty($order)) {
         foreach ($order as $sort => $o) {
             if ($column !== $sort) {
                 $query->addSort([$sort => ['order' => strtolower($o)]]);
     return $query;

作者:spryke    项目:Searc   
  * @param \Elastica\Query $query
  * @param \Spryker\Client\Search\Dependency\Plugin\PaginationConfigBuilderInterface $paginationConfig
  * @param array $requestParameters
  * @return void
 protected function addPaginationToQuery(Query $query, PaginationConfigBuilderInterface $paginationConfig, array $requestParameters)
     $currentPage = $paginationConfig->getCurrentPage($requestParameters);
     $itemsPerPage = $paginationConfig->getCurrentItemsPerPage($requestParameters);
     $query->setFrom(($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage);

作者:MediaWiki-stabl    项目:1.26.   
  * @group functional
 public function testFactor()
     $client = $this->_getClient();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $mapping = new Mapping($type, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no'), 'dtmPosted' => array('type' => 'long', 'store' => 'no')));
     $doc = new Document(1, array('name' => 'nicolas ruflin', 'dtmPosted' => 1308865980));
     $doc = new Document(2, array('name' => 'raul martinez jr', 'dtmPosted' => 1308822780));
     $doc = new Document(3, array('name' => 'rachelle clemente', 'dtmPosted' => 1310115180));
     $doc = new Document(4, array('name' => 'elastica search', 'dtmPosted' => 1310089980));
     $facet = new DateHistogram('dateHist1');
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setQuery(new MatchAll());
     $response = $type->search($query);
     $facets = $response->getFacets();
     $this->assertEquals(4, $response->getTotalHits());
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($facets['dateHist1']['entries']));

作者:vinusebastia    项目:Elastic   
  * @group functional
 public function testGeoPoint()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     // Set mapping
     $type->setMapping(array('location' => array('type' => 'geo_point')));
     // Add doc 1
     $doc1 = new Document(1, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc1->addGeoPoint('location', 17, 19);
     // Add doc 2
     $doc2 = new Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc2->addGeoPoint('location', 30, 40);
     // Only one point should be in polygon
     $query = new Query();
     $points = array(array(16, 16), array(16, 20), array(20, 20), array(20, 16), array(16, 16));
     $geoFilter = new GeoPolygon('location', $points);
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count());
     // Both points should be inside
     $query = new Query();
     $points = array(array(16, 16), array(16, 40), array(40, 40), array(40, 16), array(16, 16));
     $geoFilter = new GeoPolygon('location', $points);
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count());

作者:vi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
public function testGeoPoint()
     $client = $this->_getClient();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     // Set mapping
     $type->setMapping(array('point' => array('type' => 'geo_point')));
     // Add doc 1
     $doc1 = new Document(1, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc1->addGeoPoint('point', 17, 19);
     // Add doc 2
     $doc2 = new Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc2->addGeoPoint('point', 30, 40);
     // Only one point should be in radius
     $query = new Query();
     $geoFilter = new GeoDistance('point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), '1km');
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count());
     // Both points should be inside
     $query = new Query();
     $geoFilter = new GeoDistance('point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), '40000km');
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count());

作者:MediaWiki-stabl    项目:1.26.   
  * @group functional
 public function testReverseNestedAggregation()
     $agg = new Nested('comments', 'comments');
     $names = new Terms('name');
     $tags = new Terms('tags');
     $reverseNested = new ReverseNested('main');
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_getIndexForTest()->search($query)->getAggregation('comments');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $results);
     $nameResults = $results['name'];
     $this->assertCount(3, $nameResults['buckets']);
     // bob
     $this->assertEquals('bob', $nameResults['buckets'][0]['key']);
     $tags = array(array('key' => 'foo', 'doc_count' => 2), array('key' => 'bar', 'doc_count' => 1), array('key' => 'baz', 'doc_count' => 1));
     $this->assertEquals($tags, $nameResults['buckets'][0]['main']['tags']['buckets']);
     // john
     $this->assertEquals('john', $nameResults['buckets'][1]['key']);
     $tags = array(array('key' => 'bar', 'doc_count' => 1), array('key' => 'foo', 'doc_count' => 1));
     $this->assertEquals($tags, $nameResults['buckets'][1]['main']['tags']['buckets']);
     // susan
     $this->assertEquals('susan', $nameResults['buckets'][2]['key']);
     $tags = array(array('key' => 'baz', 'doc_count' => 1), array('key' => 'foo', 'doc_count' => 1));
     $this->assertEquals($tags, $nameResults['buckets'][2]['main']['tags']['buckets']);

