def test_base_exception(self):
# Test that exceptions derived from BaseException are formatted right
e = KeyboardInterrupt()
lst = traceback.format_exception_only(e.__class__, e)
self.assertEqual(lst, ['KeyboardInterrupt\n'])
# String exceptions are deprecated, but legal. The quirky form with
# separate "type" and "value" tends to break things, because
# not isinstance(value, type)
# and a string cannot be the first argument to issubclass.
# Note that sys.last_type and sys.last_value do not get set if an
# exception is caught, so we sort of cheat and just emulate them.
# test_string_exception1 is equivalent to
# >>> raise "String Exception"
# test_string_exception2 is equivalent to
# >>> raise "String Exception", "String Value"