C++ AABB类(方法)实例源码

下面列出了C++ AABB 类(方法)源码代码实例,从而了解它的用法。

作者:BSVin    项目:Digitank   
AABB CLevelEntity::CalculateBoundingBox(CLevelEntity* pThis)
	size_t iModel = pThis->GetModelID();
	CModel* pModel = CModelLibrary::GetModel(iModel);

	if (pModel)
		return pModel->m_aabbVisBoundingBox;

	tstring sAABB = pThis->GetParameterValue("BoundingBox");

	AABB aabbBounds = AABB(Vector(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f), Vector(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

	if (CanUnserializeString_AABB(sAABB))
		aabbBounds = UnserializeString_AABB(sAABB, pThis->GetName(), pThis->m_sClass, "BoundingBox");

		// Center the entity around this bounding box.
		Vector vecGlobalOrigin = aabbBounds.Center();
		aabbBounds.m_vecMins -= vecGlobalOrigin;
		aabbBounds.m_vecMaxs -= vecGlobalOrigin;
		CSaveData* pSaveData = CBaseEntity::FindSaveDataByHandle(tstring("C"+pThis->m_sClass).c_str(), "BoundingBox");
		if (pSaveData && pSaveData->m_bDefault)
			memcpy(&aabbBounds, &pSaveData->m_oDefault, sizeof(aabbBounds));

	if (pThis->m_hMaterialModel.IsValid() && pThis->m_hMaterialModel->m_ahTextures.size())
		CTextureHandle hBaseTexture = pThis->m_hMaterialModel->m_ahTextures[0];

		if (hBaseTexture.IsValid())
			aabbBounds.m_vecMaxs.y *= (float)hBaseTexture->m_iHeight/pThis->m_hMaterialModel->m_iTexelsPerMeter;
			aabbBounds.m_vecMins.y *= (float)hBaseTexture->m_iHeight/pThis->m_hMaterialModel->m_iTexelsPerMeter;

			aabbBounds.m_vecMaxs.z *= (float)hBaseTexture->m_iWidth/pThis->m_hMaterialModel->m_iTexelsPerMeter;
			aabbBounds.m_vecMins.z *= (float)hBaseTexture->m_iWidth/pThis->m_hMaterialModel->m_iTexelsPerMeter;

	aabbBounds.m_vecMins = aabbBounds.m_vecMins * pThis->GetScale();
	aabbBounds.m_vecMaxs = aabbBounds.m_vecMaxs * pThis->GetScale();

	return aabbBounds;

作者:enune    项目:qsvie   
AABB buildBox (const Segment &s, const float &pitch, const float &height, const float &thickness) {
	const MatrixCoord3D &start = s.start;
	const MatrixCoord3D &end = s.end;

	Vec3f xyz (static_cast<float>(start[0])*pitch, static_cast<float>(start[2])*height, static_cast<float>(start[1])*pitch);
	Vec3f XYZ (static_cast<float>(end[0])*pitch, static_cast<float>(end[2])*height, static_cast<float>(end[1])*pitch);

	// must swap z and Z. because -XYZ will yield the smallest negative value for Z, that needs to be swapped so that the xyz and XYZ points get right for AABB creation.
	const float buffer = -xyz[2];
	xyz[2] = -XYZ[2];
	XYZ[2] = buffer;

	xyz -= Vec3f (thickness, thickness, thickness); // 0
	XYZ += Vec3f (thickness, thickness, thickness); // 1

	return AABB (xyz, XYZ);

作者:martin-ejdesti    项目:rayni-stagin   
TEST(AABBTest, SplitZ)
		auto split_z = AABB({10, 100, 1000}, {20, 200, 2000}).split(2, 1500);

		EXPECT_NEAR(10, split_z.left.minimum().x(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(100, split_z.left.minimum().y(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(1000, split_z.left.minimum().z(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(20, split_z.left.maximum().x(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(200, split_z.left.maximum().y(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(1500, split_z.left.maximum().z(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(10, split_z.right.minimum().x(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(100, split_z.right.minimum().y(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(1500, split_z.right.minimum().z(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(20, split_z.right.maximum().x(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(200, split_z.right.maximum().y(), 1e-100);
		EXPECT_NEAR(2000, split_z.right.maximum().z(), 1e-100);

