java类org.opencv.core.Size的实例源码 文件源码 项目:Android-Code-Demos 阅读 38 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
 * This helper method can be called by subclasses to select camera preview size.
 * It goes over the list of the supported preview sizes and selects the maximum one which
 * fits both values set via setMaxFrameSize() and surface frame allocated for this view
 * @param supportedSizes
 * @param surfaceWidth
 * @param surfaceHeight
 * @return optimal frame size
protected Size calculateCameraFrameSize(List<?> supportedSizes, ListItemAccessor accessor, int surfaceWidth, int surfaceHeight) {
    int calcWidth = 0;
    int calcHeight = 0;

    int maxAllowedWidth = (mMaxWidth != MAX_UNSPECIFIED && mMaxWidth < surfaceWidth)? mMaxWidth : surfaceWidth;
    int maxAllowedHeight = (mMaxHeight != MAX_UNSPECIFIED && mMaxHeight < surfaceHeight)? mMaxHeight : surfaceHeight;

    for (Object size : supportedSizes) {
        int width = accessor.getWidth(size);
        int height = accessor.getHeight(size);

        if (width <= maxAllowedWidth && height <= maxAllowedHeight) {
            if (width >= calcWidth && height >= calcHeight) {
                calcWidth = (int) width;
                calcHeight = (int) height;

    return new Size(calcWidth, calcHeight);
} 文件源码 项目:RobotIGS 阅读 24 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
 * Scales an image to an approximate size. The scale will always be equal
 * on the x and y axis, regardless of the approxSize.
 * @param img          The image
 * @param approxSize   The target size
 * @param maximize     If maximize is true, then if the approxSize aspect ratio
 *                     does not match the target, then the largest possible image
 *                     would be used. If false (default), the the smallest image
 *                     would be used.
 * @param integerScale If true (default), then only integer scale factors would be used.
 *                     Otherwise, any scale factor can be used.
private static double makeScale(Mat img, Size approxSize, boolean maximize, boolean integerScale) {
    Size imageSize = img.size();
    double ratioWidth = approxSize.width / imageSize.width;
    double ratioHeight = approxSize.height / imageSize.height;
    double ratio = maximize ? Math.max(ratioWidth, ratioHeight) : Math.min(ratioWidth, ratioHeight);
    if (MathUtil.equal(ratio, 1))
        return 1;
    if (integerScale) {
        //The scale factor is always greater than 1
        double scale = (ratio < 1) ? 1 / ratio : ratio;
        //If you are actually increasing the size of the object, use ceiling()
        //Otherwise, use floor()
        scale = maximize ^ (ratio < 1) ? Math.ceil(scale) : Math.floor(scale);
        //Get the actual ratio again
        return (ratio < 1) ? 1 / scale : scale;
    } else {
        return ratio;
} 文件源码 项目:fingerblox 阅读 20 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double stereoCalibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints1, List<Mat> imagePoints2, Mat K1, Mat D1, Mat K2, Mat D2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, int flags, TermCriteria criteria)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints1_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints1);
    Mat imagePoints2_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints2);
    double retVal = stereoCalibrate_3(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints1_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints2_mat.nativeObj, K1.nativeObj, D1.nativeObj, K2.nativeObj, D2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, flags, criteria.type, criteria.maxCount, criteria.epsilon);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:react-native-scan-doc 阅读 32 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static int buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat img, List<Mat> pyramid, Size winSize, int maxLevel)
    Mat pyramid_mat = new Mat();
    int retVal = buildOpticalFlowPyramid_1(img.nativeObj, pyramid_mat.nativeObj, winSize.width, winSize.height, maxLevel);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(pyramid_mat, pyramid);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 18 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static void cornerSubPix(Mat image, MatOfPoint2f corners, Size winSize, Size zeroZone, TermCriteria criteria)
    Mat corners_mat = corners;
    cornerSubPix_0(image.nativeObj, corners_mat.nativeObj, winSize.width, winSize.height, zeroZone.width, zeroZone.height, criteria.type, criteria.maxCount, criteria.epsilon);