作者:MediaWiki-stabl    项目:1.26.   
  * @group functional
 public function testQuery()
     $client = $this->_getClient();
     $nodes = $client->getCluster()->getNodes();
     if (!$nodes[0]->getInfo()->hasPlugin('geocluster-facet')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('geocluster-facet plugin not installed');
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type = $index->getType('testQuery');
     $geoField = 'location';
     $type->setMapping(new Mapping($type, array($geoField => array('type' => 'geo_point', 'lat_lon' => true))));
     $doc = new Document(1, array('name' => 'item1', 'location' => array(20, 20)));
     $doc = new Document(2, array('name' => 'item2', 'location' => array(20, 20)));
     $doc = new Document(3, array('name' => 'item3', 'location' => array(20, 20)));
     $facet = new GeoCluster('clusters');
     $query = new Query();
     $response = $type->search($query);
     $facets = $response->getFacets();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($facets['clusters']['clusters']));

作者:vi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
public function testResponse()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $mapping = new Mapping($type, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no'), 'dtmPosted' => array('type' => 'date', 'store' => 'no', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')));
     $doc = new Document(1, array('name' => 'nicolas ruflin', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 21:53:00"));
     $doc = new Document(2, array('name' => 'raul martinez jr', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 09:53:00"));
     $doc = new Document(3, array('name' => 'rachelle clemente', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 08:53:00"));
     $doc = new Document(4, array('name' => 'elastica search', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 01:53:00"));
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setQuery(new MatchAll());
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     $engineTime = $resultSet->getResponse()->getEngineTime();
     $shardsStats = $resultSet->getResponse()->getShardsStatistics();
     $this->assertInternalType('int', $engineTime);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('total', $shardsStats);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('successful', $shardsStats);

作者:vinusebastia    项目:Elastic   
  * @group functional
 public function testIndicesQuery()
     $docs = array(new Document(1, array('color' => 'blue')), new Document(2, array('color' => 'green')), new Document(3, array('color' => 'blue')), new Document(4, array('color' => 'yellow')));
     $index1 = $this->_createIndex();
     $index2 = $this->_createIndex();
     $boolQuery = new Query\BoolQuery();
     $boolQuery->addMustNot(new Term(array('color' => 'blue')));
     $indicesQuery = new Indices($boolQuery, array($index1->getName()));
     $boolQuery = new Query\BoolQuery();
     $boolQuery->addMustNot(new Term(array('color' => 'yellow')));
     $query = new Query();
     // search over the alias
     $index = $this->_getClient()->getIndex('indices_query');
     $results = $index->search($query);
     // ensure that the proper docs have been filtered out for each index
     $this->assertEquals(5, $results->count());
     foreach ($results->getResults() as $result) {
         $data = $result->getData();
         $color = $data['color'];
         if ($result->getIndex() === $index1->getName()) {
             $this->assertNotEquals('blue', $color);
         } else {
             $this->assertNotEquals('yellow', $color);

作者:vinusebastia    项目:Elastic   
  * @group functional
 public function testLookup()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type1 = $index->getType('musicians');
     $type2 = $index->getType('bands');
     //index some test data
     $type1->addDocuments(array(new Document(1, array('name' => 'robert', 'lastName' => 'plant')), new Document(2, array('name' => 'jimmy', 'lastName' => 'page')), new Document(3, array('name' => 'john paul', 'lastName' => 'jones')), new Document(4, array('name' => 'john', 'lastName' => 'bonham')), new Document(5, array('name' => 'jimi', 'lastName' => 'hendrix'))));
     $type2->addDocument(new Document('led zeppelin', array('members' => array('plant', 'page', 'jones', 'bonham'))));
     //use the terms lookup feature to query for some data
     $termsFilter = new Terms();
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', null);
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with null index');
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', $index);
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with index as object');
     //Query with index given as string
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', $index->getName());
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with index as string');
     //Query with array of options
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', array('index' => $index));
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with options array');