作者:florent-lamirau    项目:fc   
bool SSaPCollisionManager::collide_(CollisionObject* obj, void* cdata, CollisionCallBack callback) const
  static const unsigned int CUTOFF = 100;

  DummyCollisionObject dummyHigh(AABB(obj->getAABB().max_));
  bool coll_res = false;

  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::const_iterator pos_start1 = objs_x.begin();
  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::const_iterator pos_end1 = std::upper_bound(pos_start1, objs_x.end(), &dummyHigh, SortByXLow());
  unsigned int d1 = pos_end1 - pos_start1;

  if(d1 > CUTOFF)
    std::vector<CollisionObject*>::const_iterator pos_start2 = objs_y.begin();
    std::vector<CollisionObject*>::const_iterator pos_end2 = std::upper_bound(pos_start2, objs_y.end(), &dummyHigh, SortByYLow());
    unsigned int d2 = pos_end2 - pos_start2;

    if(d2 > CUTOFF)
      std::vector<CollisionObject*>::const_iterator pos_start3 = objs_z.begin();
      std::vector<CollisionObject*>::const_iterator pos_end3 = std::upper_bound(pos_start3, objs_z.end(), &dummyHigh, SortByZLow());
      unsigned int d3 = pos_end3 - pos_start3;

      if(d3 > CUTOFF)
        if(d3 <= d2 && d3 <= d1)
          coll_res = checkColl(pos_start3, pos_end3, obj, cdata, callback);
          if(d2 <= d3 && d2 <= d1)
            coll_res = checkColl(pos_start2, pos_end2, obj, cdata, callback);
            coll_res = checkColl(pos_start1, pos_end1, obj, cdata, callback);
        coll_res = checkColl(pos_start3, pos_end3, obj, cdata, callback);
      coll_res = checkColl(pos_start2, pos_end2, obj, cdata, callback);
    coll_res = checkColl(pos_start1, pos_end1, obj, cdata, callback);

  return coll_res;

作者:TomCrypt    项目:Lambd   
/* Creates the sphere from a scene file. */
Sphere::Sphere(std::fstream& file, std::vector<Material*>* materials, std::vector<Light*>* lights) : Primitive(file, materials, lights)
    /* Read the sphere definition from the scene file. */
    SphereDefinition definition;
    file.read((char*)&definition, sizeof(SphereDefinition));

    /* Read the geometric center and radius of the sphere. */
    this->center = Vector(definition.center[0], definition.center[1], definition.center[2]);
    this->radius = definition.radius;

    /* Compute the sphere's radius squared. */
    this->radiusSquared = this->radius * this->radius;

    /* Compute the sphere's bounding box. */
    Vector radiusVector = Vector(this->radius, this->radius, this->radius);
    this->boundingBox = AABB(this->center - radiusVector, this->center + radiusVector);

作者:Clever-Bo    项目:XL   
void Locator::Update(const FrameTime& fr, UpdateTypeEnum updateType)
		bool updatedBound = m_worldXformUpdated;

        Model* model = m_resource ? (Model*)m_resource->GetTarget() : NULL;                     
        if( model && model->IsReady())
            if(m_modelTransforms.empty() || m_worldXformUpdated)
                 const MatrixList& matrices = model->AbsoluteTransforms();
                 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_modelTransforms.size(); ++i)
                     m_modelTransforms[i] = matrices[i] * m_world; // transform matrix array now holds complete world transform.
				 updatedBound = true;

        m_boundsDirty = updatedBound;
               // assert(model && model->IsReady());
                m_localBounds = model->GetBounds();                                
                if(m_parent) m_parent->InvalidateBounds();                
                m_localBounds = AABB(float3(-0.5f,-0.5f,-0.5f), float3(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f));                

            // update light env.
            for(auto  renderNode = m_renderables.begin(); renderNode != m_renderables.end(); renderNode++)

作者:ErosOlm    项目:godo   
AABB RasterizerDummy::mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh) const {

	Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.get( p_mesh );

	AABB aabb;

	for (int i=0;i<mesh->surfaces.size();i++) {

		if (i==0)

	return aabb;