} 文件源码 项目:FaceDetectDemo 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size image_size, Mat K, Mat D, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs, int flags)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrate_1(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, image_size.width, image_size.height, K.nativeObj, D.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj, flags);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:Android-Code-Demos 阅读 28 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double stereoCalibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints1, List<Mat> imagePoints2, Mat K1, Mat D1, Mat K2, Mat D2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, int flags, TermCriteria criteria)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints1_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints1);
    Mat imagePoints2_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints2);
    double retVal = stereoCalibrate_3(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints1_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints2_mat.nativeObj, K1.nativeObj, D1.nativeObj, K2.nativeObj, D2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, flags, criteria.type, criteria.maxCount, criteria.epsilon);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 26 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double stereoCalibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints1, List<Mat> imagePoints2, Mat cameraMatrix1, Mat distCoeffs1, Mat cameraMatrix2, Mat distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, Mat E, Mat F, int flags, TermCriteria criteria)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints1_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints1);
    Mat imagePoints2_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints2);
    double retVal = stereoCalibrate_0(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints1_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints2_mat.nativeObj, cameraMatrix1.nativeObj, distCoeffs1.nativeObj, cameraMatrix2.nativeObj, distCoeffs2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, E.nativeObj, F.nativeObj, flags, criteria.type, criteria.maxCount, criteria.epsilon);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:OpenCV 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static void ellipse2Poly(Point center, Size axes, int angle, int arcStart, int arcEnd, int delta, MatOfPoint pts)
    Mat pts_mat = pts;
    ellipse2Poly_0(center.x, center.y, axes.width, axes.height, angle, arcStart, arcEnd, delta, pts_mat.nativeObj);

} 文件源码 项目:Ftc2018RelicRecovery 阅读 18 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double stereoCalibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints1, List<Mat> imagePoints2, Mat cameraMatrix1, Mat distCoeffs1, Mat cameraMatrix2, Mat distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, Mat E, Mat F, int flags, TermCriteria criteria)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints1_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints1);
    Mat imagePoints2_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints2);
    double retVal = stereoCalibrate_0(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints1_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints2_mat.nativeObj, cameraMatrix1.nativeObj, distCoeffs1.nativeObj, cameraMatrix2.nativeObj, distCoeffs2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, E.nativeObj, F.nativeObj, flags, criteria.type, criteria.maxCount, criteria.epsilon);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:Sikulix2opencv 阅读 27 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public  void detectMultiScale2(Mat image, MatOfRect objects, MatOfInt numDetections, double scaleFactor, int minNeighbors, int flags, Size minSize, Size maxSize)
    Mat objects_mat = objects;
    Mat numDetections_mat = numDetections;
    detectMultiScale2_0(nativeObj, image.nativeObj, objects_mat.nativeObj, numDetections_mat.nativeObj, scaleFactor, minNeighbors, flags, minSize.width, minSize.height, maxSize.width, maxSize.height);

} 文件源码 项目:real_time_circle_detection_android 阅读 17 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static Mat getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, Size imageSize, double alpha, Size newImgSize, Rect validPixROI, boolean centerPrincipalPoint)
    double[] validPixROI_out = new double[4];
    Mat retVal = new Mat(getOptimalNewCameraMatrix_0(cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, alpha, newImgSize.width, newImgSize.height, validPixROI_out, centerPrincipalPoint));
    if(validPixROI!=null){ validPixROI.x = (int)validPixROI_out[0]; validPixROI.y = (int)validPixROI_out[1]; validPixROI.width = (int)validPixROI_out[2]; validPixROI.height = (int)validPixROI_out[3]; } 
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:Team9261-2017-2018 阅读 17 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size image_size, Mat K, Mat D, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrate_2(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, image_size.width, image_size.height, K.nativeObj, D.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:renderscript_examples 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static void drawChessboardCorners(Mat image, Size patternSize, MatOfPoint2f corners, boolean patternWasFound)
    Mat corners_mat = corners;
    drawChessboardCorners_0(image.nativeObj, patternSize.width, patternSize.height, corners_mat.nativeObj, patternWasFound);