作者:arstropic    项目:zf2-dashboar   
protected function getStates()
     $results = [];
     $query = new Elastica\Query();
     $agg = new Elastica\Aggregation\Nested('states', 'state');
     $st_terms = new Elastica\Aggregation\Terms('abbrev');
     $st_terms->setOrder('_term', 'asc');
     $state_terms = new Elastica\Aggregation\Terms('full');
     /* @var $elastica_client Elastica\Client */
     $elastica_client = $this->getServiceLocator()->getServiceLocator()->get('elastica-client');
     try {
         /* @var $response \Elastica\Response */
         $response = $elastica_client->request('usgeodb/locality/_search?query_cache=true', Request::GET, $query->toArray());
         $data = $response->getData();
         $aggregations = isset($data['aggregations']['states']['abbrev']['buckets']) ? $data['aggregations']['states']['abbrev']['buckets'] : [];
         foreach ($aggregations as $aggregation) {
             $key = strtoupper($aggregation['key']);
             $value = ucwords($aggregation['full']['buckets'][0]['key']);
             $results[$key] = $value;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $results;

作者:makeandshi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
  * @group functional
 public function testSearch()
     $client = $this->_getClient();
     $index = new Index($client, 'test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = new Type($index, 'helloworldmlt');
     $mapping = new Mapping($type, array('email' => array('store' => 'yes', 'type' => 'string', 'index' => 'analyzed'), 'content' => array('store' => 'yes', 'type' => 'string', 'index' => 'analyzed')));
     $mapping->setSource(array('enabled' => false));
     $doc = new Document(1000, array('email' => '', 'content' => 'This is a sample post. Hello World Fuzzy Like This!'));
     $doc = new Document(1001, array('email' => '', 'content' => 'This is a fake nospam email address for gmail'));
     // Refresh index
     $mltQuery = new MoreLikeThis();
     $mltQuery->setLike('fake gmail sample');
     $mltQuery->setFields(array('email', 'content'));
     $query = new Query();
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $resultSet->count());

作者:MediaWiki-stabl    项目:1.26.   
  * @group functional
 public function testScriptedMetricAggregation()
     $agg = new ScriptedMetric('scripted', "_agg['durations'] = [:]", "key = doc['start'].value+ \":\"+ doc['end'].value; _agg.durations[key] = doc['end'].value - doc['start'].value;", 'values = []; for (item in _agg.durations) { values.add(item.value) }; return values');
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_getIndexForTest()->search($query)->getAggregation('scripted');
     $this->assertEquals(array(100, 50, 150), $results['value'][0]);

作者:vi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
public function testValueCountAggregation()
     $agg = new ValueCount("count", "price");
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_index->search($query)->getAggregation("count");
     $this->assertEquals(5, $results['value']);

作者:vi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
public function testDateHistogramAggregation()
     $agg = new DateHistogram("hist", "created", "1h");
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_index->search($query)->getAggregation("hist");
     $this->assertEquals(3, sizeof($results['buckets']));

作者:vi    项目:wordpress-fantastic-elasticsearc   
public function testMissingAggregation()
     $agg = new Missing("missing", "color");
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_index->search($query)->getAggregation("missing");
     $this->assertEquals(1, $results['doc_count']);

作者:MediaWiki-stabl    项目:1.26.   
  * @group functional
 public function testMissingAggregation()
     $agg = new Missing('missing', 'color');
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_getIndexForTest()->search($query)->getAggregation('missing');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $results['doc_count']);

作者:MediaWiki-stabl    项目:1.26.   
  * @group functional
 public function testValueCountAggregation()
     $agg = new ValueCount('count', 'price');
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $this->_getIndexForTest()->search($query)->getAggregation('count');
     $this->assertEquals(5, $results['value']);