作者:eBunn    项目:EmberProjec   
void CIntersectionAssistanceUnit::DebugUpdate() const
            IEntity* pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_subjectEntityId);
                    IPhysicalEntity *pPhysical = pEntity->GetPhysics();
                            const float fFontSize = 1.2f;
                            float drawColor[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};

                            string sMsg(string().Format(" Entity ID: [%d]", m_subjectEntityId));
                            sMsg += string().Format("\n Entity Name: [%s]", pEntity->GetName());

                            sMsg += string().Format("\n EmbedTimer: [%.3f]", m_embedTimer);
                            sMsg += string().Format("\n EmbedState: [%s]",(m_embedState == eES_None) ? "NONE" : (m_embedState == eES_Evaluating) ? "EVALUATING" : (m_embedState == eES_ReEvaluating) ? "REEVALUATING" : (m_embedState == eES_NotEmbedded) ? "NOT EMBEDDED" : (m_embedState == eES_Embedded) ? "EMBEDDED" : "UNKNOWN");

                            Vec3 vCurrTrans = m_entityStartingWPos - pEntity->GetWorldPos();
                            sMsg += string().Format("\n Translation: < %.3f, %.3f, %.3f >", vCurrTrans.x, vCurrTrans.y, vCurrTrans.z );
                            sMsg += string().Format("\n Trans magnitude: < %.3f >", vCurrTrans.GetLength() );
                            sMsg += string().Format("\n Trans per sec: < %.3f >", vCurrTrans.GetLength() / g_pGameCVars->pl_pickAndThrow.intersectionAssistTimePeriod );

                            sMsg += string().Format("\n Collision count: %u", m_collisionCount );

                            // RENDER
                            Vec3 vDrawPos = pEntity->GetWorldPos() + Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,0.6f);
                            gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabelEx(vDrawPos, fFontSize, drawColor, true, true, sMsg.c_str());

                            // Box
                            pe_params_bbox bbox;
                                    ColorB colDefault = ColorB( 127,127,127 );
                                    ColorB embedded = ColorB(255, 0, 0);
                                    ColorB notEmbedded = ColorB(0, 255, 0);

                                    gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom()->DrawAABB( AABB(bbox.BBox[0],bbox.BBox[1]), Matrix34(IDENTITY), false, (m_embedState == eES_Embedded) ? embedded : (m_embedState == eES_NotEmbedded) ? notEmbedded : colDefault, eBBD_Faceted);


作者:joewa    项目:mitsuba-rendere   
TriMesh::TriMesh(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) 
	: Shape(stream, manager), m_tangents(NULL) {
	m_name = stream->readString();
	m_aabb = AABB(stream);

	uint32_t flags = stream->readUInt();
	m_vertexCount = stream->readSize();
	m_triangleCount = stream->readSize();

	m_positions = new Point[m_vertexCount];
	stream->readFloatArray(reinterpret_cast<Float *>(m_positions), 
		m_vertexCount * sizeof(Point)/sizeof(Float));

	m_faceNormals = flags & EFaceNormals;

	if (flags & EHasNormals) {
		m_normals = new Normal[m_vertexCount];
		stream->readFloatArray(reinterpret_cast<Float *>(m_normals), 
			m_vertexCount * sizeof(Normal)/sizeof(Float));
	} else {
		m_normals = NULL;

	if (flags & EHasTexcoords) {
		m_texcoords = new Point2[m_vertexCount];
		stream->readFloatArray(reinterpret_cast<Float *>(m_texcoords), 
			m_vertexCount * sizeof(Point2)/sizeof(Float));
	} else {
		m_texcoords = NULL;

	if (flags & EHasColors) {
		m_colors = new Spectrum[m_vertexCount];
		stream->readFloatArray(reinterpret_cast<Float *>(m_colors), 
			m_vertexCount * sizeof(Spectrum)/sizeof(Float));
	} else {
		m_colors = NULL;

	m_triangles = new Triangle[m_triangleCount];
	stream->readUIntArray(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(m_triangles), 
		m_triangleCount * sizeof(Triangle)/sizeof(uint32_t));
	m_flipNormals = false;

作者:florent-lamirau    项目:fc   
void SSaPCollisionManager::unregisterObject(CollisionObject* obj)

  DummyCollisionObject dummyHigh(AABB(obj->getAABB().max_));

