VBScript:AddRemoveProgram数据的NS / SMP自定义清单。

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' Inventory system for programs
' For use with Altiris/SMP Agent
' Create Objects, Define Constants and Variables
	Option Explicit
	'On Error Resume Next

	'No user-edit required below this line
	'Initialize Objects
	Dim objWSHShell: Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	Dim objWSHNetwork: Set objWSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
	Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Dim strComputer: strComputer = objWSHNetwork.ComputerName
	Dim RemoteStdRegProvClass: Set RemoteStdRegProvClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" & strComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv")
	Dim RemoteCIMv2Namespace: Set RemoteCIMv2Namespace = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" & strComputer & "/root/cimv2")
	Dim Products: Set Products = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	Dim UniqueProductNames: Set UniqueProductNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	'Define Constants
	Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
	Const adVarChar = 200
	Const MaxCharacters = 255
	Const HKCR = &H80000000:	Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
	Const HKCU = &H80000001:	Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
	Const HKLM = &H80000002:	Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
	Const HKU = &H80000003:		Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
	Const HKCC = &H80000002:	Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005
	Const HKDD = &H80000002:	Const HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006

	'Dimension Variables
	Dim intErrorCount: intErrorCount = 0
	Dim blnActionStarted: blnActionStarted = False
	Dim strScriptPath: strScriptPath = WScript.ScriptFullName
	Dim Component
	Dim Resource, hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sValueName, ProviderArchitecture
	'Dimension non-variable path locations (Initialize objects must be done prior to this)
	Dim systemDrive: systemDrive = objWSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemdrive%")
	Dim winDir: winDir = objWSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")
	'Dimension variable path locations (Dimension non-variable path locations must be done prior to this)
	Dim tagDir: tagDir = objFSO.BuildPath(systemDrive, "\TagDir")
	Dim supportDir: supportDir = objFSO.BuildPath(systemDrive, "\Support")
	Dim appsDir: appsDir = objFSO.BuildPath(supportDir, "Apps")
	Dim system32Dir: system32Dir = objFSO.BuildPath(winDir, "system32")
	Dim scriptDir: scriptDir = Replace(strScriptPath, WScript.ScriptName, "")
	Dim logFilesDir: logFilesDir = objFSO.BuildPath(system32Dir, "LogFiles")
	'Dimension file locations (Dimension non-variable path locations must be done prior to this)
	Dim scriptLogFile: scriptLogFile = objFSO.BuildPath(logFilesDir, "InventoryPrograms_" & strComputer & ".log")

' Begin Logging
	Dim objLog: Set objLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(scriptLogFile, ForWriting, True)
	If Err.Number Then WScript.Quit(Err.Number)

' 32/64 bit check
	Dim x86RegKey, x64RegKey, x86ProgramFiles, x64ProgramFiles
	If Is32BitOS = True Then
		x86RegKey = "SOFTWARE"
		x64RegKey = ""
		x86ProgramFiles = objWSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%")
		x64ProgramFiles = ""
	ElseIf Is64BitOS = True Then
		x86RegKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node"
		x64RegKey = "SOFTWARE"
		x86ProgramFiles = objWSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles(x86)%")
		x64ProgramFiles = objWSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%")
	End If

WScript.Echo ""
objLog.WriteLine "ADODB.Recordset.Products.Recordcount = " & Products.Recordcount
' Support Functions

Function GetRegValue(Resource, HIVE, strKeyPath, strValueName, ValueType)
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim ValueData
	Select Case LCase(ValueType)
		Case "string"
			'GetStringValue(HIVE, strKeyPath, strValueName, ValueData
		Case "dword"
			RemoteStdRegProvClass.GetDWORDValue HIVE, strKeyPath, strValueName, ValueData
		Case "binary"
			RemoteStdRegProvClass.GetBinaryValue HIVE, strKeyPath, strValueName, ValueData
		Case "array"
			RemoteStdRegProvClass.GetMultiStringValue HIVE, strKeyPath, strValueName, ValueData
		Case "expanded"
			RemoteStdRegProvClass.GetExpandedStringValue HIVE, strKeyPath, strValueName, ValueData
		Case Else
			GetRegValue = "Undefined"
	End Select
	If Err.Number Then
		If LCase(ValueType) = "binary" or LCase(ValueType) = "expanded" Then
			GetRegValue = Array("Undefined")
			GetRegValue = "Undefined"
		End If
		GetRegValue = ValueData
	End If
End Function

