def main():
# run <shape_start> <shape_end> [<iters>][<decimals>]
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Same Stats 1.0')
if arguments['run']:
with plot_settings():
it = 100000
de = 2
frames = 100
if arguments['<iters>']:
it = int(arguments['<iters>'])
if arguments['<decimals>']:
de = int(arguments['<decimals>'])
if arguments['<decimals>']:
frames = int(arguments['<frames>'])
shape_start = arguments['<shape_start>']
shape_end = arguments['<shape_end>']
if shape_start in INITIAL_DATASETS and shape_end in ALL_TARGETS:
do_single_run(shape_start, shape_end, iterations=it, decimals=de, num_frames=frames)
print("************* One of those shapes isn't correct:")
print("shape_start must be one of ", INITIAL_DATASETS)
print("shape_end must be one of ", ALL_TARGETS)