  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::iterator pos_start1 = objs_x.begin();
  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::iterator pos_end1 = std::upper_bound(pos_start1, objs_x.end(), &dummyHigh, SortByXLow());

  while(pos_start1 < pos_end1)
    if(*pos_start1 == obj)

  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::iterator pos_start2 = objs_y.begin();
  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::iterator pos_end2 = std::upper_bound(pos_start2, objs_y.end(), &dummyHigh, SortByYLow());

  while(pos_start2 < pos_end2)
    if(*pos_start2 == obj)

  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::iterator pos_start3 = objs_z.begin();
  std::vector<CollisionObject*>::iterator pos_end3 = std::upper_bound(pos_start3, objs_z.end(), &dummyHigh, SortByZLow());

  while(pos_start3 < pos_end3)
    if(*pos_start3 == obj)

作者:tobiaskohlba    项目:RobotMotionPlanne   
*  \brief      Loads the environment configuration from a json file.
*  \author     Sascha Kaden
*  \param[in]  file path
*  \param[out] result of the loading
*  \date       2017-10-18
bool EnvironmentConfigurator::loadConfig(const std::string &filePath) {
    nlohmann::json json = loadJson(filePath);
    if (json.empty())
        return false;

    auto numObstacles = json["NumObstacles"].get<size_t>();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numObstacles; ++i)
        m_obstaclePaths.push_back(json["ObstaclePath" + std::to_string(i)].get<std::string>());
    m_workspaceDim = json["WorkspaceDim"].get<unsigned int>();
    Vector3 bottomLeft = stringToVector<3>(json["MinWorkspaceBound"].get<std::string>());
    Vector3 topRight = stringToVector<3>(json["MaxWorkspaceBound"].get<std::string>());
    m_workspceBounding = AABB(bottomLeft, topRight);
    m_factoryType = static_cast<FactoryType>(json["FactoryType"].get<int>());
    m_robotType = static_cast<RobotType>(json["RobotType"].get<int>());

    return true;

作者:D4rkFr4    项目:zRP   
	Texture* tex = textureLoader::getTexture("friendly_npcs");
	AnimatedSprite sprite = AnimatedSprite(&tex->texture, 0, 0, tex->cellWidth, tex->cellHeight, 0 * tex->uSize, 5 * tex->vSize, 1 * tex->uSize, 1 * tex->vSize);
	*this = VillagerC((VillagerC&)sprite);
	type = 1;
	name = "villagerC";
	isAnimated = false;

	//Setup Collider
	int xOffset = 18;
	int yOffset = 15;
	int width = 28;
	int height = 45;
	float uSize = 1;
	float vSize = 1;
	colliderXOffset = xOffset;
	colliderYOffset = yOffset;
	setCollider(&AABB(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, width, height));
	maxSpeed = 50;
	isColliderDrawn = false;
	// Walking Animation
	int numFrames = 1;
	int timeToNextFrame = 300;
	std::vector<AnimationFrame> frames;
	frames.assign(numFrames, AnimationFrame());

	frames[0] = AnimationFrame(0, 5, uSize, vSize);
	//frames[1] = AnimationFrame(1, 0, uSize, vSize);
	Animation animation_walking = Animation("Walking", frames, numFrames);
	animations[animation_walking.name] = AnimationData(animation_walking, timeToNextFrame, true);

	// Idle Animation
	numFrames = 1;
	frames.assign(numFrames, AnimationFrame());

	frames[0] = AnimationFrame(0, 5, uSize, vSize);
	Animation animation_idle = Animation("Idle", frames, numFrames);
	animations[animation_idle.name] = AnimationData(animation_idle, timeToNextFrame, true);


作者:lssfa    项目:walberl   
void main( int argc, char ** argv )
   Environment env(argc, argv);

   //init domain partitioning
   auto forest = blockforest::createBlockForest( AABB(0,0,0,20,20,20), // simulation domain
                                                 Vector3<uint_t>(2,2,2), // blocks in each direction
                                                 Vector3<bool>(false, false, false) // periodicity
   domain::BlockForestDomain domain(forest);

   //init data structures
   data::ParticleStorage ps(100);

   //initialize particle
   auto uid = createSphere(ps, domain);
   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT("uid: " << uid);

   //init kernels
   mpi::ReduceProperty    RP;
   mpi::SyncNextNeighbors SNN;