Sub ScriptExit(intCode)
	Set objWSHShell = Nothing
	Set RemoteStdRegProvClass = Nothing
	Set objLog = Nothing
	Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub BuildProductsRecordset()
	On Error Resume Next

	' Common

	Products.Fields.Append "Name", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
	Products.Fields.Append "Version", adVarChar, MaxCharacters

	Dim PreviousCount: PreviousCount = 0
	Dim Name, Version, Product, UniqueName

	' Windows Installer Version
	WScript.StdOut.Write "Windows Installer (MSI.DLL): "
	Name = "Windows Installer"
	'Get the windows folder location
	Dim OperatingSystem, SystemDirectory
	For Each OperatingSystem in RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery("SELECT SystemDirectory FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
		SystemDirectory = OperatingSystem.SystemDirectory
	If RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery("SELECT Version FROM CIM_Datafile WHERE Name = '" & Replace(objFSO.BuildPath(SystemDirectory, "msi.dll"), "\", "\\") & "'").Count = 1 Then
		For Each Product In RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery("SELECT Version FROM CIM_Datafile WHERE Name = '" & Replace(objFSO.BuildPath(SystemDirectory, "msi.dll"), "\", "\\") & "'")
			Version = Product.Version
			If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
			If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
			UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
			If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
				UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
					Products("Name").Value = Name
					Products("Version").Value = Version
			End If
	End If
	WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
	PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount

	' 32-bit

	Dim Key, KeyNames, KeyName
	ProviderArchitecture = 32

	' Get applications for Uninstall registry
	WScript.StdOut.Write "Uninstall (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
	Key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
	KeyNames = EnumKey(".", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, ProviderArchitecture)
	If IsNull(KeyNames) = False Then
		For Each KeyName In KeyNames
			Name = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayName", ProviderArchitecture)
			Version = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayVersion", ProviderArchitecture)
			If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
			If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
			UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
			If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
				UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
					Products("Name").Value = Name
					Products("Version").Value = Version
			End If
	End If
	WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
	PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount

	' Get applications for ActiveSetup registry
	WScript.StdOut.Write "Active Setup Installed Components (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
	Key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"
	KeyNames = EnumKey(".", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, ProviderArchitecture)
	If IsNull(KeyNames) = False Then
		For Each KeyName In KeyNames
			Name = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayName", ProviderArchitecture)
			Version = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayVersion", ProviderArchitecture)
			If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
			If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
			Version = Replace(Version, ",", ".")
			UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
			If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
				UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
					Products("Name").Value = Name
					Products("Version").Value = Version
			End If
	End If
	WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
	PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount

	' Add InstallShield ISScript versions
	WScript.StdOut.Write "ISScript (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
	Key = "SOFTWARE\Installshield\Driver"
	KeyNames = EnumKey(".", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, ProviderArchitecture)
	If IsNull(KeyNames) = False Then
		For Each KeyName In KeyNames
			Name = "ISScript"
			Version = KeyName
			If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
			If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
			If Len(Version) = 4 Then Version = Left(Version, 2) & "." & Right(Version, 2)
			Version = Replace(Version, ",", ".")
			UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
			If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
				UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
					Products("Name").Value = Name
					Products("Version").Value = Version
			End If
	End If
	WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
	PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount

	' SysConfig version
	WScript.StdOut.Write "US Cellular (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
	KeyName = "US Cellular"
	Name = "System Configuration Script"
	Version = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "ImageInfo", ProviderArchitecture)
	If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
	UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
	If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
		UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
			Products("Name").Value = Name
			Products("Version").Value = Version
	End If
	WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
	PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount

