def exec_cmd(bus, *cmd_line):
Executes an external process using the given arguments. Note that the
backslash (`\`) character must be escaped, because they are within a Python
string, so a total of 2 backslashes to equal 1 real backslash.
For example, to run a command prompt with fancy colors and start it in the
root of the file system when you press <kbd>F1</kbd>, use:
'f1 => cmd cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /T:17 /K cd \\'
:param bus:
:param cmd_line: The command-line string equivalent to run.
# The cmd_line is a space-split set of arguments. Because we're running a
# command line, and should allow all kinds of inputs, we'll join it back
# together.
full_cmd = " ".join(cmd_line)
# We won't use shlex, because, for Windows, splitting is just unnecessary.
print('CMD Running `' + full_cmd + '`')
# TODO look at making this a bus command, or at least a bus announcement.
proc = subprocess.Popen(full_cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL), target_ids.LOGGER, {
'message': '{0}: {1}'.format(, full_cmd)