* Return all beans depending directly or indirectly (transitively), on the bean identified by the beanName. When
* dealing with a FactoryBean, the factory itself can be returned or its product. Additional filtering can be
* executed through the type parameter. If no filtering is required, then null can be passed.
* Note that depending on #rawFactoryBeans parameter, the type of the factory or its product can be used when doing
* the filtering.
* @param beanFactory beans bean factory
* @param beanName root bean name
* @param rawFactoryBeans consider the factory bean itself or the its product
* @param type type of the beans returned (null to return all beans)
* @return bean names
public static String[] getTransitiveDependenciesForBean(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory,
String beanName, boolean rawFactoryBeans, Class<?> type) {
Assert.isTrue(beanFactory.containsBean(beanName), "no bean by name [" + beanName + "] can be found");
Set<String> beans = new LinkedHashSet<String>(8);
// used to break cycles between nested beans
Set<String> innerBeans = new LinkedHashSet<String>(4);
getTransitiveBeans(beanFactory, beanName, rawFactoryBeans, beans, innerBeans);
if (type != null) {
// filter by type
for (Iterator<String> iter = beans.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String bean = iter.next();
if (!beanFactory.isTypeMatch(bean, type)) {
return beans.toArray(new String[beans.size()]);
BeanFactoryUtils.java 文件源码
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