} 文件源码 项目:Android-Code-Demos 阅读 39 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrateCameraExtended(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size imageSize, Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs, Mat stdDeviationsIntrinsics, Mat stdDeviationsExtrinsics, Mat perViewErrors)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrateCameraExtended_2(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj, stdDeviationsIntrinsics.nativeObj, stdDeviationsExtrinsics.nativeObj, perViewErrors.nativeObj);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:Microsphere 阅读 18 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static void stereoRectify(Mat cameraMatrix1, Mat distCoeffs1, Mat cameraMatrix2, Mat distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, Mat R1, Mat R2, Mat P1, Mat P2, Mat Q, int flags, double alpha, Size newImageSize, Rect validPixROI1, Rect validPixROI2)
    double[] validPixROI1_out = new double[4];
    double[] validPixROI2_out = new double[4];
    stereoRectify_0(cameraMatrix1.nativeObj, distCoeffs1.nativeObj, cameraMatrix2.nativeObj, distCoeffs2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, R1.nativeObj, R2.nativeObj, P1.nativeObj, P2.nativeObj, Q.nativeObj, flags, alpha, newImageSize.width, newImageSize.height, validPixROI1_out, validPixROI2_out);
    if(validPixROI1!=null){ validPixROI1.x = (int)validPixROI1_out[0]; validPixROI1.y = (int)validPixROI1_out[1]; validPixROI1.width = (int)validPixROI1_out[2]; validPixROI1.height = (int)validPixROI1_out[3]; } 
    if(validPixROI2!=null){ validPixROI2.x = (int)validPixROI2_out[0]; validPixROI2.y = (int)validPixROI2_out[1]; validPixROI2.width = (int)validPixROI2_out[2]; validPixROI2.height = (int)validPixROI2_out[3]; } 
} 文件源码 项目:DogeCV 阅读 28 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double stereoCalibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints1, List<Mat> imagePoints2, Mat cameraMatrix1, Mat distCoeffs1, Mat cameraMatrix2, Mat distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, Mat E, Mat F, int flags)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints1_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints1);
    Mat imagePoints2_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints2);
    double retVal = stereoCalibrate_1(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints1_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints2_mat.nativeObj, cameraMatrix1.nativeObj, distCoeffs1.nativeObj, cameraMatrix2.nativeObj, distCoeffs2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, E.nativeObj, F.nativeObj, flags);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrateCamera(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size imageSize, Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs, int flags)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrateCamera_1(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj, flags);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:FTC2016 阅读 30 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double stereoCalibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints1, List<Mat> imagePoints2, Mat cameraMatrix1, Mat distCoeffs1, Mat cameraMatrix2, Mat distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, Mat R, Mat T, Mat E, Mat F, int flags)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints1_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints1);
    Mat imagePoints2_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints2);
    double retVal = stereoCalibrate_1(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints1_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints2_mat.nativeObj, cameraMatrix1.nativeObj, distCoeffs1.nativeObj, cameraMatrix2.nativeObj, distCoeffs2.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, R.nativeObj, T.nativeObj, E.nativeObj, F.nativeObj, flags);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:DogeCV 阅读 18 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrateCameraExtended(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size imageSize, Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs, Mat stdDeviationsIntrinsics, Mat stdDeviationsExtrinsics, Mat perViewErrors, int flags)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrateCameraExtended_1(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj, stdDeviationsIntrinsics.nativeObj, stdDeviationsExtrinsics.nativeObj, perViewErrors.nativeObj, flags);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:real_time_circle_detection_android 阅读 20 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static int buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat img, List<Mat> pyramid, Size winSize, int maxLevel, boolean withDerivatives, int pyrBorder, int derivBorder, boolean tryReuseInputImage)
    Mat pyramid_mat = new Mat();
    int retVal = buildOpticalFlowPyramid_0(img.nativeObj, pyramid_mat.nativeObj, winSize.width, winSize.height, maxLevel, withDerivatives, pyrBorder, derivBorder, tryReuseInputImage);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(pyramid_mat, pyramid);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static void drawChessboardCorners(Mat image, Size patternSize, MatOfPoint2f corners, boolean patternWasFound)
    Mat corners_mat = corners;
    drawChessboardCorners_0(image.nativeObj, patternSize.width, patternSize.height, corners_mat.nativeObj, patternWasFound);

} 文件源码 项目:android-imaging-utils 阅读 25 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
 * Resize, crop and rotate the camera preview frame
 * @param bytes  preview data
 * @param width  original width
 * @param height original height
 * @param params image processing parameters
 * @return
public static Bitmap rotateCropAndResizePreview(byte[] bytes, int width, int height, PreviewResizeParams params)
    Size finalSize = new Size(params.newWidth, params.newHeight);
    Rect cropRect = new Rect(params.cropX, params.cropY, params.cropWidth, params.cropHeight);

