· The high-level description for the project ‘SITTool’
· Are you comfortable for working on C++ as youare good at Java?
· Differences between Java & C++
· Why do we need MQ
· Override and Polymorphism
· Java Thread and synchronized
· Web, Struts2.0 framework
· Are you willing to work overtime?
· If you are a Shanghainese, how do you handlethe relationship with your team mates who are from other parts of China?Do you think the differences in culture have any impact?
· If you fail to deliver a report to a customerin time and then the customer becomes very angry and argues with you, how areyou going to handle it?
· List the differences between Class String andClass StringBuffer in Java.
· Describe two concepts in OO which areoverload and overwrite.
· Create a table in a database.
· Describe the generic type introduced in Java1.5.
· Explain the meaning of ‘final’ method inJava.