	' 64-bit
	If Is64BitOS = True Then
		ProviderArchitecture = 64

		' Get applications for Uninstall registry
		WScript.StdOut.Write "Uninstall (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
		Key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
		KeyNames = EnumKey(".", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, ProviderArchitecture)
		If IsNull(KeyNames) = False Then
			For Each KeyName In KeyNames
				Name = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayName", ProviderArchitecture)
				Version = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayVersion", ProviderArchitecture)
				If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
				If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
				UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
				If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
					UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
						Products("Name").Value = Name
						Products("Version").Value = Version
				End If
		End If
		WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
		PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount
		' Get applications for ActiveSetup registry
		WScript.StdOut.Write "Active Setup Installed Components (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
		Key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"
		KeyNames = EnumKey(".", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, ProviderArchitecture)
		If IsNull(KeyNames) = False Then
			For Each KeyName In KeyNames
				Name = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayName", ProviderArchitecture)
				Version = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "DisplayVersion", ProviderArchitecture)
				If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
				If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
				Version = Replace(Version, ",", ".")
				UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
				If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
					UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
						Products("Name").Value = Name
						Products("Version").Value = Version
				End If
		End If
		WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
		PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount
		' Add InstallShield ISScript versions
		WScript.StdOut.Write "ISScript (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
		Key = "SOFTWARE\Installshield\Driver"
		KeyNames = EnumKey(".", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, ProviderArchitecture)
		If IsNull(KeyNames) = False Then
			For Each KeyName In KeyNames
				Name = "ISScript"
				Version = KeyName
				If IsNull(Name) = True Then Name = ""
				If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
				If Len(Version) = 4 Then Version = Left(Version, 2) & "." & Right(Version, 2)
				Version = Replace(Version, ",", ".")
				UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
				If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
					UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
						Products("Name").Value = Name
						Products("Version").Value = Version
				End If
		End If
		WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
		PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount
		' SysConfig version
		WScript.StdOut.Write "US Cellular (" & ProviderArchitecture & "-bit) registry key: "
		Key = "SOFTWARE"
		KeyName = "US Cellular"
		Name = "System Configuration Script"
		Version = GetStringValue(".", HKLM, Key & "\" & KeyName, "ImageInfo", ProviderArchitecture)
		If IsNull(Version) = True Then Version = ""
		UniqueName = Replace(Name & Version, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
		If ((Len(Name) > 0) And (Len(UniqueName) > 0)) And UniqueProductNames.Exists(UniqueName) = False Then
			UniqueProductNames.Add UniqueName, UniqueName
				Products("Name").Value = Name
				Products("Version").Value = Version
		End If
		WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (Products.Recordcount - PreviousCount) & "/" & Products.Recordcount
		PreviousCount = Products.Recordcount
	End If

End Sub

Sub DumpProductsRecordsetToFile()
	Products.Filter = ""
	If Products.Fields.Count = 0 Then BuildProductsRecordset()
	If Products.Fields.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
	Products.Sort = "Name"
	Do Until Products.EOF = True
		objLog.WriteLine "ADODB.Recordset.Products: Name: " & Products("Name") & ", Version: " & Products("Version")
End Sub