    Mat rawMat = new Mat(height * 3 / 2, width, CvType.CV_8UC1); // YUV data
    rawMat.put(0, 0, bytes);
    Mat rgbMat = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC4); // RGBA image
    Imgproc.cvtColor(rawMat, rgbMat, Imgproc.COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV21);

    //rotate clockwise
    Mat rotatedMat = rotateFrame(rgbMat, params.rotation);

    //crop rect from image
    Mat croppedMat = new Mat(rotatedMat, cropRect);

    if (finalSize.area() > 0)
        Imgproc.resize(croppedMat, croppedMat, finalSize);

    Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(croppedMat.cols(), croppedMat.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Utils.matToBitmap(croppedMat, bmp);

    return bmp;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static boolean findChessboardCorners(Mat image, Size patternSize, MatOfPoint2f corners)
    Mat corners_mat = corners;
    boolean retVal = findChessboardCorners_1(image.nativeObj, patternSize.width, patternSize.height, corners_mat.nativeObj);

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 32 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static void calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat prevImg, Mat nextImg, MatOfPoint2f prevPts, MatOfPoint2f nextPts, MatOfByte status, MatOfFloat err, Size winSize, int maxLevel, TermCriteria criteria, int flags, double minEigThreshold)
    Mat prevPts_mat = prevPts;
    Mat nextPts_mat = nextPts;
    Mat status_mat = status;
    Mat err_mat = err;
    calcOpticalFlowPyrLK_0(prevImg.nativeObj, nextImg.nativeObj, prevPts_mat.nativeObj, nextPts_mat.nativeObj, status_mat.nativeObj, err_mat.nativeObj, winSize.width, winSize.height, maxLevel, criteria.type, criteria.maxCount, criteria.epsilon, flags, minEigThreshold);

} 文件源码 项目:DNNLibrary 阅读 24 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrateCameraExtended(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size imageSize, Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs, Mat stdDeviationsIntrinsics, Mat stdDeviationsExtrinsics, Mat perViewErrors, int flags)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrateCameraExtended_1(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj, stdDeviationsIntrinsics.nativeObj, stdDeviationsExtrinsics.nativeObj, perViewErrors.nativeObj, flags);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 22 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrateCameraCharuco(List<Mat> charucoCorners, List<Mat> charucoIds, CharucoBoard board, Size imageSize, Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs, int flags)
    Mat charucoCorners_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(charucoCorners);
    Mat charucoIds_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(charucoIds);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrateCameraCharuco_1(charucoCorners_mat.nativeObj, charucoIds_mat.nativeObj, board.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj, flags);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 29 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrate(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size image_size, Mat K, Mat D, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrate_2(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, image_size.width, image_size.height, K.nativeObj, D.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:MOAAP 阅读 23 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static Mat initCameraMatrix2D(List<MatOfPoint3f> objectPoints, List<MatOfPoint2f> imagePoints, Size imageSize, double aspectRatio)
    List<Mat> objectPoints_tmplm = new ArrayList<Mat>((objectPoints != null) ? objectPoints.size() : 0);
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_vector_Point3f_to_Mat(objectPoints, objectPoints_tmplm);
    List<Mat> imagePoints_tmplm = new ArrayList<Mat>((imagePoints != null) ? imagePoints.size() : 0);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_vector_Point2f_to_Mat(imagePoints, imagePoints_tmplm);
    Mat retVal = new Mat(initCameraMatrix2D_0(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, aspectRatio));

    return retVal;
} 文件源码 项目:Ftc2018RelicRecovery 阅读 30 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0
public static double calibrateCamera(List<Mat> objectPoints, List<Mat> imagePoints, Size imageSize, Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, List<Mat> rvecs, List<Mat> tvecs)
    Mat objectPoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(objectPoints);
    Mat imagePoints_mat = Converters.vector_Mat_to_Mat(imagePoints);
    Mat rvecs_mat = new Mat();
    Mat tvecs_mat = new Mat();
    double retVal = calibrateCamera_2(objectPoints_mat.nativeObj, imagePoints_mat.nativeObj, imageSize.width, imageSize.height, cameraMatrix.nativeObj, distCoeffs.nativeObj, rvecs_mat.nativeObj, tvecs_mat.nativeObj);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(rvecs_mat, rvecs);
    Converters.Mat_to_vector_Mat(tvecs_mat, tvecs);
    return retVal;




