def __init__(self, path, games, logger, suffix):
super(SuccessPosition, self).__init__(path, self.__class__.__name__, suffix)
x_bin = 7
y_bin = 7
success_sum = np.zeros((x_bin+1, y_bin+1))
total_sum = np.zeros((x_bin+1, y_bin+1))
for game in games:
bbox = game.object.bbox
picture = game.image
x = int(bbox.x_center / picture.width * x_bin)
y = int(bbox.y_center / picture.height * y_bin)
total_sum[x][y] += 1.0
if game.status == "success":
success_sum[x][y] += 1.0
ratio = 1.0 * success_sum / total_sum
# Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio
f = sns.heatmap(ratio, robust=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"label" : "% Success"}, xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False)
f.set_xlabel("normalized image width", {'size':'14'})
f.set_ylabel("normalized image height", {'size':'14'})
f.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize='x-large')