def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(UiowaScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.layout = FloatLayout()
self.layout.width = Window.width
self.layout.height = Window.height
self.layout.x = 0
self.layout.y = 0
img = Image(source = self.uiowaImage)
img.size = (Window.width*1.0, Window.height*1.0)
img.pos = (0, 0)
img.opacity = .8
self.add_widget(img, 1)
with self.layout.canvas: #sets canvas instructions for the rightlayout and draws a blue rect. filling the entire layout
Color(1, 1, 1, .7) #WHITE
Rectangle(pos=(.15 * self.layout.height, .30 * self.layout.height), size=(.45 * self.layout.width, .55 * self.layout.height))
qr = Image(source = self.qrCode)
qr.size_hint = (.39, .39)
qr.pos_hint = {'x': .56, 'y': .12}
logo = Image(source=self.uiLogo)
logo.size_hint = (.33, .33)
logo.pos_hint = {'x': .59, 'y': .58}
uiowaText = Label(text= 'The GravBox project is the result of the hard work of students of the University of Iowa\'s Physics and Astronomy Department. To learn more about physics and astronomy at the University of Iowa, and the research work being done in these areas, please scan the QR code to the right.', valign='middle', halign='center', font_size='24sp', text_size=(.4 * self.layout.width, None), color=(0,0,0,1))
uiowaText.pos_hint = {'x': -.18, 'y': .075}
backBtn = MyButton(text = 'BACK') # back button
backBtn.size_hint = (.1, .1)
backBtn.pos_hint ={'x': .27, 'y': .16}
backBtn.background_color = [.4, .4, .4, 1]
backBtn.bind(on_release = self.backButton) #when the button is released the callback function is called