
匿名网友 匿名网友 发布于: 2015-08-30 00:00:00
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1. Talk about overriding, overloading.
2. Talk about JAVA design patterns you known.
3. Talk about the difference between LinkList, ArrayList and Victor.
4. Talk about the difference between an Abstract class and an Interface.
5. Class a = new Class(); Class b = new Class();
if(a == b) returns true or false, why?
6. Why we use StringBuffer when concatenating strings?
7. Try to explain Singleton to us? Is it thread safe? If no, how to make it thread safe?
8. Try to explain Ioc?
9. How to set many-to-many relationship in Hibernate?
10. Talk about the difference between INNER JOIN and LFET JOIN.
11. Why we use index in database? How many indexes is the maximum in one table as your suggestion?
12. When ‘Final’ is used in class, method and property, what dose it mean?
13. Do you have any experience on XML? Talk about any XML tool you used ,e.g. JAXB, JAXG.
14. Do you have any experience on Linux?
15. In OOD what is the reason when you create a Sequence diagram?
