def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(WelcomeScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.layout = FloatLayout() #Float Layout for positioning buttons and image anywhere on the screen
self.layout.width = Window.width #the float layout is the size of the window
self.layout.height = Window.height
self.layout.x = Window.width/2 - self.layout.width/2 #sets the x position of the layout to 0
self.layout.y = Window.height/2 - self.layout.height/2 #sets the y position of the layout to 0
self.add_widget(self.layout) #adds the layout to the screen
self.img = Image(source = self.welcomeImage)
self.img.size = (Window.width*1.0, Window.height*1.2)
self.img.pos = (-Window.width*0.0, -Window.height*0.0)
self.img.opacity = 1.0 #alpha value between 0.0 - 1.0
self.add_widget(self.img) #adds the image to the screen
tmpBtn1 = MyButton(text = self.buttonList[0]) #start button
tmpBtn1.size_hint = (.21, .09)
tmpBtn1.pos_hint ={'x': .395, 'y': .24}
tmpBtn1.background_color = [.4, .4, .4, .4] #backgroundcolor of the button (this is grayish)
tmpBtn1.bind(on_release = self.changer) #when the button is released the changer function is called
self.layout.add_widget(tmpBtn1) #adds the button called tmpBtn1 to the floatlayout
tmpBtn2 = MyButton(text = self.buttonList[1]) #about button
tmpBtn2.size_hint = (.08, .095)
tmpBtn2.pos_hint ={'x': .618, 'y': 0}
tmpBtn2.background_color = [.4, .4, .4, .4]
tmpBtn2.bind(on_release = self.about) #when the button is released the about function is called
self.layout.add_widget(tmpBtn2) #adds the button called tmpBtn2 to the floatlayout
tmpBtn3 = MyButton(text = self.buttonList[2]) #uiowa button
tmpBtn3.size_hint = (.08, .095)
tmpBtn3.pos_hint = {'x':.7, 'y': 0}
tmpBtn3.background_color = [.4, .4, .4, .4]
tmpBtn3.bind(on_release = self.uiowa) #when the button is released the uiowa function is called
self.layout.add_widget(tmpBtn3) #adds the button called tmpBtn3 to the floatlayout