Sub SendToSMPServer()
	' User-defined constants
	' Initialize Objects
		Dim SectionEntryIndex, SectionEntry, SectionEntries: Set SectionEntries = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	' Define Constants
	' Dimension Public Variables
		Dim DataClassGuid, DataClassInstance, DataBlockInstance, RowInstance
	' Dimension non-variable path locations (Initialize Objects must be done prior to this)
	' Dimension variable path locations (Dimension non-variable path locations must be done prior to this)
	' Dimension file locations (Dimension non-variable path locations must be done prior to this)
	'Create instance of Altiris NSE component
	Dim AeXNSEvent: Set AeXNSEvent = CreateObject ("Altiris.AeXNSEvent")
	' Set the header data of the NSE
	' This specifies the iteam as a Basic Inventory Capture Item (This should not be modified)
	AeXNSEvent.To = "{1592B913-72F3-4C36-91D2-D4EDA21D2F96}"
	AeXNSEvent.Priority = 1
	' This is the Guid assigned to the Data Class within SMP.
	' CAUTION: This changes every time the Data Class definition is modified!
	DataClassGuid = "{037DC6F3-1E5F-41C4-8B5A-81E2DF068A44}"
	' Create section based on Data Class guid
	Set DataClassInstance = AeXNSEvent.AddDataClass (DataClassGuid)
	Set DataBlockInstance = AeXNSEvent.AddDataBlock (DataClassInstance)
' ################# MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE #################
	Products.Filter = ""
	Do While Products.EOF = False
		SectionEntryIndex = -1
		SectionEntry = Products("Name").Value
		SectionEntryIndex = SectionEntryIndex + 1
		If VarType(SectionEntry) = vbString Then SectionEntries.Add SectionEntryIndex, SectionEntry
		SectionEntry = Products("Version").Value
		SectionEntryIndex = SectionEntryIndex + 1
		If VarType(SectionEntry) = vbString Then SectionEntries.Add SectionEntryIndex, SectionEntry
'################# MODIFY ABOVE THIS LINE #################

		If SectionEntries.Count > 0 Then
			'Add a new row
			Set RowInstance = DataBlockInstance.AddRow
			'Set columns
			Dim DictionaryKey, DictionaryKeys: DictionaryKeys = SectionEntries.Keys
			For Each DictionaryKey In DictionaryKeys
				RowInstance.SetField DictionaryKey, SectionEntries.Item(DictionaryKey)
		End If
	' Queue NSE for upload

End Sub

Function Is64BitHW()
	Is64BitHW = False
	Dim Processors, Processor: Set Processors = RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery ("SELECT Architecture FROM Win32_Processor")
	For Each Processor In Processors
		If Processor.Architecture = 9 Then
			Is64BitHW = True
			Exit For
		End If
End Function

Function Is32BitHW()
	Is32BitHW = False
	Dim Processors, Processor: Set Processors = RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery ("SELECT Architecture FROM Win32_Processor")
	For Each Processor In Processors
		If Processor.Architecture = 0 Then
			Is32BitHW = True
			Exit For
		End If
End Function

Function Is64BitOS()
	Is64BitOS = False
	Dim Processors, Processor: Set Processors = RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery ("SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor")
	For Each Processor In Processors
		If Processor.AddressWidth = 64 Then
			Is64BitOS = True
			Exit For
		End If
End Function

Function Is32BitOS()
	Is32BitOS = False
	Dim Processors, Processor: Set Processors = RemoteCIMv2Namespace.ExecQuery ("SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor")
	For Each Processor In Processors
		If Processor.AddressWidth = 32 Then
			Is32BitOS = True
			Exit For
		End If
End Function

Function GetStringValue (ByVal Resource, ByVal hDefKey, ByVal sSubKeyName, ByVal sValueName, ByVal ProviderArchitecture)
	Const wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy = 6
	Const wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate = 3
    Dim oCtx: Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
    oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", ProviderArchitecture
    oCtx.Add "__RequiredArchitecture", True
    Dim oLocator: Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
    oLocator.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate
    oLocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy
    Dim oReg: Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer(Resource, "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")
    Dim oInParams: Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
    oInParams.hDefKey = hDefKey
    oInParams.sSubKeyName = sSubKeyName
    oInParams.sValueName = sValueName
    Dim oOutParams: Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)
    GetStringValue = oOutParams.sValue
End Function

Function EnumKey (ByVal Resource, ByVal hDefKey, ByVal sSubKeyName, ByVal ProviderArchitecture)
	Const wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy = 6
	Const wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate = 3
    Dim oCtx: Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
    oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", ProviderArchitecture
    oCtx.Add "__RequiredArchitecture", True
    Dim oLocator: Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
    oLocator.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate
    oLocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy
    Dim oReg: Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer(Resource, "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")
    Dim oInParams: Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("EnumKey").InParameters
    oInParams.hDefKey = hDefKey
    oInParams.sSubKeyName = sSubKeyName
    Dim oOutParams: Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("EnumKey", oInParams, , oCtx)
    EnumKey = oOutParams.sNames
End Function




