def _make_note(self, note_data):
""" Converts a note from HTML to the configured markup.
If the note was previously edited with zotcli, the original markup
will be restored. If it was edited with the Zotero UI, it will be
converted from the HTML via pandoc.
:param note_html: HTML of the note
:param note_version: Library version the note was last edited
:returns: Dictionary with markup, format and version
data = None
note_html = note_data['data']['note']
note_version = note_data['version']
if "title=\"b'" in note_html:
# Fix for badly formatted notes from an earlier version (see #26)
note_html = re.sub(r'title="b\'(.*?)\'"', r'title="\1"', note_html)
note_html = note_html.replace("\\n", "")
blobs = DATA_PAT.findall(note_html)
# Previously edited with zotcli
if blobs:
data = decode_blob(blobs[0])
if 'version' not in data:
data['version'] = note_version
note_html = DATA_PAT.sub("", note_html)
# Not previously edited with zotcli or updated from the Zotero UI
if not data or data['version'] < note_version:
if data and data['version'] < note_version:"Note changed on server, reloading markup.")
note_format = data['format'] if data else self.note_format
data = {
'format': note_format,
'text': pypandoc.convert(
note_html, note_format, format='html'),
'version': note_version}
return data