   SNN(ps, domain);

   auto pIt = ps.find(uid);
   if (pIt != ps.end())
      pIt->getForceRef() += Vec3(real_c(walberla::mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank()));


   if (walberla::mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank() == 0)
      WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL( pIt->getForce(), Vec3(real_t(28)) );
   } else
      WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL( pIt->getForce(), Vec3(real_t(walberla::mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank())) );

作者:blckshr    项目:IFT604   
AABB AnimatedTransform::getTranslationBounds() const {
	if (m_tracks.size() == 0) {
		Point p = m_transform(Point(0.0f));
		return AABB(p, p);

	AABB aabb;

	for (size_t i=0; i<m_tracks.size(); ++i) {
		const AbstractAnimationTrack *absTrack = m_tracks[i];
		switch (absTrack->getType()) {
			case AbstractAnimationTrack::ETranslationX:
			case AbstractAnimationTrack::ETranslationY:
			case AbstractAnimationTrack::ETranslationZ: {
					int idx  = absTrack->getType() - AbstractAnimationTrack::ETranslationX;
					const FloatTrack *track =
						static_cast<const FloatTrack *>(absTrack);
					for (size_t j=0; j<track->getSize(); ++j) {
						Float value = track->getValue(j);
						aabb.max[idx] = std::max(aabb.max[idx], value);
						aabb.min[idx] = std::min(aabb.min[idx], value);

			case AbstractAnimationTrack::ETranslationXYZ: {
					const VectorTrack *track =
						static_cast<const VectorTrack *>(absTrack);
					for (size_t j=0; j<track->getSize(); ++j)
	for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
		if (aabb.min[i] > aabb.max[i])
			aabb.min[i] = aabb.max[i] = 0.0f;

	return aabb;

作者:OpenTechEngin    项目:DarkRadian   
const AABB& LightNode::getSelectedComponentsBounds() const {
	// Create a new axis aligned bounding box
	m_aabb_component = AABB();

	if (_light.isProjected()) {
		// Include the according vertices in the AABB
	else {
		// Just include the light center, this is the only vertex that may be out of the light volume

	return m_aabb_component;

作者:tobiaskohlba    项目:RobotMotionPlanne   
*  \brief      Transforms an AABB with the passed transformations and return the new AABB.
*  \details    The new AABB has a larger size as the original and the AABB is no more tight!
*  \author     Sascha Kaden
*  \param[in]  original AABB
*  \param[in]  Transform
*  \param[out] transformed AABB
*  \date       2017-06-21
static AABB transformAABB(const AABB &aabb, const Transform &T) {
    Vector3 min = aabb.min();
    Vector3 max = aabb.max();
    Vector4 min4  = util::append<3>(min, 1);
    Vector4 max4  = util::append<3>(max, 1);
    min4 = T * min4;
    max4 = T * max4;
    return AABB(Vector3(min4[0], min4[1], min4[2]), Vector3(max4[0], max4[1], max4[2]));

//    Vector3 center(T.translation());
//    Vector3 radius = Vector3::Zero(3, 1);
//    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//        for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
//            center[i] += T(i, j) * aabb.center()[j];
//            radius[i] += std::abs(T(i, j)) * aabb.diagonal()[j] / 2;
//        }
//    }
//    return AABB(center - radius, center + radius);

作者:jklemmac    项目:ufoa   
 * @brief Moves the given mins/maxs volume through the world from start to end.
 * @param[in] start Start vector to start the trace from
 * @param[in] end End vector to stop the trace at
 * @param[in] size Bounding box size used for tracing
 * @param[in] contentmask Searched content the trace should watch for
void R_Trace (const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, float size, int contentmask)
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	float frac;
	trace_t tr;
	int i;


	if (r_locals.tracenum > 0xffff)  /* avoid overflows */
		r_locals.tracenum = 0;

	VectorSet(mins, -size, -size, -size);
	VectorSet(maxs, size, size, size);

	refdef.trace = CM_CompleteBoxTrace(refdef.mapTiles, start, end, AABB(mins, maxs), TRACING_ALL_VISIBLE_LEVELS, contentmask, 0);
	refdef.traceEntity = NULL;

	frac = refdef.trace.fraction;

