* Generates a stores potential room positions off of the current template. Note: this does not take into account existing rooms. Check for existing rooms when spawning each specific room position.
* @param currentTemplate
private List<DungeonRoomPosition> generatePotentialRooms(TemplateManager manager, World world, Template currentTemplate, Rotation currentTemplateRotation, BlockPos currentCenter, Rotation currentSide)
List<DungeonRoomPosition> list = Lists.newArrayList();
//Rotation side = Rotation.values()[(int) (Math.random() * 4)];
for (Rotation side : Rotation.values())
Template nextTemplate = DungeonHelper.getRandomizedDungeonTemplate(manager, world);
Rotation nextTemplateRotation = Rotation.values()[(int) (Math.random() * 4)];
BlockPos centeredPosition = DungeonHelper.translateToNextRoom(currentTemplate, nextTemplate, currentCenter, side, currentTemplateRotation, nextTemplateRotation);
StructureBoundingBox boundingBox = DungeonHelper.getStructureBoundingBox(nextTemplate, nextTemplateRotation, centeredPosition);
if (currentSide == null || (currentSide != null && currentSide.add(Rotation.CLOCKWISE_180) != side)) // check to make sure we aren't spawning a room on the side we just spawned from.
list.add(new DungeonRoomPosition(centeredPosition, nextTemplate, nextTemplateRotation, side, boundingBox));
return list;
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