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<!-- Tell a Friend Page Code -->
<!-- Tell a Friend Pop up Form -->
<div id="js-tell-a-friend" class="zoom-anim-dialog clearfix white-popup-block mfp-hide row taf">
    <strong>Tell a friend about &mvt:product:name;</strong><br /><br />
    <form method="post" action="../forms/tell-a-friend.php" autocomplete="off" class="column whole">
        <input type="hidden" name="Store" value="&mvt:store:name;" />
        <input type="hidden" name="storeUrl" value="http://&mvt:global:domain:name;/" />
        <input type="hidden" name="prodUrl" value="&mvt:global:socialprodurl;" />
        <input type="hidden" name="prodImage" value="&mvt:global:socialProdImage;" />
        <input type="hidden" name="prodName" value="&mvt:product:name;" />
        <div class="form-row">
            <label for="l-fromEmail" class="required">Your Email Address:</label>
            <input type="email" name="fromEmail" value="&mvte:global:Customer_LoginEmail;" id="l-fromEmail"/>
        <div class="form-row">
            <label for="l-toEmail" class="required">Your Friend's Email Address:</label>
            <input type="email" name="toEmail" value="" id="l-toEmail"/>
        <div class="form-row">
            <label for="l-message" class="italic">Message:</label>
            <textarea name="message" value="" id="l-message"></textarea>
        <div class="form-row">
            <span id="taf-results" class="error"></span>
        <div class="form-row align-right">
            <input type="submit" value="Send" class="button button-square bg-orange white">
<!-- End Tell a Friend Pop up Form -->
<!-- Tell a Friend javascript -->
            type: 'inline',
            mainClass: 'my-mfp-slide-bottom'
        // Tell a Friend
        $('#js-tell-a-friend form').on('submit', function(e) {
        // Begin: Check for Errors.
        var errors = 0;
        $(this).find('input, select, radio').each(function() {
            if ($.trim(this.value) == "") {
            } else {
        }); // End: Check for Errors.

        if (errors == 0) {
            // Begin: Ajax
            var form = $(this),
                        formData = form.serialize(),
                        url = form.attr('action'),
                        btn = form.find('.btn'),
                        storename = form.find('[name=storeName]').val(),
                        update = form.find('[name=update]').val();
                    url : url,
                    type: 'POST',
                    data : formData,
                    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
                        if(data == 'Success') {
                        // Begin: Clear Data. Exclude Attendance, we don't want to clear that.
                        if (update !== 'attendance') {
                            form.find('input, select, radio, textarea, checkbox').each(function() {
                                 switch(this.type) {
                                    case 'password':
                                    case 'select-multiple':
                                    case 'select-one':
                                    case 'text':
                                    case 'number':
                                    case 'textarea':
                                    case 'checkbox':
                                    case 'radio':
                                        this.checked = false;
                            }); // End: Clear Data.
                        $('#js-tell-a-friend form').html('<p class="align-center">Thank you for sharing our product with your friend!</p>');
                        setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 3000);
                    } else {
                        $('#taf-results').html('There was an error sending your message. Please try again.');
                    // Testing
                    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
                });// End Ajax
        } else {
            $('#inquiry-results').html('Fields in red are required');
    }); // End: Form Submission
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 * Fade-zoom animation for first dialog

/* start state */
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/* Dark overlay, start state */
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/* animate out */
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 * Fade-move animation for second dialog

/* at start */
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/* animate out */
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/* Dark overlay, start state */
.my-mfp-slide-bottom.mfp-bg {
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/* animate in */
.my-mfp-slide-bottom.mfp-ready.mfp-bg {
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/* animate out */
.my-mfp-slide-bottom.mfp-removing.mfp-bg {
	opacity: 0;