	/* check bsp models */
	for (i = 0; i < refdef.numEntities; i++) {
		entity_t *ent = R_GetEntity(i);
		const model_t *m = ent->model;

		if (!m || m->type != mod_bsp_submodel)

		tr = CM_TransformedBoxTrace(&(refdef.mapTiles->mapTiles[m->bsp.maptile]), start, end, mins, maxs, m->bsp.firstnode,
				contentmask, 0, ent->origin, ent->angles);

		if (tr.fraction < frac) {
			refdef.trace = tr;
			refdef.traceEntity = ent;

			frac = tr.fraction;

	assert(refdef.trace.mapTile >= 0);
	assert(refdef.trace.mapTile < r_numMapTiles);

作者:D4rkFr4    项目:zRP   
   Texture* tex = textureLoader::getTexture("cucco");
   AnimatedSprite sprite = AnimatedSprite(&tex->texture, 0, 0, tex->width, tex->height, 0, 0, 0.5, 1);
   *this = Chicken((Chicken&)sprite);
   type = 1;
   name = "cucco";

   //Setup Collider
   int xOffset = 20;
   int yOffset = 25;
   int width = 20;
   int height = 20;
   float uSize = 0.5;
   float vSize = 1;
   colliderXOffset = xOffset;
   colliderYOffset = yOffset;
   setCollider(&AABB(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, width, height));
   maxSpeed = 50;

   // Walking Animation
   int numFrames = 2;
   int timeToNextFrame = 300;
   std::vector<AnimationFrame> frames;
   frames.assign(numFrames, AnimationFrame());

   frames[0] = AnimationFrame(0, 0, uSize, vSize);
   frames[1] = AnimationFrame(0.5, 0, uSize, vSize);
   Animation animation_walking = Animation("Walking", frames, numFrames);
   animations[animation_walking.name] = AnimationData(animation_walking, timeToNextFrame, true);

   // Idle Animation
   numFrames = 1;
   frames.assign(numFrames, AnimationFrame());
   frames[0] = AnimationFrame(0, 0, uSize, vSize);
   Animation animation_idle = Animation("Idle", frames, numFrames);
   animations[animation_idle.name] = AnimationData(animation_idle, timeToNextFrame, true);

作者:radius7    项目:ufoa   
 * @brief Particle tracing with caching
static inline trace_t PTL_Trace (ptl_t *ptl, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs)
	static ptlTraceCache_t ptlCache;
	const float epsilonPos = 3.0f;
	const float epsilonBBox = 1.0f;

	if (VectorCompareEps(ptlCache.start, ptl->origin, epsilonPos) && VectorCompareEps(ptlCache.end, ptl->s, epsilonPos)
			&& VectorCompareEps(ptlCache.mins, mins, epsilonBBox) && VectorCompareEps(ptlCache.maxs, maxs, epsilonBBox)) {
		return ptlCache.trace;

	VectorCopy(ptl->origin, ptlCache.start);
	VectorCopy(ptl->s, ptlCache.end);
	VectorCopy(mins, ptlCache.mins);
	VectorCopy(maxs, ptlCache.maxs);

	ptlCache.trace = CL_Trace(ptl->origin, ptl->s, AABB(mins, maxs), nullptr, nullptr, MASK_SOLID, cl.mapMaxLevel - 1);
	return ptlCache.trace;

作者:codereade    项目:DarkRadian   
// Generate particle geometry, time is absolute in msecs
void RenderableParticleStage::update(std::size_t time, const Matrix4& viewRotation)
	// Invalidate our bounds information
	_bounds = AABB();

	// Check time offset (msecs)
	std::size_t timeOffset = static_cast<std::size_t>(SEC2MS(_stageDef.getTimeOffset()));

	if (time < timeOffset)
		// We're still in the timeoffset zone where particle spawn is inhibited

	// Time >= timeOffset at this point

	// Get rid of the time offset
	std::size_t localtimeMsec = time - timeOffset;

	// Consider stage orientation (x,y,z,view,aimed)

	// Make sure the correct bunches are allocated for this stage time

	// The 0 bunch is the active one, the 1 bunch is the previous one if not null

	// Tell the particle batches to update their geometry
	if (_bunches[0] != NULL)
		// Get one of our seed values

	if (_bunches[1] != NULL)




