def test_zipfile_timestamp():
# An environment variable can be used to influence the timestamp on
# TarInfo objects inside the zip. See issue #143. TemporaryDirectory is
# not a context manager under Python 3.
with temporary_directory() as tempdir:
for filename in ('one', 'two', 'three'):
path = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
fp.write(filename + '\n')
zip_base_name = os.path.join(tempdir, 'dummy')
# The earliest date representable in TarInfos, 1980-01-01
with environ('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', '315576060'):
zip_filename = wheel.archive.make_wheelfile_inner(
zip_base_name, tempdir)
with readable_zipfile(zip_filename) as zf:
for info in zf.infolist():
assert info.date_time[:3] == (1980, 1, 1)